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 Feb 2013 Eunice
Liz Anne
Here's the pitch

        Bukowski's an *******
        But I'll put up
        With his lousy ****
                                                                         First one's a fast ball
        Dickinson's a hermit
        And if we're honest
        All she really needed
        Was to get out of the house
                                                                         Number two and she missed the curve
        Hughes never taught me much
        He was a saint long before
        Death to the far too optimistic man
                                                                          Ball three flies straight to the bat
        Morrison could hypnotize and tried to be
        More than just one bad acid trip
        But no one could quite decide
        If he was any good without the Doors
                                                                          Strike three, ladies and gentlemen
        I'm a hopeful poet
        Who's wondering now what
        It is they'll say about me

You're out!
 Feb 2013 Eunice
Afraid to breath...

for fear    
I may inhale
 Apr 2012 Eunice
I can keep my balance
on your tight rope of insecurity.
You say you're a two.
but baby, you shine like an eleven.
Covering my eyes with optimism,
cause all I see is pessimism.
Sometimes it’s better to be blind
then to see at all.
Black and white.
Day and night.
It’s too bad the color wheel
doesn't have a neutral shade.
I can't take sides anymore.
because both parties are wrong.
 Apr 2012 Eunice
Carolyn J Reilly
You come to me
In the dead of night
While I’m sound asleep
It’s lovely to see you
Even though it’s surreal
More memories to keep

After you’ve been
The things that you said
Stay with me all day
I wish when I woke
You were still there
And hadn’t gone away

It’s not just you
Who visits my dreams
There are lots of others to
But none of those mean
As much to me
As my visits from you do
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