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Behind the palm trees
In the vast, rust coloured sky
Sets the orange sun
 Sep 2021 eleanor prince
The morning sun whispered to the streetlights to go to sleep..
The morning sun burned away the fog from the moons dreams..
The day has chased the night away..
I was head down at my desk,
it came wafting, on a whispering
breeze through my open window
like a belated bouquet of spring
flowers, the refreshing long awaited
essence of life on our planet, gentle
new autumn rain upon thirsty earth,
plants and yellowing summer grass.

No other ethereal scent is like it.
The enticing fragrance of rebirth
and replenishment.

And what a fine, long needed
gift of nature this is.
A personal impression
celebration of living
in the moment.
Madame Fury
The Sun
Has dropped
Her lawsuit
And settled with the Moon

She'll pique and threaten
Once more
Nature, time and patience.
Sweet little flower, take my song
Go and tell her how beautiful she is
How sweet and fair she seems to be
When i resemble her to you.

Tell her how young she is
How fertile and strong.
In the day she shines just like you
In the dawn, she cast the smell
Of her sweet perfume.

She captures the heart of many
With the face that wore a rosy cheek;
A coral lip displaying an alluring smile.

But Oh little flower,
Tell her how small is the worth
Of beauty if light retired
And if one losses its soul
What gain does she have?

Then die! that she
The common fate of mankind
Oh little flower,
tell her how small is the worth;

Oh little girl, hear my song,
Let the wind of dawn blow away the empty pride
For mortal beauty will fade away
But spiritual beauty is endless.
Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
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