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(- This is originally a spoken word poem. Read aloud for maximum exposure.
-Asterisks indicate the necessity to pop your cheek with your thumb.
-Answer the two questions correctly and I will give you a hug.)

He fell asleep while traveling time
where a true name
becomes everything else.
So please give me a minute to explain myself
through the doorways
that I see champagne on a windowsill
walking across the room with blue
and fine china feet
saying again and again
drink me.
Until somehow
the words become a song
singing and swinging the bottle like a dinner bell for thirst.
A kind that we've settled to quench
with television
and somebody else's dream.
So don't pour my drink.
I'm trying to uncork it with my thumbs.


It's flat
and I still have a tongue
so I will use it and I
I will dream of a time
where ******
becomes a baby.
Dr. King becomes a baby.
Until the left and the right and every dead genius in between
a baby.

Tiny feet trying not to crush the wet salad of the lawn
because it is green,
like my heart
that has learned
how to break fine china.
From experience,
let me tell you
it's a lot more tiresome than a blue dream
but he fell asleep on a boxcar crossing Germany
where mustard gas
drowns you in your own lungs
and he tries to breath between the joints in the track



as years
hurtle by.

Asking again and again,

"Who killed me?"
"Who am I?",

until dinner was served without grace.
Until my head becomes stiff and bubble shaped
having been conditioned by
&      mounds


So we should tell all the baby Hitlers,
that become children
that become us,
that a lie
is what you become
when abusing language to distort a reality.

And when you make a fist
you are handing worlds out at random on a silver tongue.
But I still have one
and I still have thumbs
so sorry to burst your bubble but,


I don't mean to put
barbed wire
between us.  
I know it hurts
to have something so precious as the world
taken away.
But walls hurt worse
and through them only muffled sounds are ever heard
until your world is made of mute prisoners
that have forgotten what silver
really sounds like.

Blessed be
for I also have ears
so give me second place
and I will throw the medal against your walls.
Ringing out,
the universe doesn't look like an ebony tub,
with knobs we can't ever see,
full of infinite shining marbles to everybody.
Your mind
is a library
so free will isn't a book written in just English.
And tourists,
those know nothing infants trying to travel,
           ever they

Belonging like this medal bouncing trying to sing
off your wall


your world.

Where again it will ring,

we've all been runner up

and somehow
we still can become disappointments to ourselves
when another doesn't enter our library
instead of loving the stories on our shelves.

let me say grace.
Let me set l o n g tables
with the gruel that's been given
served on b  r                     n.
with sterling silver.
 Jun 2013 Elfinmox
She was 17
He was 19
She kept to herself, head always buried in a book
He broke hearts and caused trouble
They met at a train station
She was sitting on the bench, clenching a book
He was leaning up against the brick wall
eyes on his watch
waiting for the train
so he could meet his dealer
The roar of the train echoed in their ears
She got up
Her brown hair blowing back in the wind
He saw her from the corner of his eye
She began to walk towards the train
book still in hand
sun shining through the white lace of her flowing skirt
His eyes stared her up and down now

She begins to run
her light black sandals picking up pace
not even realizing it,
He begins to run too
heart beat rising in his throat
It was as if an angel had slowed down the train
or time itself
She feels the warmth of his arms around her
the trains engine screams at her
He pulls her back, holding her close
they collapse on the platform
watching the train fly past on the tracks
tears fall from her eyes
sparkling like tiny diamonds
He calms her down, brushing the hair out of her face
softly saying in her ear
"shh. you're okay. you're okay."
People talked frantically
dozens of eyes on them
The book she was reading only a feet away
She stops crying for a second
and looks into his blue eyes
He looks back into her light brown eyes
"Why did you save me? Why didn't you just let me go?"
Red and blue lights flash in the background
He feels a warm sensation in his heart
"You wouldn't have known who you would have fallen in love with
and I wouldn't have gotten the chance to buy you coffee"

That, my darlings
is how my Grandmother and Grandfather met
and still together till this day.

love is timeless
 Jun 2013 Elfinmox
 Jun 2013 Elfinmox
Doors slam like Satan himself is
in a fit of rage below us, even if he is
in the deepest level of Hell, I feel the floor
shaking like a 6.0 has just swept us but it
is only a consequence of wood slamming
against wood and fists fighting doorknobs.

Voices rise like the temperature in Arizona
in the summer, abruptly, hot and heavy, so
quickly stifling any chance of relief—
anger is an emotion I am far too familiar with.

Some people live quiet family lives, are never
interrupted in their sleep by screams from a
father who dreams of death and a mother who
carries a scythe of shame as if she is the Reaper,
some people wake up in the morning knowing
there is breakfast waiting on the table, fresh eggs
hot off the stove and orange juice with pulp, but
others wake up and make coffee for themselves,
knowing parents sleep past noon and
we are the ones who are doomed to repeat the
history of abuse and psychological suffering but:
we are the ones who will help to stifle the shouts,
to put a stop to slamming doors and shrill screams,
dysfunctional daily routines and waiting for hope
that never arrives, we have had lives consisting
of always having to act stronger than we feel
when the floorboards seem to be breaking just
beneath the force of our feet, because our
bodies are not just our bodies, we are carrying
burdens that weigh more than our bones and
blood cells combined, so when we step on the
scale the number we're reading is really how
much hurt we have been holding, not how
much food we've been hoarding inside of us.

We are the children of complex family situations,
we are spend-more-time-in-psychologist-offices-than
we-do-in-our-own-roo­ms, we are no-parent-to-tuck
We are daydreams of escaping like Rapunzel,
we are how do I save myself from a nightmare when
I am already awake?
We are years of reading self-help
books in Barnes and Noble until we finally understood
that the only thing to do is to help the world help us:
we are strong. And we understand that family exists,
but for us it is different. We are the children who find
comfort in books and coffee and anything outside
of a house so filled with tension and hatred, and we
have been waiting to fix ourselves for too long.
 Jun 2013 Elfinmox
JK Cabresos
In fragmented mirrors
where I used to see myself with you,
and now you become
my own reflection.
Tears can't bring us back,
and those sweetest talks
are only drowned
into memories, I nod.

In every corner of the streets
where we used to walk together
holding hands.
The spaces between my fingers
are where yours fit so perfectly
but now you're gone.

I still see your ghost
which frightens me to move forward,
I might stumble.
And it holds my tongue to say
that I've already forgotten you,
I might mumble.

When I'm with someone else,
it only reminds me of you.
Even when I close my eyes,
I could still see your ghost.
And the worst
is that I still want you to be mine,
but you said
you're already moving on.
All Rights Reserved © 2013
Meet me in Valhalla
When the battle's done
The cries of enemies long slain
Have faded one by one
Hold my hand, brave brother
As our glory's crowned in blood
The sword strikes deep but still
Our souls will rise above the mud
O warrior, our destiny was
To fall in foreign lands
Within our veins flow rivers strange
Our mouths pour forth with sand
We do not fear the bitter dark
That waltzes round our eyes
Hold my hand, brave brother
Led by the Valkyrie we die
We march on toward golden shields
To fight under burning suns
Meet me in Valhalla
When the battle's won
 Jun 2013 Elfinmox
Sadie K
Don't lie to yourselves,
and don't you dare lie to me
because I know that selfishness
doesn't tie nooses
nor does it
fire gunshots into the mouths
of the so called "selfish."
Shame and guilt are the culprits
the ones who cut wrists
and overdose on pills.
Yet, I'm afraid
that they are seldom
held responsible for their
You were not a selfish man.
© M.K.B.
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