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Leather and Lace
It's a killer embrace
wrapped up in sin
a mischievous grin
lock the door
clothes on the floor
your eyes are on me
my heart beats wildly
pull me close
breathe my name
I've never been one for your
The bed is soft
your hands are rough
"God you're so beautiful"
I don't dare call your bluff
shallow breaths
and heaving chests
there's lust in your eyes
fingers caress my thighs
you smell of leather
as you pull down my lace
I snap my eyes shut
and drink in your taste
once I was cold
but now I am burning
burning and yearning
for more of that embrace
it's killer
it's wicked
and I can't get enough
my insides are stirring
my heart skips a beat
my mind is far gone
I realize you've won
but so what if you did
because in the moment
in that very
I've never needed you more
The feel of your pulse
it races against mine
my heart thuds once more
and then I open my eyes
hooded stares
shaky limbs
I fall to your chest
and breathe in your skin
it warms and tingles my inner core
sending a shock wave until
lust and love
I couldn't tell the difference
i just wanted you to stay
and hold me
and wash all of it away
the sorrow
the pain
the loss of innocence
the darkness beneath
and the lack of what once was
the feel of your body
it lingers against mine
as you reach for your leather
and I pull on my lace
I turn to your face
to see the emptiness still remains
You pull me in your arms
one last time
no words are spoken
and the silence echoes
Your arms fall to your side
and in one long stride
you unlock the door
The silence is broken
by the slam of the door
a mirror falls off the wall
and just like my world
it shatters
I'm alone again
and left to contemplate
is it even worth it anymore?
 Feb 2013 Elle Frazier
Ayaba Babe
I just want to put my lips on you.
I want you to feel what my kiss feels like against your skin.
You're beautiful on the out and you're
Beautiful on the in
Like a sun kissed beach in the dead of winter,
Like a leech
I will shed you of your skin and **** you down to the ocean and encourage you to swim
Dive in.
Like Trey Songz, but you're sexier.
The *** will be messier
-because I'm so attracted to you
Linguistically attached to you-
Borderline infatuated
Suspended in poetic serenity.
I just want to put my lips on you.
I want you to feel what my kiss feels like against your skin.
I want to worship you in places that God would surely tell me were unholy and forever-more my temple will be barricaded with sin
And I'll tell God,
Tonight, I am not Christian.
Tonight, I want to make devilishly passionate love to you
You will feel my lips against your skin.
You're gone,
Just as fast as you came.
With my love
I* remember the time when
I was enough
For you
To my life of my relationship that didn't work
To the map of the human heart
Sought at the age of 15
When I lost my virginity to a lady slightly older
Like most younger boys, it was based on the many lies i told her
Just to hold her and to show her
I had so much to prove
Like i had more experience than she thought i knew
And even though it wasn't true, It was amazing
But it ended because I did what most boys do
Listen to the lies and the rumors of a fool
Which ultimately led to this poor girl getting socked in the jaw in the middle of school
And even though I didn't do it,
I felt like i was the one to blame
Because the girl that hit her was the cousin of the man that insulted my game
Now a days it just doesn't seem cool
Now tell me what the hell am I supposed to do
Then a wise man told me "The only way out, is the way through"
extreemly old piece
not what you guys are used to
People ask me why I cut
People say "Why would you do that?"
I'm too young to be this sad
People don't understand
I cut for me, I cut for pain
Emotional pain makes me sick
It is unbearable and all-consuming
Emotional pain in which I wallow
Physical pain is easier
Physical pain is short term
It allows me to Focus
Focus on the thin red line
The drops of blood pooling
I don't have to think at all
Nothing comes into my brain
Nothing but pain signals
No remembrance of ****
Abandonment and abuse
Cutting is my escape, my salvation
I am full of so many demons
When I cut I bleed them out
Each drop of red is a tear I've cried
Many tears and many red droplets
Physical pain overcomes me
Wraps me up in a ****** up blanket
Cutting is my drug, my escape
I am given the chance to numb
The ache in my heart is released
Through the valleys in my arm
Valleys carved into my flesh
Released through the blood
Pooling on the bathroom floor
A puddle of pain and demons
This is a puddle of me, all the
*****, nasty, unlovable, *******
Then there is a moment of bliss
That moment when I numb
Like right before they put you to sleep
The numb feeling of emptiness
I don't think about the demons
The demons in my head, screaming
They are no longer in my brain
They are in the puddle on the floor
No longer inside of me
Gone for a moment but not forever
Pain always comes back
This is why I cut, to quiet the pain
The damage is done
Blade already ******
Brain already shut down
Now numb and empty
So void of feeling
Hollow to the core
Substance is long gone
What is left?
Empty shell of a girl
Already damaged, done
Vacuous and blank
Like a sheet of paper
Not yet tainted
With lies already written
By my own devilish hand
A blank slate with
Room left for life
To be lived and loved
What is left?
Nothing, emptiness
A blank book with room
For written words
By my own hand
What is left?
Hollow to the core
An empty shell
Already damaged and done
 Feb 2013 Elle Frazier
Pandora dO
Go on, go on...

Don't stop but
keep going on,
'cause we need to
keep working
all the day long.

Money doesn't come
to you by itself,
you need to work
and need to earn it.
Otherwise, too bad,
no food and no nothing.

But have you ever stopped?


And listened?
Have you listened
to what your body says?

Have you ever stopped?


And felt?
Have you felt
what your body needs?

Sitting still
and doing nothing,
it might be difficult
but take your time
and take your rest
when you need it.

As when it's too late,
when your body is spent,
when the burnout is close,
what will you do then
besides doing nothing?

No, nothing.
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