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Aug 2017 · 184
S Aug 2017
i don't want us to ever grow apart
S Aug 2017
watching her fall down the metal stairs
step by step
from across the street
was odd

her blood stained hair looked kind of purple under the flickering street light
i think she'd look better with blonde hair
it'd really bring out her eyes
Aug 2017 · 126
absence makes the heart sad
S Aug 2017
I can't take this anymore
I don't know where to go or what to do
I've driven myself insane
I can't exist within my own mind
I can't make sense of anything
i feel like i'm

Deeper and Deeper
Down into the rabbit hole
into a place where time goes backwards
but the good thing is
after a while
i start to feel a sick sense of relief
and everything's okay again

so i guess i'll keep venturing down into the rabbit hole
just for a little while longer
Aug 2017 · 94
Eyes closed
S Aug 2017
I live in the west
but i am still in pain
trapped, tormented and scarred

I live in the west
cushioned and protected

So i decided to **** myself up
Because I live in the West
Because I am privileged enough to go to war with myself
Aug 2017 · 111
He said
S Aug 2017
Why don't you love me anymore
Aug 2017 · 126
Right here
S Aug 2017
This feels like home
Jul 2017 · 151
Old flames
S Jul 2017
He used to tell me I was young fire
Jul 2017 · 187
Looking down on me
S Jul 2017
Like the eyes of God
S Jul 2017
Give it a name
Make it real
I know you want to feel it

Feel it running through your veins
Liquid Terror
Jul 2017 · 140
Never forget
S Jul 2017
You don't know what a person feels inside
Jul 2017 · 136
It's called innovation
S Jul 2017
Turn your pain into money
Jul 2017 · 140
S Jul 2017
Prisoner of freedom
Jul 2017 · 280
Take me back
S Jul 2017
The heart speaks volumes
But no one hears its barely audible whispers
The heart grows frustrated
It isn't just a vessel that feels

It's neglected
It's lonely
And it deserves love

It's used to find love
But it's tired of not being loved

So it shouts and screams
And pounds the walls of your body that trap it
Because it is tortured

And it will always be unhappy
Because we are Selfish
We forget that it lives
We forget that it feels
We abuse it and blame it
We threaten to rip it out of its home
While it's still beating and begging for mercy

But we do it anyways
We ****** our hearts in cold blood

and your heart in its last dying breath whispers to you
"Never forget the first time that we met"
and despite the fondest memories that you see in that moment
You **** it
And you spend the rest of your life as an empty shell
But one lone thought circles around your retched mind

The heart speaks volumes
Jul 2017 · 132
S Jul 2017
Controlled by my desires
Jun 2017 · 113
S Jun 2017
It's the honest truth
S Jun 2017
She sat there sobbing because her husband used to hurt her

I tried to feel sadness for her

But it turned me on instead

In that moment I got lost in fantasising about her man's hands threatening to end my very own precious life

I got lost in my breathlessness
And ****** up thoughts that came at the wrong time
Jun 2017 · 103
S Jun 2017
I let him ruin me
Jun 2017 · 101
S Jun 2017
He ruined me
Jun 2017 · 96
Just one last time
S Jun 2017
Say it's me that you adore
Jun 2017 · 99
S Jun 2017
He still sees you
He still thinks about you
He still wants you
But it's so much easier to hate you

It's so hard to love him
Jun 2017 · 127
She knew her place
S Jun 2017
She loved living in her alternate universe
But the thought of being God shook her to the core
She hates this place
But she fears God more
So she sneaks away at night instead
Jun 2017 · 142
Numb but I still feel it
S Jun 2017
My heart beats for my mind, not for you
I tried to persuade it
To care for something else
But there's just something about my mind
That it just can't get enough of
Jun 2017 · 123
S Jun 2017
I sealed our fate tonight
But so did you
And you thought I wouldn't notice
Jun 2017 · 135
S Jun 2017
We are a situation,
Careless and undefined.
We can't even be classed as a sensation,
We already used that disguise.

We tried for a relation but that ship sailed,
So I guess this is goodbye.
Jun 2017 · 119
Welcome to the club, M
S Jun 2017
Night after night she waits by his side wondering how she could be his perfect woman
Jun 2017 · 132
S Jun 2017
I want fantasy
May 2017 · 122
When I'm dancing for him
S May 2017
I look good in the red light
May 2017 · 107
All fucked up
S May 2017
What can I say...
you know
just how
to entice me
back into my dark ways
May 2017 · 354
S May 2017
He looked at me sigh
Through his half jaded eyes
Yet my eyes
Strayed aside

So He grabbed my neck
And with one stiff click
My eyes locked with his forever
May 2017 · 131
S May 2017
I know there's someone out there who can see what I see
May 2017 · 109
S May 2017
There's a story in every time zone
May 2017 · 152
S May 2017
Stone cold
Broken bones

Empty guns
Soulless and numb

Too far gone

No more rehabilitation

It's time for retribution
S May 2017
I'm trying not to focus on this feeling but my mind can't resist temptation
I keep coming back
May 2017 · 135
Forbidden love
S May 2017
Just stay close to me
Don't make a sound
And I promise
We'll never have to run
Ever again
May 2017 · 112
We don't wanna be seen
S May 2017
It's better if they don't know
May 2017 · 186
S May 2017
Tell me, is my anger justified by the existence of passion?
May 2017 · 170
Lets fuck
S May 2017
Apr 2017 · 169
S Apr 2017
Lonely for you only
Apr 2017 · 261
S Apr 2017
Heavy breathing

Lip biting
Teeth grinding
Stop writhing

Heavy breathing
Apr 2017 · 165
A stranger can...
S Apr 2017
Keep me warm on a cold night
Apr 2017 · 227
i am an outsider
S Apr 2017
somewhere, something went wrong
Apr 2017 · 158
S Apr 2017
her bedrooms walls were covered in drawings
and you thought they were made by a sweet little kid
the way they were carelessly scribbled out
but those drawings were not that innocent

they were drawn by your daughter on her darkest nights

look a little closer

Apr 2017 · 146
S Apr 2017
open her eyes and see that all of us promised her,
that i when my shut my eyes
she would see millions of tiny lights
around her

tell her
that they were once my memories
Apr 2017 · 126
S Apr 2017
it's called emotional cleansing, look it up
Apr 2017 · 238
when we were invisible
S Apr 2017
Anger is like that villain we used to laugh at in cartoons
when we were kids...when we were invisible

I learnt that all of them craved power,
craved control,
a purpose,
and not much else.

They wanted to be noticed,
they wanted to make a change whether it was good or bad,
make their mark in this world and the hereafter
they were special
they were different

I learnt that they live inside of us,
in our hollow shells that we call a body.
Late at night when you can't sleep,
these villains are awake,
plotting and planning,
and wondering
just how they can achieve world *******
over your body

Anger makes us shout so we get noticed
Anger makes us different,
it changes us so that we can never recognise ourselves in the mirror
ever again
and we never know whether that change is good or bad,
and i don't think we'll ever know

Anger gives us a purpose,
something to blame,
something to hate,
we channel all our efforts into hate
till it consumes us

Today my time has come,
to be one of the villains that used to live inside of me.
They consumed me,
broke me down and turned me into one of them...

I am anger.
Apr 2017 · 212
i try
S Apr 2017
I'm sorry
its me
it was never you
i just couldn't control myself
i can't..control myself
I'm sorry that i hurt you
and caused you pain
that you don't deserve to feel
i'm too ashamed to confront you
and beg for forgiveness
so if you ever see this
im so very and truly sorry
it was never you,
just me
Apr 2017 · 155
S Apr 2017
We have traced every line
On this map
And as I lay here
I'm yet to care
Apr 2017 · 116
S Apr 2017
It's so cold out here
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