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Jan 2021 · 81
S Jan 2021
i wonder just how much our distance broke us
grey thoughts to red actions to nothing
a flame that barely licks at me now
a single flame
i don't always feel it
sometimes it burns
sometimes i notice it

but never mind
S Jan 2021
i don't feel like i exist
or maybe i don't feel like existing

life scares me
i'm overwhelmed
and confused
S Jan 2021
she's all ripped fishnets and random thoughts
fake vampire fangs with a thirst for fun
cherry lips that just pop
flushed cheeks that turn you on
with thoughts as cold as ice

she loves wild fantasies and getting lost in love
she fears growing up
she has no regrets but can't let go of the past

she's on the mind of everyone she meets
they just can't let her go

she's darkness in every way but oh so cute
cold hands hidden in sweater paws
and little cat ears on her head
with a love of violence
if you see this, tell me a little bit about you maybe?
Jan 2021 · 83
S Jan 2021
to be by your side
is such a lovely place to cry
S Jan 2021
push me to my limit
I just don't care
i never cared
not once
destroy me
push me to my limit
till i can't breathe

hold me close against your chest
feel my heart race
my short breath
we're on fire
thing's don't seem real anymore
blurred lines
you cross every line
feel the danger
explore the space in between black and white

don't dry my tears
don't muffle my cries
make me scream
feel the fear
voices in my head
are they real?

shout at me
hit me
be sweet to me
am i really your baby\?

take it to the next level
i want extreme
this isn't real
it can't be

i'm trying to get to you
i'm so scared
help me find my way
those veins
i won't trace them to find my way

i'm hot
and you're laughing
your name won't leave my lips
your eyes, they're blown out

is that blood?
Jan 2021 · 83
i'm stuck
S Jan 2021
silence is so comforting to me right now
but it frustrates me in equal measure
S Jan 2021
when i move against you
i'm alive again
S Jan 2021
these memories mean nothing, I don't need them anymore
i just sit there and romanticise things that aren't even real

the past isn't real
it was pure imagination

i'll keep telling myself that
Jan 2021 · 58
S Jan 2021
Looking for somebody that's batshit crazy
like f*cking insane

hmu if this is you <3
Dec 2020 · 51
you call this a home?
S Dec 2020
if we traced the white lines on this cracked mirror
i'm sure we'd both find the x
Dec 2020 · 65
S Dec 2020
my existence is really getting to me at the moment
living as an adult is so empty
my true feeling is that i don't know how much longer i can take this
i'm still a really long way away from something like 30 but i would honestly consider ending things there

there's just nothing
life is empty
the years worth living have been lived, there's just nothing
i can't take my own existence anymore
Dec 2020 · 61
S Dec 2020
can anyone hear me?
or am i just screaming in to the void
Dec 2020 · 50
S Dec 2020
you're the closest thing i ever had to intimacy , maybe that's why i refuse to let go
every part of me is sickened by you
but i crave you in equal measure

do i love you because i love you?
or do i love you because you've been here since i was a child?
because i don't know anything else but you?

you're the closest thing to home
the thing is, home to me has always been somewhere i've ran away from
but i never forget home
Dec 2020 · 67
S Dec 2020
so lost so alone
Dec 2020 · 43
S Dec 2020
you make me sick

so why do i still miss you?
S Dec 2020
i really wish i had someone to talk to right now
Nov 2020 · 43
S Nov 2020
Man it’s tough being this **** and depressed
Nov 2020 · 60
Thank u for listening
S Nov 2020
Please kindly do not perceive me, I am not real. I am a concept
Nov 2020 · 42
S Nov 2020
Can we trace the lines on this broken mirror and find our way home?

Nov 2020 · 48
why why why why why
S Nov 2020
why why why why why why why why why
Nov 2020 · 42
S Nov 2020
Hits backspace on every thought and emotion
S Nov 2020
Now I’m laying here, ******* on the floor
I tried to fill the void  

Fingers sticky with my sin
I feel empty

I guess this wasn’t the answer after all
Nov 2020 · 36
S Nov 2020
How did I end up here again
Nov 2020 · 44
But it’s okay
S Nov 2020
I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate my self
Nov 2020 · 40
S Nov 2020
I wish it would feel good to scream
Nov 2020 · 47
S Nov 2020
When I’m happy I feel like it’ll last forever
But it never does
Oct 2020 · 46
S Oct 2020
Oct 2020 · 43
Taste me
S Oct 2020
Cherry kisses
Flushed cheeks
Cherry pop
S Oct 2020
In my dreams
You weren’t real
You were perfect
You weren’t human

It felt so real
But you weren’t
S Oct 2020
My skin is on fire
Burning with sin

Let’s burn together
Oct 2020 · 42
S Oct 2020
I feel stuck
Oct 2020 · 47
*’* ******
S Oct 2020
Is anybody out there?
Can you hear me?
I could use some company right now
Small talk or life stories

Maybe we don’t have to talk about those things

I just need to get lost in something...someone
Oct 2020 · 52
2am yet again
S Oct 2020
Why do I feel so empty?
I’m so bored
So blank
Barely surviving, hanging by a thread
A slave to my desires

Help me understand
S Sep 2020
i love the darkness within us
why won't you unleash it a little more?
Sep 2020 · 50
S Sep 2020
the old me no longer impresses me anymore
S Sep 2020
all this writing on the wall      does nothing for me/
i thought it would make me feel whole again
but i was wrong

every time i'm happy i think it will last forever]
but it never does
Sep 2020 · 36
S Sep 2020
was it real?
Sep 2020 · 37
S Sep 2020
it all felt so real
Sep 2020 · 27
S Sep 2020
i'm scared and i'm on edge
Sep 2020 · 35
i have to accept things
S Sep 2020
it's too late it's just too late
Sep 2020 · 44
S Sep 2020
growing up i was fascinated by the feeling of your head breaking through the water's surface
now i'm addicted to the feeling of drowning

no that's too violent, too extreme - it's not like that at all

more like falling
or floating

just letting myself fall, deeper and deeper
the sound of the world getting more and more faint
the more i fall
but it's okay because everything is so calm, so peaceful and so still

in liquid, the world freezes for me
i become fluid, the only thing that moves
the only constant thing

something that i can focus on
the feeling of falling
while the world stops around me

it's too late to try and swim back up to the surface
even if i wanted to
i can't even panic
because nothing matters at that point
the damage is done
i may be moving but my body, my mind is still
S Sep 2020
12:36 am
everyone is asleep

i'm still so lost - who am i?
what do i want?

i know i'm supposed to be tough
a little girl all grown up now
but i feel so small
so scared and so unsure
S Aug 2020
S Aug 2020
the feeling of your collar brushing against my cheek
The texture of your white shirt
It feels so good on my skin
I can feel your body underneath it
So hard and protective

The sound of your heartbeat in my ear
The feeling of your hand in mine
Your voice in my ear
The warmth between us when you take me in your arms

The softness of your lips when I tried to steal a kiss
The tear stain on your shoulders when you said not now

That thick blue denim underneath my legs when you put me on your lap

That unsureness between two familiar strangers
That deep voice when you tell me I’m pretty

The way I melt into your touch when you run your fingers through my long black hair

Aug 2020 · 30
S Aug 2020
waiting for someone to turn the key
Aug 2020 · 40
i can't fix myself
S Aug 2020
i ****** up again
i keep doing this over and over and over and over and over and over and over again
S Aug 2020
is anyone else scared that the kind of love they want does not exist and is unattainable? i think about it all the time
S Aug 2020
schoolbooks always thrown on the floor while i explore another world for a few hours
Aug 2020 · 85
S Aug 2020
i have nothing else to say but i don't want to leave
S Aug 2020
i write on here for ME
because day by day my memory feels like it's fading
fading so fast

i won't understand a single word written
but i'll always know that i felt something at some point
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