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 Feb 2014 eigengrau
JK Cabresos
The world is sleeping with gun
under its pillow.
Dreaming of fantasies
to shade its broken windows.
People against people,
souls against souls.

The world is sleeping in terror
beneath the moonlit night.
'Tis the coldest war of the year;
raining tears from the skies.
Yet every cloud has a silver lining;
tomorrow is never been frozen.
All Rights Reserved © 2014
You asked me to save you
And I couldn’t for what little life was left of me
Figure out why you would ever ask such a broken person to perform a task like that.
How was I supposed to save you when I couldn’t even save myself?
I’m sorry that we both had to die
Even when you offered to save me if I saved you.
But you didn’t know that I was too far gone to ever be rescued.
feedback is always, always appreciated.
like my Facebook page :)
“Where did you get those marks on your arm?”
Instincts pulled the fabric down over the evidence.
I thought of giving my normal excuse:
My cat scratched the hell out of me.
Most people didn’t know that I didn’t even have a cat.
But they never questioned the lie.

I didn’t answer the girl’s question right away
And the silence that filled the space between us
Reminded me of when a stranger enters the elevator;
Neither of us talked or looked at each other.

I thought of telling the curious girl about my teenage years
And how it seemed a dark cloud seemed to hover about me;
Reigning over my head and sliding beneath my feet
Like a magic carpet, taking me to places I didn’t enjoy going.

I could have told her that often times I felt
That terrible cloud becoming stronger, overwhelming me
Like turning on a faucet, warm water covering the bottom
Of the bathtub, inch by inch, creeping over the surface like the tide drowns the sand.
I could feel it like that eerie feeling that comes
Before a big thunderstorm, starting near my feet and seeming to
Crawl up my legs as I tried to push it down and away.
But pushing it was like pushing a cloud of smoke, it swirled
To other parts of my body but still it lingered around.

I didn’t tell the girl that while growing up,
When it rained, it poured:
One thing went wrong and five others went wrong,
Like a design of dominoes. One tips over, and soon
You’re left with too big of a mess to handle.

I thought about telling the girl that I often
Laid in bed at night, a staring contest with the ceililng
As I imagined myself floating around the high walls of the church
Where my funeral shouldn’t have even been held
Because of all the sins I’d dreamt of committing.
Suicide is considered a sin.

I pictured my mother crying, my brother trying to
Keep his composure; my friends who’d dressed in black and sat
In the church pews, keeping hold of the secret they’d refused to do anything about.
I imagined a lot of hugging and tears, but mostly I heard lies
That they’d tell about me:
“She had so much going for her.”
“It’s really too bad.”
“What a beautiful girl she was.”

I saw myself lying inside the casket, one half of the tube open,
Revealing my arms crossed in front of me,
My fingers laced in between the spaces of each other
As if I were praying much too late.

After discovering the scars upon my wrists,
I would be clothed in long sleeves to hide what everyone
Had been pretending not to see.
I didn’t tell the girl that I’d already seen my funeral.

She continued looking at me, waiting for the answer
To the question I’d hoped would never be asked.

I thought about telling her how I kept a thin, silver
Razor blade hidden inside my purse so when that dark
Cloud of smoke threatened, I could slice my way through.
I didn’t tell her that there was a time when I depended
On such a small, dangerous object. And I didn’t tell her that
I often grasped the metal like a lifejacket to keep me afloat
Amongst the raging waters that wanted to drown me.

I wanted to tell her that late at night after I was sure the house
Was asleep, I cried huge, heaving, silent sobs.
My pillow caught my tears and the blanket served as a Kleenex.
It was all I could do to hold back the truth of telling her that
I grabbed my life preserver many times and would drag the blade
Across my flesh, creating a ripple of red ink over my pale, white wrist;
A tear in the canvas of my body.

I thought about telling her that many nights
I drank too much alcohol and digested too many pills
And cut too deep into a tunnel so far that I couldn’t see the light at the other end
And how I tried to climb to the top of the hole where I felt stuck
Only for it to feel like someone stepped on my fingers,
The pain making me let go and fall again, deeper to the bottom.

I thought about telling her that I’d been lost and I tried
Finding myself by drawing maps over my wrist with a
Car that had seen too many miles in such a short amount of time.
I wanted to tell her that I made too many mistakes that I couldn’t
Take back; ones that I couldn’t hide or cover all the time.
But she wouldn’t understand.

So instead, I pushed my sleeve back up to the middle of my
Forearm where it’d been when she’d first asked,
Exposing the lines of flesh that had healed over but
Left a permanent scar of raised skin.
I ran my fingertips over it, feeling the wounds
Like a train moves over ridges of the railroad.

The girl’s eye’s studied my scars that I showed her.
I took her arm in my hand and traced my fingers over
Her own skin,
Then I took her hand and told her to do the same.
She did, then repeated the motion on mine.
Her cold fingers touching what I’d never wanted her to see.

We made eye contact again.
“Do you see how your skin has no bumps on it like mine?”
I asked her. She nodded her head in response.
“That’s how it’s supposed to be. Don’t ever think about ruining it.”
I told her.
She nodded her head again, too young to comprehend,
And turned around to run down the hallway.

I didn’t want my daughter to see me as a victim, but a survivor.
here's the revised version. let me know if you like the changes or think I should take stuff out. Give me some serious, serious feedback. I need it to produce the video :)
(I'm a bit undecided about the title) :(
Do not stand at my grave and weep..
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awake in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft star-shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry..
I am not there. I did not die.
 Feb 2014 eigengrau
Daniel N
 Feb 2014 eigengrau
Daniel N
i’m rotting
my thoughts are overflowing
like a hurricane they blow
i can’t breath
i can’t see
i’m drowning in a wave of anxiety
my words are the knives in my heart
my cries the thunder, and my urge the earthquake
it shatters through me
breaking every bone and vessel
until i am covered in my own blood
and drenched in my own fear

- dan
 Feb 2014 eigengrau
Daniel N
 Feb 2014 eigengrau
Daniel N
your smile is like a sunrise in my heart
it melts my frozen heart
into a pool of your words
where i drown in the soft sound of your voice
and i listen to the cries, my heart broken in two

i reach out my hand to hold your head
and instead lift a boulder
that has rolled through the darkest of caves
and has seen the deepest side of hell
but has found its way into my weak arms

i just want to see you smile
and forget that the world is spinning
and time is turning
because all i want to see
is your rising sun

- dan
 Feb 2014 eigengrau
In the magical moonlight, I wish I could hold him tight
On the wet grass lay I, beneath the Banyan, in the silver twilight
Branches sway to the rhythm of the crickets
Cool wind gushing into my ears, escaping into the darkness within
Like the scar above my eyebrow, he left behind a memory
Catching notice like the pain that caused it.
I close my eyes and I hear him
The intimacy in his voice awoke a long-lost God
infinite layers within me.
"But why? why? Just why?
Why don't you want love, *****?" I ask
He says "Love is unhealthy", I turn away and sigh
I look up at the dark sky to watch those beautiful stars I can't reach
He is right in the middle of it all, glistening bright
Like the Sirius to the night sky, a nocturnal emperor
I am fortunate enough to warm myself with a cuddly blanket
Well, it's just that I wish the blanket was him.
Inspiration is everywhere.
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