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S Apr 2015
short, sweet, the girl you probably want to meet
she, keeps, it, real, in the sheets, sometimes
tall, sharp, the girl you won't meet
because she won't give you the time of day
she, oh she really keeps it real, you see,
is not real,
but she feels real
S Sep 2018
the way you look at me makes me shiver
it's so delicious
i can taste it on my pretty pink tongue
S Jun 2017
I sealed our fate tonight
But so did you
And you thought I wouldn't notice
S Apr 2015
in the depths of my mind you do not exist
at the forefront of my mind you exist...occasionally
in my subconscious I feel your presence
and when I am unconscious, we are one
S Aug 2017
I live in the west
but i am still in pain
trapped, tormented and scarred

I live in the west
cushioned and protected

So i decided to **** myself up
Because I live in the West
Because I am privileged enough to go to war with myself
S Jun 2018
the most intense poetry you will ever write comes from the words that never get published and instead get erased by your blinking cursor
yeah that's gone in the blink of a cursor

It's what you really want to say
it just never made the cut

maybe this is why we're all numb
because our real feelings never make the cut

we chop and erase and blend things to fit our sick agendas
but then again I guess this is me just stating the obvious
S Feb 2022
I let you see me and now I can't see myself anymore
S Jan 2019
I fell out of love with myself
from a manic i can't even look in the mirror
I am my enemy
I am everything I hate

I used to be my world
but i stumbled into this unknown rocky terrain and I guess it just changed me

I am no longer me

Who am I?

I wish I could love Myself
S Sep 2015
i have him
but i want you
you have me
and you want me
S Aug 2015
look back at the scattered virtual ink that was pre-determined to be a mastery of the intricate structure you saw with him
S Aug 2015
I'm growing tired of living multiple lives
S Jul 2015
I've disappeared from your list
and I live in hope,
that maybe,
I won't be missed
S Aug 2017
"So we beat on, boats against the current..."
S Aug 2018
It hurts to breathe
but it's so delicious
this toxic feeling is indescribable
but i want to keep chasing it
it feels so good

but i don't want to remember that day
S May 2017
I'm trying not to focus on this feeling but my mind can't resist temptation
I keep coming back
S May 2015
my life exists behind closed doors
i swallowed the key
you can try kicking down the door
S Jul 2019
i love that we only exist at night
S May 2017
Just stay close to me
Don't make a sound
And I promise
We'll never have to run
Ever again
S Feb 2014
I drifted as you once did
that night
When you felt nothing but you felt everything
I sat there in mute understanding.
Now you're not here I guess I should drift?
Who's going to save me?
I drifted, I was so close to the edge.
Your truck barely staying on land,
tipping away every so often.
The tipping increased
My eyes shot open,
suddenly drifting wasn't so good or was it. I was in your place.
Did you stop me that night?
Did you watch me in mute panic and understanding?
Did you achieve your goal of turning me into you?
S Feb 2022
Loneliness, that vast silhouette of love, rose up around us like a hedge maze
S Jul 2015
can you  compare yourself to a train
cause when you think about it
life runs like a train
we run
like trains
someone usually controls us
watches us
we have a set path
that we choose
or is chosen for us
we can take lives
and our paths can be altered
sometimes we can go wrong
or be delayed
sometimes we forge friendships
and sometimes we help with escapes
occasionally we carry out crimes unknowingly
but most of all we keep moving
maybe we stop for a while
but we always keep moving
S May 2015
I remember when you told me that you didn't miss her
But I caught you today
Trying to get back together,
With her...
S Feb 2022
Sometimes I wonder if this is my becoming or my undoing?

maybe the lines have just blurred
maybe they’ve always been blurred
S Apr 2017
It's so cold out here
S Aug 2018
did i do all of this for you..or did i bleed for myself?
was it pointless?
did bloodlust really leave me that blinded

feral, driven and desperate?

I should feel ashamed
but it just feels so good to bleed
S Mar 2016
If you can't beat em, destroy them until you can't join them, because they simply don't exist anymore
S Jun 2016
I just want to slip back into it
S Aug 2020
can anyone hear me?
i'm screaming, but maybe these pixels aren't loud enough
S Feb 2019
Coping with the loss of someone comes with indescribable pain
and it's sad because life will always go on

That just makes me want to hold onto the pain even more
because thats the last thing on this earth that let me know you were real and that you existed and that you were in my life.

I don't want to forget about you ever, I don't want life to go on and forget about you

But I have to let go
and it's sad
it's really sad
I can't do it
I loved you so much
How can I live and how can I cope when I'm so used to seeing you everyday
and now there's just nothing
when I wake up there's just nothing

I hate that one day you won't have existed anymore
The show will go on
It waits for no one

I don't even want to be part of this show
but like i said we all end up getting roped in somehow
I'll try not to forget you
I'll try so hard
S Apr 2019
and now i'm grey
so so grey
i barely exist
sometimes you can't even see me
i float around
like a whisper

I exist in my mind
and sometimes in yours when it's late
when the silence gets too much
S Oct 2013
why am I doing this to myself
why am I doing this to my mind
I can't help it
could you?
I should say something
but what's the point
with you?
S Feb 25
my old friend, Im not sure much has changed
what else did i expect
from myself?
from life?
from others?
i don't know

there's so much i want to say but at the same time i find myself silent
i find myself zoned out
seeing the curser blink every so often


why am i always hurting
why does it always feel like i'm on the other side of everyone else
why am i always begging
it feels like everything that i want demands my blood, sweat and tears and even then it's not enough, i still don't get it
i mean **** it, i don't even want or need half of what i want
i just
why does everything feel so difficult for me???
raw and insufferable complaints
S Jun 2015
he said
come closer
S Mar 2016
Art not without ambition
S Apr 2017
one day we'll see the stars
S Nov 2017
those eyes haunt me
one day i might slip into the cracks of your old weathered skin
and never stumble out again

i'm safe for now
but i can't shake this attraction

is it attraction? or is it self destruction?
S Apr 2017
you held me there,
watched me,
but you didn't do anything
S Feb 2018
we would never lay a finger on eachother
but we still wake up with bruises
i mean just the other night
i found the pattern of your ring embossed in my skin
but i'll swear to it, i am whole and have never been hit

there are cuts on my back,
deep scars in my gut,
but i have never been hit

there are stab wounds in my heart
but i swear I have only ever been stabbed in the back

the list goes on but i'm still baffled
why is my body so broken
why does my heart cry
why does my brain deceive me

people have hurt me with their words but i thought my body was stronger than that
i thought i was stronger than that
i thought i was impenetrable
i thought i was wearing armour

did it fall out along the way? was it just aluminium foil instead of titanium steel?

did i do this to myself?
are my questions hurting me?
who is hurting me?
do i deserve this?
should i fight back?

I thought i was fighting...
I'll try to keep going
but just a warning
i might give up
but i'll try for you
S Apr 2017
just a little something to take the edge off
S Aug 2017
Why don't you love me anymore
S Sep 2017
he's a danger, a liability
S May 2015
Momma says "cherish the time you spend with me,
Cherish the time you have left with me"
S Sep 2019
I can't shift this feeling
that things are never going to be okay again
that things will never be the same again

and this thought spins around my mind
on repeat
until i fall asleep
S Apr 2019
i have put my life and soul in to this piece
i dedicated my life to this
how dare you
ruin it
come in and criticise it
My life's work
what i put every fibre of my being into
S Dec 2017
a cry for help is the only cry that is never heard
S Jun 2015
Imagine if you could send your thoughts to someone
in little pulses of light
when you think of them
and you think about words
but you can't form them into a coherent sentence fit enough to condemn you
these little light pulses
say it all
S Jun 2021
It doesn’t even hurt to break now
I’ve lost all feeling in the places where I’ve shattered and been put back together

and now even if I break more
And shatter into tiny, minuscule, incomprehensible pieces
It just wouldn’t matter at this point
And that’s why it doesn’t hurt

Maybe it’s not a bad thing
To be spared from more pain
But it would be nice to feel something sometimes
Even if it is searing hot pain

To know that I’m alive
To know that I feel
S Apr 2017
somewhere, something went wrong
S Feb 25
always looking over my shoulder
always keeping an ear free
always opening the window just so I can breathe
S Jul 2019
i am grey
and as for black and white, they always tango around me
battling for dominance
but they forget
that the tango isn't that kind of dance

they throw each other around
instead of moving in harmony

but i am harmony
i am the perfect balance that exists between them

they ignore me
and they will keep going until they self destruct
so i'll watch them from the shadows
until i fade away...until i am nothing but a whisper on their lips
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