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S Jul 2023
why can't I shake this terrible feeling
of feeling so lost and stuck
I don't know what to do with myself\I can't even think straight anymore

I've never felt more confused about everything and i think i've just shut down

I just don't see a way out
I just don't know what to do
S Apr 2015
my body's natural defense system prevents me from ever releasing a true emotion
anything I feel
anything I display
is a figment of my imagination
S Feb 2022
pale skin
shining eyes wet with fresh tears
cherry lips
cold skin
warm cheeks
a sharp stare
dark hair
your finger in her mouth as she cries
or shaking
her hair frames her face
move it
your nail digging into her cut lip
the blood running down her chin
feels wet
a metallic taste
a delicious taste
so strange
fear in her eyes
increase it
pleasure in your eyes
you can't hide it
it can't get any better than this
improve it
keep going
I can't stop
control yourself
let go
you're being violated
take it
I can't
do it
keep going
don't you dare
this is mine
i'm yours
who am i?
I want this
I need this
i need you
I needed you
S Jun 2015
****** you but I ****** someone else
S Apr 2015
impatience screams in my ear so loud
my eyes plead with impatience to have mercy
impatience is a beast, arrogant and fearless
impatience always triumphs
now it's time to tame the beast into submission
S Mar 2017
i think it's time for change
S Sep 2017
The tide was unforgiving, so all I could do was watch...
S Jan 2022
talk to me
S Aug 2021
Sometimes I’m not sure whether the past was even that great
I look upon it with such longing for those better days

I am the unreliable narrator in my own life
And I am ungrateful for the present too
S Jul 2017
Give it a name
Make it real
I know you want to feel it

Feel it running through your veins
Liquid Terror
S Feb 2022
S for say something to me
S Aug 2018
he gives me life when he breathes so heavy right into my neck
S Jul 2015
why can't night time be forever
S Jun 2019
It's okay not to have a dream

Day after day we feel lost
wandering around
hoping, praying...wishing for a purpose
wishing for a dream
something to keep us alive
but it's okay to not have a dream
it's okay to live
to just exist
it's okay

it took a long time for me to learn this
i thought life would be empty
boring and bleak

but just because i don't have a dream
does not mean that i don't dream
never stop dreaming

stay young forever
and love yourself
S Jan 2019
i feel so ****** up every time we talk
I don't know if it's a good or bad kind of ****** up
S Sep 2020
i love the darkness within us
why won't you unleash it a little more?
S Apr 2014
i want to achieve something
i want to make something of myself but i don't want that to happen by me cutting myself off from my distractions
i want to achieve with self discipline by my side the entire time
why is self discipline so hard? or should i say why is it so hard for me?
i keep myself awake till the early hours of the morning because i can't sleep with all these regrets of what I've not achieved taunting me
so i'll feel bad about myself every night and promise and tell myself things that i will definitely do to change and achieve but that never puts my mind at ease because i never do it or i never stick to it
i stick to these bad habits like superglue but i can't seem to form the habits that i crave
constantly circulating around my head will be saying's like : 'those who do,get' or 'wake up feeling determined and go to sleep satisfied'
every day i ask myself how do i stick to self discipline
the worst thing is i know that no one else can do things for me and they need to be done so i have to do it aswell as wanting to do it
but why can't i just do it
this sounds very irrational and overly dramatic but it's so frustrating to discipline yourself i can't describe it or put it in to words easily
i guess i'll just have to **** it up and get on with things otherwise i'll never move forwards because backwards is never an option even though that's all i seem to be doing at the moment
everything is like a chore to me these days and writing as an outlet seems to be helping but it's not really so much writing that i'm doing it's more like an impulsive 'splurge' of feelings? emotions? thoughts? i'm not sure
everything just seems to be pouring out of me at a rate that i will never be able to handle and i just want things to change desperately.
everyday to me is a waste currently as that's what i'm doing i'm just wasting my days away
every day is an opportunity that i'm not seizing which makes me want to grab myself by the shoulders and shake me forcing me to give a rational explanation as to why i'm wasting every day away.
hopefully what I've just written has gotten rid of all my frustration and might actually help me overcome this  
i hate blowing things out of proportion and creating problems but this is just a massive part of my life and if i don't take action the regret i will feel will be enough to destroy me
i can't help but feel that everything is slipping out of my control and i'm at fault
i am the main character in my story and i choose what happens.
i felt like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders after this
S Aug 2020
the feeling of your collar brushing against my cheek
The texture of your white shirt
It feels so good on my skin
I can feel your body underneath it
So hard and protective

The sound of your heartbeat in my ear
The feeling of your hand in mine
Your voice in my ear
The warmth between us when you take me in your arms

The softness of your lips when I tried to steal a kiss
The tear stain on your shoulders when you said not now

That thick blue denim underneath my legs when you put me on your lap

That unsureness between two familiar strangers
That deep voice when you tell me I’m pretty

The way I melt into your touch when you run your fingers through my long black hair

S May 2015
Mary Mary quite contrary....
S Feb 2022
a moment passed
and then there was nothing
S Feb 25
oh man, i'm so TIRED
feeling the weight of life is exhausting and i can't wait for the next moment that i forget about it
S Oct 2018
looking at life through a lens is as close as i'll ever get to home
S Apr 2017
I'm sorry
its me
it was never you
i just couldn't control myself
i can't..control myself
I'm sorry that i hurt you
and caused you pain
that you don't deserve to feel
i'm too ashamed to confront you
and beg for forgiveness
so if you ever see this
im so very and truly sorry
it was never you,
just me
S Dec 2017
silent sobs left her shaking until she slowly faded away
S Aug 2021
One day I woke up and I was afraid to live
S Jul 2017
Turn your pain into money
S Jul 2020
i want to feel again
i want time to slow down
i want time to carry me in it's arms, back in time, back to you

Intimacy, i lack
Intimacy, i crave

all i have left of it is a whisper, a single thought that I chase everyday
every last bit of it has been discarded

we don't exist anymore and it hurts
does it hurt you too?
S Aug 2018
grey rooms and pink thoughts
if i believe in my thoughts
maybe i could paint this room pink forever

just for me
and i could visit this room forever
S Jul 2023
I think my wasted potential is really a heartbreak
I have so much to give to the world but nothing useful wills to pour out of me
I feel frozen

I don’t know how to unlock myself at all
S Jan 2022
I wish she was alive
but I fear that her energy would not be so great

sometimes I can feel it waning
and I start to think that she is slowly gaining life

I know that it scares her
because she starts to feel more ordinary
life looks grey
and beauty is a rare concept

she is alive
S Apr 2016
In the ancient, lives tragedy
S Jan 2019
Even though I knew all along

After a night of reflection I realised we have different nights and mornings

Polar opposites
we'll never be the same
we'll never see eye to eye
and i never wanted us to be the same
i never wanted to live as equals
but it hurts
it hurts to realise we'll never understand each other
each breath we take near each other is lost in translation
each thought that dares to escape our minds threatens to tear us apart
misunderstanding left us destroyed and in despair
and now all i can do is sit here
and reflect
i couldn't love myself so i tried to find love in you
but i sat
and i reflected
and i realised
we have different nights and mornings
we weren't meant to work
we never were
S Jul 2020
it hurts
hurts so much
S Sep 2018
once again it's silent
i can feel my steady heartbeat
and life is simple
S Jun 2019
by your side at 1am
i was reluctant but i still did it

2am now i'm feeling comfortable

3am the cold air hits me and i'm excited
i move closer to you and you crush me
your bodyweight hurts in all the right ways

4am i've got you right where i want you
and ******* definitely have me

5am you refuse to admit it
you refuse to say the words aloud

5.15 we're in comfortable silence

you say it's getting late

5.19 everything went back to nothing ever happened
S Nov 2017
but i'm still learning...
S Feb 2019
I fell for a man I couldn't have been with, ever
I fell for a Man I shouldn't have been with ever
polar opposites
the world was against us
S Sep 2019
i guess i ****** about too much
S Feb 25
i feel distant from myself
i feel distant from God
i don't feel like a friend
this has to be self torture right?
it is my hand that is crushing my windpipe RIGHT?
i know everything is by the hand of God
but it feels like i'm hurting myself badly these days
but the pain hurts so good
sometimes it doesn't even feel like pain
that's the problem
the lines are so blurred between the two that i can't see where anything begins or ends anymore
how these lines get crossed
how everything blurs into one
how i am slowly making a descent into nothingness
how fast i am fading..
it feels like i'm free falling
and the hand of God, invisible and mighty, cushions me and slowly, very slowly is lowering me down
so i'm not falling..
i'm not crazy
S Mar 2023
S for say
say something to me
I miss your writing on here
S Jan 2022
I wanted to write tonight
to maybe say something beautiful
or something soulful
maybe even passionate

I wanted to captivate somebody with my story
with my words
the way that I could say something

I wanted to give meaning to my ongoing thoughts
maybe some beauty too
but my heart feels really empty
I feel empty overall
I guess my soul doesn't feel all that alive

I am alive and that's it
it doesn't count for much

maybe I thought that writing could be the spark to light my fire again
I wanted it to be the surface that I would strike my one and only matchstick against
but I keep striking it
and striking it
and it's just started to look damaged
S Apr 2019
Simplicity is tainted by our foolish and selfish desire to change what is pure
S Apr 2015
i'm overridden with lust
my heavy lidded eyes are bloodshot
clawing at these sheets
barely able to breathe
biting my lip so hard even blood refuses to escape the fire within me
i'm typing this whilst you watch me
S Apr 2015
attraction for attractions sake
S Jul 2015 many do you have?
S Aug 2020
W H A T    W E N T   W R O N G   W I T H   M E

searching for answers i guess
S May 2016
I've forgotten how to act around you
At the start of all this I was the slickest and suavest siren around
But now I squirm at the thought of your stare
And become aware of my breathing
As if this paranoia takes me over to the point where Its as if I am the only one in a room that the focus is on
I try to sneak glances at you
And it's quite untrue
When I think I may just have a future with you
Because you
Yes you
Are just a figment of my imagination
An object to fuel my desires,
The real ones at least.
My interest is waning
Yet I'm still struggling with the failure of this
Because when I think I may have a future with you
Suddenly you're not just a figment of my imagination
you're real
And I can't believe it
That you stand before me
And now you're just another distraction in my life
S Apr 2017
i want more
S Jun 2017
Say it's me that you adore
S Jun 2022
Maybe I could turn my radio on and listen to the static, it means you’re there somewhere right? If I push that button to talk, you’ll hear me right? If I hold my radio tight will I one day hear your whisper through the interference? Are you there? Do you copy? Do you copy?
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