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S Nov 2013
Notice? why didn't I ever notice
till now
S Aug 2023
How fleeting is the sound of the neighbours hammering
And how sustained is our rage at the sound of it
S Jan 2022
I'll always walk down a path if it is inviting
I cannot be blamed for that
S Jul 2017
Prisoner of freedom
S Aug 2018
opening this **** laptop up is like opening pandoras box
S Feb 21
What did my crazy, innocent heart ever do to end up in such an imperfect vessel?
S Feb 2022
Can anyone hear me? Does anyone see me?
S Sep 2020
growing up i was fascinated by the feeling of your head breaking through the water's surface
now i'm addicted to the feeling of drowning

no that's too violent, too extreme - it's not like that at all

more like falling
or floating

just letting myself fall, deeper and deeper
the sound of the world getting more and more faint
the more i fall
but it's okay because everything is so calm, so peaceful and so still

in liquid, the world freezes for me
i become fluid, the only thing that moves
the only constant thing

something that i can focus on
the feeling of falling
while the world stops around me

it's too late to try and swim back up to the surface
even if i wanted to
i can't even panic
because nothing matters at that point
the damage is done
i may be moving but my body, my mind is still
S Jan 2022
My compassion for you is inconvenient
S Jun 2018
I grew up to be sinful and it's so hot
S Apr 2019
We got different stars and stories...but why is that such a bad thing?
S Aug 2016
one day
S Oct 2013
whispers and silhouettes ddance out me
i cvan barely type
shivers over come me
i cant do this
any     m
S Feb 2014
My suit is ripped
deep slashes across my ribs
I'm bleeding in to you
don't patch up the wound
S Apr 2015
He's the type of boy you see in the hallways
with a cigarette dangling from his lips
though smoking isn't allowed on school property.
If you look over his shoulder and see his sloppy handwriting making up notes for English class
the only words repeated
would be something along the lines of
the afterlife.
I promise that if you look at his veins and if you bother to realize that they climb his hands like trees
you'd notice that all the deoxygenated blood has yet to care.
If you walk past him in the hallway
and you see him leaning against a wall
say 'hi',
not because he's broken and he needs your fixing
but because it might be fascinating to know someone as twisted as you
so why walk by the boy that smells of death and cigarettes
and not attempt to be friends with him
when you know his mind is just another dark variation of the rabbit hole.
You see, you could fall in love with him,
but really, would it be any different from falling in love with yourself?

You sit in math writing dark poems, attempting to make something physical out of the acting in your heart
but does it even matter.
He's doing the same thing in science class
except maybe his are a little more twisted than yours
and maybe that's what makes you jealous
perhaps he's dipped his fingers into the bowl of life
and you've dipped yours into the fountain of death
but morbidity seems to ache for him in a way that will never yearn for you
and maybe it's silly
to romanticize these thoughts
but darling, I can't seem to picture blood running down a knife
and not bring a sort of sweet satisfaction from it
and maybe I'm twisted
perhaps my mind is not a place for the faint hearted
but my love, who ever said I was strong
S Feb 2014
A young boy, the lonely poet they called him
He was a truth no one could see
At night he escaped from his room and roamed the barren alleyways
hand in his leather jacket
stolen bottle of alcohol in his backpack
drugs in his bloodstream
words stuck in his throat
it's a funny thing
the fact that he felt the night air understood him the most and was willing to listen to his broken whispers of speech
he longed for a certain type of romance
he longed for the smudged ink in his notebook where his soul resides to merge together and form a girl that will **** him whilst bringing him back to life
S May 2015
We must both like the chase,
A lot
S Dec 2020
so lost so alone
S Feb 2022
I have so many thoughts but sadly I have nothing to say anymore
I am mute and numb
Yet I still feel


Regretfully I still feel
S Sep 2013
Floating numbness
Whispers and rich baritones of your voice that I so rarely hear
Floating pain
Shrieks and screams of your voice that I so rarely forget
Sinking thoughts
Pleas for help and final breaths that encompass me
S Jan 2018
she is the life we all deserve
S Sep 2013
Why do people expect poetry to make sense
When poetry is made up of emotion.
S Aug 2020
i have nothing else to say but i don't want to leave
S Feb 2014
S Sep 2013
Is it wrong to give up
Why do you crush me
Everything's just why you ,leave everything a frustrating mystery
Do you even care about the aftermath?
I look at you almost everyday with a heavy heart
Wishing just wishing things turned out differently
Understand, please
S Sep 2019
we need a reason to create art
S Nov 2020
Hits backspace on every thought and emotion
S Feb 2022
when you can have everything, why want more?
S Jan 2019
Did I lose myself
or did I gain you?
S Jul 2023
Life has a light that never fades but we just keep closing our eyes for too long
S Sep 2020
the old me no longer impresses me anymore
S Sep 2018
just **** me up
i need it so bad
to feel burning pain turn into blinding pleasure
S Feb 2019
I want to feel warm again
Like everything is okay
S Apr 2019
pure raw and unfiltered emotion
S Jul 2017
Controlled by my desires
S Sep 2017
Fake love
S Jun 2021
is it so wrong for me to want something good and pure?

All my life I’ve been entangled in destruction
Seeking it, causing it, craving it, deserving it
The list could go on forever

But is it so wrong to want something good?
To want something intimate and whole?
To want trust

sometimes it feels like I’m asking for too much
But what I want has to be out there somewhere
I’m not insane
This is far from irrational right?
I am deserving right?

Or can a wretched creature like me be trusted with something pure and good? Am I too tainted for what I want?

I feel tainted
I feel destined for destruction
But a part of me still hopes I can be saved
S Nov 2018
where did you go?
were you even real?
S May 2017
Tell me, is my anger justified by the existence of passion?
S Mar 2021
pure energy coursing through my veins
i'm alive

i'm breathing fast and it feels so good
S Sep 2017
the sickness
began to rise
slowly up my throat

the shaking started
to rock my world

it was time to start coping with things
instead of being comfortable with things
S Feb 2022
Sometimes it feels like the more I lose, the more free I feel
S Jun 2022
Is it possible for a human to feel so sorry?
S Aug 2018
i wasn't thinking about you
until you told me to

it's the truth
and i know it hurts

but there's so much beauty in pain
so i envy you

i wish you could me hurt the way i hurt you
S Mar 2020
if it hurts to breathe, just know you're about to live for the first time
S Nov 2020
When I’m happy I feel like it’ll last forever
But it never does
S Jan 2022
I want to see you burn with me
S Sep 2019
i'm tired of conflict
of anger
of sadness
of pain
playing the game
being one step ahead
being calculated
having a poker face
being reserved
staying relevant
all these irrelevant things
all these first world problems
are so relevant

just grow up
these things are so tiny
so insignificant so pathetic
block them out

but i can't
who can?
no one
and they're lying if they say they can
S Oct 2020
Is anybody out there?
Can you hear me?
I could use some company right now
Small talk or life stories

Maybe we don’t have to talk about those things

I just need to get lost in something...someone
S Nov 2020
Man it’s tough being this **** and depressed
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