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Apr 2017 · 162
They told me...
S Apr 2017
Love *****
I mean I don't even know if this is love
This my problem
I've never been in love
Maybe I have
I don't know
People describe it to me
They say 'trust me you'll know'
But I don't think I will or can ever know
I don't think I'm built to differentiate between real feelings and fake feelings
I don't know what I'm feeling towards you
But I get this sad feeling when we aren't talking
When we aren't with eachother
I guess that's love
Or some twisted version of it
I guess I'll just have to settle for it
And I wish
I just wish
That I could say all of this to you
And more
And I know that life's too short to hold back
But some part of me
The cautious part of me
Tells me to think twice about what I'm doing
If I open up to you, what's the worst that could happen?
But I can never read you
I never know WHAT to think
I never know what you think
I don't want to feel like this
Weak, vulnerable and needy
I don't want to feel like control is not within my reach
Be mine
But *******
******* for making me feel like this
For hating every moment since you've been in my life
******* for making me feel this way
I'm weak
I thought I was stronger
I've never been the girl that sat around missing a mans presence
But I guess fate has its own way of getting revenge
Maybe I just feel too much
Or just feel too deep
Or think too much
But I'm so detached at the same time
So distant
So complacent
Maybe that's why I'm so confused
Maybe that's why I'm just not so sure anymore
About anything
About me
About you
And about us
If that even exists

I want to see inside of you
Every last detail
I see something in you
Because at first I didn't expect it
I thought you were pretty average
It turns out
You're pretty cool
And the best part is
I don't even think you know it
I don't think you can see what I see
But what if it's just me
What if it's my warped vision
Trying to convince us both of a lie
And hating you for telling the truth

First time I saw you
I just knew
I just knew...

I needed you to love me
Word *****. I'm choked up with emotions and no one to talk one that I want to talk to
I don't even think this is what I wanted to say
If you only you could see inside my mind, it's a lot more eloquent
Apr 2017 · 137
i'm your dream girl
S Apr 2017
she had a penchant for strange old men
the kind she was afraid to look in the eyes
he had a penchant for little girls like me
who distracted him from the emptiness of his life
Apr 2017 · 118
heaven is mine
S Apr 2017
one day we'll see the stars
Apr 2017 · 123
save me and i'll save you
S Apr 2017
i can't help but wonder what we could become
this feels so right
but it's going so wrong
give me a chance  
and i'll give you one
to make something beautiful
out of something so ****** up
it's like the odds are all against us
but we can't deny
each other
we're not that cruel
not that sadistic
we like pain
but we don't love it
so maybe we'll try
or maybe we'll die
but i won't give up
Apr 2017 · 124
i held back
S Apr 2017
unrequited love keeps us alive
it gives us hope
it gives us a reason to live
so i understand why you're still alive
but why am i?
Apr 2017 · 157
S Apr 2017
substance abuse
acting obtuse
Apr 2017 · 138
just know
S Apr 2017
i want more
Apr 2017 · 111
you make me feel
S Apr 2017
i pretended that i was ready for you
for what we did
but i can't go on pretending that i'm okay with slipping into my old ways
you just have a way
of corrupting me
and you think it's okay
but have you ever seen me
when it's all over
i can't even see myself
i don't ever want to see you again
i'm blind
until the next time
Apr 2017 · 114
S Apr 2017
in my mind
the pain was alive
but on paper the blood dries
vibrancy doesn't have the will to live in words
Apr 2017 · 125
S Apr 2017
i have a thing for games,
wanna play?
Apr 2017 · 99
he said
S Apr 2017
just a little something to take the edge off
Apr 2017 · 137
come closer
S Apr 2017
you took me by surprise
i underestimated you
i owe an apology
not to you
but to myself
Apr 2017 · 122
S Apr 2017
this year i learnt that the more you avoid something, the faster it hits you
it comes into your life wrecks everything and moves on to the next person
it lives the life that it wants to
and watches yours fizzle away
we exist so that it can live
maybe i should turn the tables?
make a sacrifice?
if i don't exist, it can't exist

nothing can exist by itself
things come in pairs
one thing cannot survive without the other
so beware
i'm coming after you with fiery vengeance
Apr 2017 · 111
S Apr 2017
you held me there,
watched me,
but you didn't do anything
Mar 2017 · 162
I'm trying to get to you
S Mar 2017
Close your eyes princess, you don't want to see this
Mar 2017 · 127
S Mar 2017
What is your fantasy?
Mar 2017 · 114
In the End
S Mar 2017
i think it's time for change
Jan 2017 · 233
Wanna take the lead?
S Jan 2017
Be the better man
S Jan 2017
It's a rich kid party
Oct 2016 · 345
I have to show off
S Oct 2016
We're forced to fit in
Oct 2016 · 188
S Oct 2016
The angsty teen I grew up dreaming to be

But I hear things sometimes

And no one knows where the noise comes from



The wood floors whisper

I start to whisper
S Oct 2016
Why did we have to get even
It's not like we ever gained control of a situation that has always been imbalanced
It's not like we will  

Why does it take me over
The urge To become someone I hate
It rips everything apart
Rip everything apart
But it feels so good
Especially when I feel so bad
I like feeling this alive
Makes me question
I'm really
Oct 2016 · 163
S Oct 2016
The spaces between the glass are not equal
Oct 2016 · 159
S Oct 2016
I don't want to give up
Oct 2016 · 131
S Oct 2016
Tell me who you are
Aug 2016 · 250
Soir de fête
S Aug 2016
step into this world full of dreams
the ring leader will show you the way
hop into his top hat and escape to a far and distant place
marvel at the spinning cups and sorcerers
and watch the kids in glee riding the marey-go-round.
you see the stripes on the ringleaders jacket? pin straight lines? that's a map of this world full of dreams
this is no circus show
this is a freak show
enjoy the ride
Aug 2016 · 202
S Aug 2016
one day
Aug 2016 · 167
1000 years
S Aug 2016
Used to look up to the sky
not anymore
i'm one step closer \
Aug 2016 · 164
S Aug 2016
i could fall for you
Jun 2016 · 156
S Jun 2016
I just want to slip back into it
Jun 2016 · 180
S Jun 2016
Little scarlet drops of life
cut cut cut
a little deeper
feel the life come and go
May 2016 · 182
17 again
S May 2016
I'm Looking Hopeful
May 2016 · 171
S May 2016
A feeling of elation
When you think back to old memories
We all love who we used to be
It makes me smile
And the people that I used to be around
It makes me sad to live in the past
But it makes me even sadder to live in the present
And just half sad when I think about the future
Because the future is always better
But it's sad sometimes
When you know that one day
The future will just be another sad present
May 2016 · 166
S May 2016
I'm perfect and content in my world
But I crave the taste of another's
I'm comfortable with my own conflicts and pain
But nothing's as fun as inflicting conflicts on another person
And making them uncomfortable

What am I saying
I thought I was changing for the better
How could I be so casual about this
I forgot
I have to be normal for just a little while
So I guess I'll stop walking
And exit this forest
But I'll be back
One day
And I'll
Miss you little fox
May 2016 · 316
S May 2016
Die Straßen zu seinem Herzen führen, sind mit Gold gepflastert , aber wenn man in der es fertig zu bekommen, alles, was Sie sehen, ist kalt und hart Stein, und nicht die kostbare Art .

Seien Sie vorsichtig, mein kleines süßes Mädchen , wir gehen Sie zu verletzen
May 2016 · 223
Just for a little while
S May 2016
I've forgotten how to act around you
At the start of all this I was the slickest and suavest siren around
But now I squirm at the thought of your stare
And become aware of my breathing
As if this paranoia takes me over to the point where Its as if I am the only one in a room that the focus is on
I try to sneak glances at you
And it's quite untrue
When I think I may just have a future with you
Because you
Yes you
Are just a figment of my imagination
An object to fuel my desires,
The real ones at least.
My interest is waning
Yet I'm still struggling with the failure of this
Because when I think I may have a future with you
Suddenly you're not just a figment of my imagination
you're real
And I can't believe it
That you stand before me
And now you're just another distraction in my life
May 2016 · 200
Don't forget me
S May 2016
When someone is angry and leads you into anger
On a lucky day, I'll stop and ponder
And just wonder
Just what could have gone wrong in their day
To spark this anger
And sometimes getting to the root of the problem can be enlightening and fulfilling
But most of the time it only Serves to fuel anger
You realise that you're caught in this vicious circle of trying to justify another's action
Just to put your own emotions at rest
But I'm uncomfortable with empathy
And thinking of somebody else's feelings
It's very boring
It's unappreciated
So we should all stop
Not that I expected anybody to appreciate it
Because humans are horrible creatures
And human nature is the most sickening of all
The ******, the condemned and the crazy
We've all congregated here today
To witness the mass destruction of ourselves
Say your last words
Eat your last meal
And say goodbye
S Apr 2016
In the ancient, lives tragedy
Apr 2016 · 240
S Apr 2016
my interest in you is an obsession
and i've found a way
to make you obsessed
with yourself
Mar 2016 · 195
This is for you E
S Mar 2016
My silence bites him like the frost in winter
My mystique eats at him till he no longer exists
I wear honesty on my eyes and lustre on my lips
But now He sees through that disguise, when did he become like this?
Mar 2016 · 150
Get out of this myth
S Mar 2016
If you can't beat em, destroy them until you can't join them, because they simply don't exist anymore
Mar 2016 · 217
Heart racing
S Mar 2016
Art not without ambition
Jan 2016 · 165
i know
S Jan 2016
i've lost my touch
Dec 2015 · 174
ring the bell
S Dec 2015
and i will never be
Dec 2015 · 156
pick one
S Dec 2015
all i can feel is the change within me
and not much else really
Dec 2015 · 227
I'm saving you
S Dec 2015
you say I'm cold
but i know you like it
when I'm tight
Dec 2015 · 162
be careful
S Dec 2015
when i stare at myself in the mirror
i get lost in my eyes

i'm just
Dec 2015 · 203
S Dec 2015
when I'm on top of you
riding you
at 3am
i throw my head back
just as you scratch my bare back
and grip my hair in your iron tight fist

it's then, at this point
that i want you to drag your fathers blade from the hollow of my throat all the way down to what gave you all this pleasure for 7 years

i hope i look cute when you're finished with me, Doctor .
Nov 2015 · 235
S Nov 2015
I saw him with his eyes shut
Watching me with his eyes covered
The dust from his hat only intensifying the clarity of his vision
This gas station is his
Nov 2015 · 239
S Nov 2015
There's a fire, and its sparking up
Somewhere in the ether,
Run run as fast as you can
He'll catch you one day
Not if you're faster than his plan
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