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Feb 2022 · 73
I feel like I am fading
S Feb 2022
Truthfully I feel like putting a bullet through my expired mind
Like cutting a maxed out credit card in half
Or throwing out a chipped glass, because how could you keep one? It’s going to hurt you, make you bleed and just be useless

I don’t even bleed deliciously anymore
Even the pain isn’t enough
It just isn’t enough for me anymore

If I felt empty before then my present state is not even describable


Why live if you can no longer tap into your soul?
Why suffer through the days in the empty vessel of our bodies if your substance is no where to be found?

Maybe I’m just incapable of it now
S Feb 2022
Getting full on emptiness and getting high off my pain
Feb 2022 · 82
S Feb 2022
Can anyone hear me? Does anyone see me?
Feb 2022 · 100
S Feb 2022
I have so many thoughts but sadly I have nothing to say anymore
I am mute and numb
Yet I still feel


Regretfully I still feel
Feb 2022 · 62
All for love
S Feb 2022
In the leaking sieve of our bodies,
we carry the blood of our love
Feb 2022 · 277
S Feb 2022
Sometimes it feels like the more I lose, the more free I feel
Feb 2022 · 70
from the ashes I rise
S Feb 2022
Sometimes I wonder if this is my becoming or my undoing?

maybe the lines have just blurred
maybe they’ve always been blurred
Feb 2022 · 67
Forever and ever
S Feb 2022
Loneliness, that vast silhouette of love, rose up around us like a hedge maze
Feb 2022 · 409
I’m sorry
S Feb 2022
I just feel really sorry
Jan 2022 · 146
S Jan 2022
Love me? forever and always?
Jan 2022 · 79
A single flicker of light
S Jan 2022
Like a moth to flame
My desires cling to me like I am the only sinner left in the world
I never sold my soul
I never wanted to
I just dipped my fingers into that pool of darkness
And one day the stains started to appear

My soul is stained
My heart is tainted
My mind is a beautiful place but there are shadows lurking in the hallways of my minds palace
And I cannot dispute the fact that they scare me
They scare you too

I am taken over
Now they live in my person suit


Somewhere along the way I got really lost

So you don’t know me
I’m just a cover for what truly lies within
In the dark of the night
And in the silence of the day
You’ll see what’s inside of me
There’s really not much left of me
but I assure you, whatever scraps lay scattered inside of me, they are human
Jan 2022 · 93
S Jan 2022
maybe my anonymity ruined me
but is it such a crime to want to stay hidden?
Jan 2022 · 96
S Jan 2022
you hurt me, and I hated myself for being in pain
Jan 2022 · 102
S Jan 2022
My compassion for you is inconvenient
S Jan 2022
It's always 3am
just waiting for something to happen
just waiting to feel something
It's always 3am

not 4am or 5am
it's always 3am
Jan 2022 · 105
S Jan 2022
I'll always walk down a path if it is inviting
I cannot be blamed for that
Jan 2022 · 177
I see you so
S Jan 2022
talk to me
Jan 2022 · 90
seven stars
S Jan 2022
I look up at the night sky and I wonder if our stars are the same


How long will it take you to reach stars?
Jan 2022 · 81
S Jan 2022
the hardest thing about growing up is not knowing what you mean when you say you're tired
Jan 2022 · 78
Because I love you
S Jan 2022
I die each time I **** you
Jan 2022 · 100
S Jan 2022
I want to see you burn with me
S Jan 2022
I wanted to write tonight
to maybe say something beautiful
or something soulful
maybe even passionate

I wanted to captivate somebody with my story
with my words
the way that I could say something

I wanted to give meaning to my ongoing thoughts
maybe some beauty too
but my heart feels really empty
I feel empty overall
I guess my soul doesn't feel all that alive

I am alive and that's it
it doesn't count for much

maybe I thought that writing could be the spark to light my fire again
I wanted it to be the surface that I would strike my one and only matchstick against
but I keep striking it
and striking it
and it's just started to look damaged
S Jan 2022
living is useless
what's the use of being good
when we don't exist anymore
Jan 2022 · 63
what is real?
S Jan 2022
I wish I could watch every moment of my life so far like a movie

I mean, I don't know what good that would do but I don't have a purpose for this
I just want to see things that I could not remember

I want more depth
I want to see things
and chew on them
I want answers
I just want to see

I guess I do have a purpose for this
S Jan 2022
I listened to strange music at the back of my history class when I was 12 and now I'm brain damaged
Jan 2022 · 48
S Jan 2022
She is very much alive
and the only thing that occupies her mind is how much she doesn't want to be

- - -
she knows that this thought is wrong
but all she cares about is her beautiful energy
it's lost
somewhere in the ether

- -
she is starting to accept her fate
but living is strange to her

she is alive
Jan 2022 · 50
It's not her fault
S Jan 2022
I wish she was alive
but I fear that her energy would not be so great

sometimes I can feel it waning
and I start to think that she is slowly gaining life

I know that it scares her
because she starts to feel more ordinary
life looks grey
and beauty is a rare concept

she is alive
Jan 2022 · 45
S Jan 2022
there is an energy to her walk
there is life in her every step
and when she turns to leave
she leaves an aura of death trailing after her

she is intoxicating
because she is focused

as she walks all she can think about is her beauty
she does not need to worry about her surroundings
she knows everybody is taken in by her

the world disappears when she walks
she is once again surrounded by beauty
intoxicated by her own beauty
and the life that radiates off of her

she is sure of herself
she's not alive though
Jan 2022 · 125
a passing thought
S Jan 2022
I feel like we never truly age, the child inside of us just waits and bleeds
Dec 2021 · 251
Love and war
S Dec 2021
Do you know what it feels like to excel at both receiving pain and inflicting it in equal measure?
Nov 2021 · 60
S Nov 2021
on a Sunday afternoon I told him that I love him
it took him by surprise
but he said he loves me too
and I know that he truly meant it

I meant it too
I felt every emotion that comes with love and I felt it deeply
It does not matter to me that I have no idea whether it’s platonic or romantic love
It’s still love
And it felt good…it feels good
I went where my emotions lead me to and for once it wasn’t to a dark place

I feel happy
A love that’s not defined
It’s just pure

A person once said to me ‘what is love?’ and they didn’t ask it as a question because it just can’t be questioned
and at the time I didn’t understand but I do now

there isn’t an answer or a definition

today a tear slipped down my face, out of happiness
I have learnt a lot of lessons and I’m glad that I stayed alive to learn them and to keep feeling

I will complain about life tomorrow but at least I felt today. At least I have the hope that I will feel again another day

Thank you for letting me feel the warm rays of happiness on my skin once again
Oct 2021 · 431
Lone wolf / no club
S Oct 2021
Am I alone or just lonely?
Aug 2021 · 61
S Aug 2021
I hate who I am
I hate who I have become

I wasn’t always like this
Or I guess I was never as bad as this

Maybe that is why my past haunts me
I lost something I once had
Something that came so naturally

I lost myself in many ways

But at the same time I’ve changed in so many ways for the better
Well better to some
Sometimes I feel like even the changes that are “positive” are not truly positive for me and who I am

I needed things to stay the same so i could be the same
I know change is good
But I feel like somewhere along the way I messed up and now I can’t even stand being around myself

Looking to the past is like undoing everything that has lead me up to the present day me
It’s like I can forget all the days leading up to my demise
Aug 2021 · 203
I shut my eyes
S Aug 2021
Sometimes I’m not sure whether the past was even that great
I look upon it with such longing for those better days

I am the unreliable narrator in my own life
And I am ungrateful for the present too
Aug 2021 · 73
S Aug 2021
Why has nostalgia got such a chokehold on me?????
Aug 2021 · 124
It’s called depression
S Aug 2021
One day I woke up and I was afraid to live
Jun 2021 · 229
S Jun 2021
Staying up late to write about my emotions is never a good idea

I gain nothing and just get tired
but it’s an addiction I guess, maybe
It’s the act of writing that keeps me coming
Pouring myself into the letters of the alphabet
Even if it means a couple of drops spill
Jun 2021 · 89
S Jun 2021
is it so wrong for me to want something good and pure?

All my life I’ve been entangled in destruction
Seeking it, causing it, craving it, deserving it
The list could go on forever

But is it so wrong to want something good?
To want something intimate and whole?
To want trust

sometimes it feels like I’m asking for too much
But what I want has to be out there somewhere
I’m not insane
This is far from irrational right?
I am deserving right?

Or can a wretched creature like me be trusted with something pure and good? Am I too tainted for what I want?

I feel tainted
I feel destined for destruction
But a part of me still hopes I can be saved
Jun 2021 · 69
I am alive right?
S Jun 2021
It doesn’t even hurt to break now
I’ve lost all feeling in the places where I’ve shattered and been put back together

and now even if I break more
And shatter into tiny, minuscule, incomprehensible pieces
It just wouldn’t matter at this point
And that’s why it doesn’t hurt

Maybe it’s not a bad thing
To be spared from more pain
But it would be nice to feel something sometimes
Even if it is searing hot pain

To know that I’m alive
To know that I feel
Jun 2021 · 86
S Jun 2021
if not now, then when?
Jun 2021 · 64
a note from me, to me
S Jun 2021
Don’t give in

Don’t do this
You can’t do this
Don’t do this to me

You can’t do this to yourself
Be stronger
I believe in you

Everything you feel you need to succumb to, you are not powerless against

I’ll hold your hand
never letting go
I’m here
I’m here
I’m here
S Jun 2021
I’m dreaming of being a fairy
Ethereal and other worldly
With not a care in the world

What would I do you ask?

I’d run through forests, mystical and teeming with energy
I’d bathe in a little lake under the beaming sun
Then find myself in a meadow where I could lay in the grass ****
Borrowing energy from Mother Earth
Jun 2021 · 68
S Jun 2021
I knew you would leave
Everyone always leaves

You hated that you didn’t have all of me
But could you blame me?
You wanted all of me because of your impatience, because of your own curiosity

You demand and I’m supposed to supply?

You never loved me
If you loved me then even having a part of me would mean something

I love you
In some way
And to even have a scrap of you meant everything to me

I never put you on a pedestal
But that’s love to me

You never loved me
You never loved me
You never loved me

You never love me
You never love me the way I deserve to be loved

in all of this did I lose myself? Or did I gain you?

Whatever it was, it was fleeting
Like it always has been
Like we always are

Thanks for all the good times I guess
But it’s time you learnt your place

You will cease to exist to me
You never gave me what I deserved
But i promise I will give you just that
And I mean that
I feel it
With no more regret or sadness

I’ll miss you for whatever stupid reason
But I know that if I lost myself again, I’d miss me a whole lot more

Goodbye, A
S Jun 2021
The night grew quiet and lonely
So I chased my high


I forced myself to
I forced myself to
S Apr 2021
every time i’m happy I think it will last forever

but it never does
Mar 2021 · 441
S Mar 2021
The most beautiful moment in life
S Mar 2021
I'm scared
i'm so scared

I'm a scared little girl

I may have grown up but inside I'm still a scared little girl


im scared
and the little girl inside me always had to hide away
silenced in my haste to grow up
the haste of everyone wanting me to grow up
and live far beyond my years
and now that everything is said and done
and the damage is done
and the damage is done
all she wants to do is be a little girl
and she just wants the world to be a little kinder
maybe a little more softer on her

I want the world to see her for what she is

just a ******* the cusp of adulthood
not a woman\don't treat me like a woman just yet

but they never do
they never did

they wanted her to be in their world
where everyone was so much older than her
they shirked their responsibly towards her

and she learnt too much about the world too early

"it's a dark place out there kid, be careful, don't come around here again"

that's all they had to say

but never mind
never mind
never mind
Mar 2021 · 81
S Mar 2021
pure energy coursing through my veins
i'm alive

i'm breathing fast and it feels so good
S Mar 2021
what did I do
will God forgive me?

These feelings of guilt and disgust
I'm bathing in them
purifying myself inch by inch, in a sick and twisted way

am I a creature of hell?

I couldn't resist
the urge was just too much
it consumed me

i hate myself
was it worth it?

the desire in me screams yes
it always does

but i know it really wasn't

i'm tired of being led by desire

a sinners pathway to destruction

God please save me
have mercy
Mar 2021 · 492
S Mar 2021
\ i could really use a friend
just this once
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