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Hope is not in the situations going on around us.
Hope is not on what we can do for ourselves either.
Hope is not something tangible that is of this world.
But Hope is on things that are not yet seen by us.
But Hope is on the Living Savior God Lord Jesus.
On what he is doing for us and at times through us.
Hope is being able to smile even though everything  is..
falling apart all around, even though we are really hurting.
For Hope is something that Christ has put within our hearts.
Though my heart is heavy with brokenness.
I shall not give up, I shall not destroy myself.
For as long as there is life within my body.
There is hope, for my God makes us over comers.
My God is the God of the weak, and humble.
He speaks Hope, Joy, Peace and Love into us.
So no what happens in my life here on earth.
It is heaven that the true hope is drawn to.
For my hope is not here but in being with Jesus.
Though my heart is heavy with brokenness.
I shall not give up, I shall not destroy myself.
For as long as there is life within my body.
There is hope, for my God makes us over comers.
My God is the God of the weak, and humble.
He speaks Hope, Joy, Peace and Love into us.
So no what happens in my life here on earth.
It is heaven that the true hope is drawn to.
For my hope is not here but in being with Jesus.
Hope lives, and light the way to Salvation.
Hope lives, because he died for our sins.
Then he raise himself back up to Life again.
Giving unto us an open door to Salvation.
For there is but one whom gives Salvation.
It cost him sacrifice his Life for us to be saved.
But he took his Life back once again from the grave.
For only the true Savior could take his Life back.
Savior whom name is Jesus the Christ Lord God.
There is only one true Hope of the world, only one true one.
They hung him on a Cross over two thousand years ago.
His name is the Christ and he gave us this Hope on the Cross.
But it took him resurrected back to Life to fulfill that Hope.
A sinless Savior taking all of our sins upon himself on the cross.
Dying there upon that Cross with all of our nasty sins upon him.
So that now we have that open door to accept Salvation from him.
He whom was perfect and sinless took our deaths upon himself.
So that we whom once was his adversaries could join him.
In heaven, celebrating the perfect love of his with him for all times.
Now this is True and Perfect love that he has displayed for us all.
I have always felt that my Hope was in the next life.
But lately the scales been falling off of my wearily eyes.
Now that I seen just how personnel my Living Savior is.
I see now that my Hope is in this world as well as the next one.
So now my Joy is completed with him whom has rescue me.
Tears flow tears of Joy flood from my eyes in realization.
Now I know that you go before me to heal my wounds.
Sometimes its years before you do the next step of healing.
But none the less you did not forget about me Lord.
Thank you each for allowing Christ to use you.
To show Us that , He uses Us to Spread His Hope.
That His Hope at times may be as simple as a kiss.
Or seeing a kind gesture by a complete stranger here.
Or having someone whom disagree but still Love You.
Or a Friend whom suffers yet still keeps pushing through.
Or seeing someone that You care about hurting then Healed.
There are so many different ways that Christ has used Us.
But the Greatest is the Unconditional Love We share for each other.
Hoping and Believing that each of you are being healed.
Hoping, and Believing that each of you are being Blessed.
Hoping , and Believing that Christ is Saving each of you.
Hoping, and Believing that each of you are feeling Loved.
Hoping, and Believing that each of you are being well Fed.
Hoping, and Believing with Christ Faith that things are getting better.
Hoping, Believing, and Trusting that we shall be celebrating together.
In Heaven with a Great Table that we shall be surrounded.
Hoping, and Believing that you shall become Greatly Blessed tonight.
How do I give up on self, one day at a time.
How do I lay down anger, one day at a time
How do I turn to thee, one day at a time.
How do I Love others, one day at a time.
How do I Live Life here, one day at a time.
How do I show others respect, one day at a time.
How do I accept others, one day at a time.
How do I choose Life, one day at a time.
How do I begin to give, one day at a time.
How do you truly know if you had made a difference in the world.
It is not done through Financial wealth, but through tears that were shed.
To fully come into account that you are truly love here on the earth.
Is by ** w many people attend your funeral after you had die.
It is even more shown through the tears that been shed for you.
This now my fear is how you truly make a difference in this life.
Its by every single heart that you have been use by Christ to touch.
For even if you gave someone money here but is not loved by them.
Then in reality you have still not made a difference in their lives.
Only by making a difference in even just one person live here.
Then you know that you have been used by God to change this world.
How many times must I go down the same road here .
How many times must I struggle on the same wounds here.
How many times does it take before I give you this here pain.
How many times must I go through this before I lay it down.
How many times before I take responbity for my mistakes.
How many times must I hurt like this, how many times must I.
How many times must I go through this before I get it right.
How many times must I suffer here, till I can finally move on.
How many times, O Lord till I finally learn from these things.
How many times must I punish myself for my sins O Saving God.
What do I seek here in this here life on earth while I am here.
I seek to love all, especially those who are feeling unlovable.
For all are lovable while they believe it or not, they still are.
For nothing that we can do here except knowing him here.
Then denying him shall make him not accept you in the end.
Whether you a murderer , thief, adulterer, even a child molester.
Sins can be forgiven, repenting of them which means turning from them.
If you pray for forgiveness and do those sins no more period.
Praying to him that you know that Jesus died for your sins on the cross.
No sins great or small are too big to be forgiven from period.
I know that this here world is dark and creepy at times.
That physically it can be a hopeless place to live in now.
But when you accept that your life is pretty mess up here.
That you do need a Savior, one that will save you in the end.
Realizing that people in their broken state here can not do it.
The only one that truly quantifies as a Savior anywhere.
Is the God whom died on the cross for this here worlds sin.
Is the only one that can save any of us from our sins here.
He is the only one that can save us from everything that we go through.
Thus he is the only one that can give us true hope in both life's.
Hungry am I  to be used by you here.
Hungry am I for your Healing touch.
Hungry am I , to become your voice.
To speak your Love and Truths here.
To fully show your Unconditional Love.
Hungry to reveal you through my Actions.
To reveal your Salvation, through my Actions.
To become usable everywhere that I stand.
When you need Help and afraid of looking weak here.
When you ***** up and make an mistake because of pride.
When you mistrust someone, because you have trust issues.
Or you mistrust , because You don't trust or like that person.
Because their values are different than your values here are.
Accept that you are a human being whom shall fail  on earth.
Know that God shall not always give you the right answer.
Because We all live in a fallen world, here on the earth .
We every now and then shall take focus off of our Savior.
So when you make an mistake here like I have at times.
Accept that you are not Perfect and accept that We do Fail.
For until Christ transform Me, I shall admit that I am not Perfect.
The Great I AM, you are my hiding place.
The Great I AM, you are all that I ever need.
For when I am down, I shall run to you always.
For when I am Glad, I shall run to you always.
For you spoke this here life of my into existence.
For you are my everything, my Savior, God and King.
So knowing this why would I run to anyone else.
The Great I AM, you are my Source and Strength.
So to you alone my King, I shall run to always God.
I am weak , when you are strong through me Lord.
I am disable , yet you still use me a lot O Lord God.
I am a mess, can only see out of one eye now.
I am really weak at times yet you strengthen me.
For when I rely on your strength I can overcome .
Everything that keeps me held prisoner here.
I can overcome all addiction through your strength.
I can stand tall and firm through your Mighty strength.
I can leap over all obstacles that stand in the way.
So that I do not lose any just letting everyone know.
That these are not new ones but from my other page Eddie Starr page.
I am alone, am at fault for the hurt that others have done unto Me.

Because I took my eyes off of the Holy Spirit that dwells within Me.

So I did not hear nor listen to His warnings to Me and so it happen.

I am alone responsible, for all of the Hurt that I have cause others.

I whom have know the Good Lord , am quite selfish at times here.

Which I should be living an life of obedience here on the earth now.

I am responsible for  getting caught up in sin at times in My life.

Especially because Christ has made Me an Light bearer here on the earth.

But I have fail , the Good Lord and I just want to say that I am sorry.
I have realize the only way to change within myself is to lay down things at the cross.
Also to take full responsibility for everything decisions in my life both good and bad.
I seem to be alone , most of the time here on the earth.
I have gotten great support through here and Facebook.
My friends have life of their own to live here on earth.
My family as well has lives of their own too here.
God has renewal my strength here lately revealing.
That there is a season for every single thing here.
I was blinded by believing that I been rejected here.
Now I know that once I get to heaven up above.
That I shall be surrounded by many loving people.
I am always blessed by each of you, my dear Friends.
For Christ is always using your words to blessed me.
To minster to my heart , your beautiful words and truths.
I am thankful for all of your encouraging words to my heart.
Those poems that you write at times reveal things to me.
Because at times I am feeling the same exact way, thanks.
As for those whom are hurting I can relate to your pain.
For I know that in this here day and age we all hurt.
Just some people hide theirs better then others hide theirs.
But when you use your pain to feel what others are going through then you are truly blessed because then you allow Christ to use you to help others.
I may not look it here, but I am Royalty , for my Savior told me so.
I will always have what I need because he shall provide it to me.
So my trust is never in man, but in the Savior of the universe.
He gave me much, I ponder many thing that he has done for me.
I seen it first hand, the miracles of belonging to the King of everything.
For this I seen first hand his wonderful gifts for me from him.
So when he says trust me, I ask him how high should I jump.
For he has given me so much already in this life that I live.
He does it not only for me but for all of his people everywhere.
I am blessed, to have seen so many worthy poets here.
Whom hearts are full of pure love for their fellow people.
I am so blessed to have so many beautiful hearts on Facebook.
Whom desire to love their fellow humans with pure love.
That has came from the Heaven that is way up above us.
I am so grateful for facebook and hellopoetry , for the people.
For God Jesus , has place both sites into my sight to be blessed.
For all of you have truly been an encouragement to me daily.
As well as a inspiration to me , my precious friends thank you all.
I am Blessed, because of each of you in my life here.
I am Blessed, because each of you made a difference.
I am Blessed, one thing that God has been showing me.
That most things are not as they might seem here now.
That we are not suppose to look through our eyes but our hearts.
Thus trusting the Good Lord in showing us each the truth.
I know that each of you been put in my life for a reason.
To see Christ and then to worship through our hearts here.
Because sometimes our minds shall get us into trouble.
I have been so blessed to know each and every-one of you.
For each of you are truly an blessing, and inspires me greatly.
I am just an ordinary man with extraordinary people in my life.
God is using each of you to Bless me, to inspire me as well.
For each of you are truly Awesome group of Awesome people.
For I can not state this enough on how blessed I am by you all.
For Christ working inside of you giving you enough strength.
To write inspiring poems or to walk an inspiring walk here.
I am just so blessed to have each of you in my life here on the earth.
I am not too proud to admit that I am really broken.
I am not too proud to admit that I have a lot of baggage.
I am not too proud to admit that I have been rejected.
I am not too proud to admit that I need a Savior to save me.
I am not too proud because I seen the evil that hurts others.
Because of my trust issues that I have now, sometimes...
The fear within me causes me to push other people away.
So yes , I am not afraid to admit the brokenness within me.
I am not too proud or afraid to admit that I am damage goods.
But because of this I am grateful because I do see that I need a Savior.
That Savior is my Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ my God.
I am so desperate for a Miracle, I am desperate this world to be rescued.
To see your truth, to see the Light , so that no one shall be left behind.
For I am so broken over people being deceived and not believing in God.
I just pray for the blind to have their eyes open, for them to see you.
The way that I see you, the one that rescue me from future eternal death.
I am so desperate for people to find you, for them to be saved by you Lord.
Cause like I said before I do not want to see anyone left behind, no not one.
In the next life, I want to sit and celebrate with them at the same table.
I want us to worship and celebrate your love for us with them together.
I want to sit at the very same table with them sharing our meal with you too.
O how Desperately needing your Help here now and forever.

For truth speaks no one can save me except You O Lord God.

People spends their whole entire life believing the lie of self.

Believing that only they can save themselves here on the earth.

But I seen with my whole life how I always made the situation worst.

It is not till I quit trying to fix the problem before I truly realize .

That the truth of the matter , is Only Christ can repair the situation.

Only He can fix any and all situations for His People that live here.

But We as People sometimes want to trust self more than anything else.
I am driven , but the Spirit of Christ to do good.
I live to do his will, he whom has rescue me.
I only live to do his purpose, for he lives in me.
I whom once was lost, have found refuge in him.
For he has save me from the life of hopelessness.
Now I stand with him and am driven by his love.
To show the lost that his love shall save them as well.
I am driven to reveal to this dying world that Jesus saves.
Thus so that they too can share in his salvation as well.
I have made mistakes, every single day and I have fail every day.
Here on the earth, I fail Christ every day I make mistakes as well.
For to follow Christ does not make you Perfect, not in a longshot.
But it does make you persevere till the end while we live here.
We all sin, but what matters the very most is here on the earth.
Not how we are sinless, but how many times we get back up.
After we have fail a thousand times we get back up 1001 times.
For until we make it to the heavens above, there we become sinless.
For this is our training fields, to let Christ Light glow within us.
I know that I am far from being perfect but  my Savior is using me still.
Its not suppose to  be ok now I am saved I shall quit all of my sinning.
But instead its Christ convicting you one sin at a time then helping us.
True he does not want us to live as the world lives but as he lives.
I know that he works on each of my sins separately, he does all the work.
All that I have to do is obediently lay each of them down one at a time.
Then turn away and not do that sin any longer, but I am still not perfect.
This is why he gave me an helper to help me  to overcome each sin.
But its not me that is overcoming the sin but Christ whom lives within me overcoming them.
I am fine, even though I have my struggles here every day.
For it's reveal Christ that lives within me then and now.
I am Fine, even though I hurt every single day, I live.
But it reveal the Christ within me whom strengthen me.
For he is the one whom give me the strength to keep going.
For the Battle is in the Mind, it is how the evil one attacks us.
By attacking our Life , thus causing us to take our mind.
Off of the only that can save us from eternal death and hades.
For there are many different types of pain that we have here.
The physical, mental, and the spiritual pain as well here .
I am so very Grateful, that each of you are in my Life.
I am so very Grateful, for your Beautiful Hearts too.
You are Inspiring , and Beautiful people that I Love.
There is no Greater Joy , for you have touch my Heart.
In ways that you shall never understand, thank you.
For it is very easy to Love , each of you my Family.
I have been really Blessed, by everyone of you.
Christ use each of you to shine Love into my Life.
Even if you have not realize it, I want to Thank you.
I am learning to be satisfied in each and every situation.
I am learning to being grateful for each day as it comes.
I am learning that Christ protection is an overwhelming blessing.
I am learning that even though life may be hard at many times.
Being without Christ must be a very scary place to live here.
I am learning that forgiveness, brings peace to the one forgiving.
I am learning just how powerful that Love is in this here world.
I am learning that you will have people that dislike you here.
The most important thing you can do for them is pray for them.
For prayer is the second greatest gift, while Love is the first.
I am Living, to spend time with those with broken hearts.
I am Living, to Pray for those that are hurting and dying.
I am Living, to bring Joy to those that are in mourning today.
I am Living, to help those that are hurting with sufferings.
I am Living, I to hurt but my Lord is at work healing me.
So that he can use me by example to encourage others.
I am Living, to Love upon any whom need Christ now.
I am Living, to encourage others to grab onto Christ healing.
I am Living so that Christ can use me to help others today.
I been blessed, by each of your Friendships.
I just want to thank you for your poems here.
As well as your comments and messages here
For it's such a huge Blessing in getting to know you.
For I feel like alot of you are my Good Friends.
I want to thank you all for you Beautiful poems.
As well as your Friendship , I am so blessed.
For having you in my life here and in heaven to come.
So I just want you to know , Love you all in Christ.
People that known me my whole life here.
Knows just how a big mess that I been here.
Yet through the years , God has reworked me.
The accomplishments were definitely not mine.
But they belong to the Savior, the King of Kings.
I am still a nobody whom am allowing God.
To change me from the inside, out every day.
I know that whenever I do things on my own.
I mess them up but when God does things to me.
Or when he allow others to help me accomplish things.
Then they are done the right way not the wrong way.
I get frustrated at times because I mess things up.
But I would rather have Christ living within me.
Then to do everything on my own without him.
So I will thank him for creating me the way that he did.
I am not the smartest of men, here on the earth we live on.
But Christ has filled within me his Wisdom to speak to others.
I am not the best looking of men, that lives here on the earth.
But he whom lives within me, and works within me still loves me.
I am not the most faithful to him that created us and the earth.
But it is not my Faithfulness, but his Faithfulness that matters.
For tis not me that can and does saved people here on the earth.
But its him that not only created me but everyone else as well
It is him that he wants people to see within me, not me my friend.
I am not ashamed, that I love my Savior more then anything.
If you had walk in my shoes and seen the things that I have.
You as well would had made Christ your first love over everything.
For he is my Father, brother, Savior, Source of everything as well.
I am not a shame to say that I love my Living Savior very much.
More then the breathe that keeps me Living here on the earth.
More then the sun that keeps me warm, more then the food that I eat.
For I love him more then Life itself, for he is the one whom breathe life into me.
So without him I would not have been and yet he went to the cross for me.
So why wouldn't I love him and admit to all that he has done for me.
I am far from perfect, but I still strive to be perfect in him.
When we follow Christ, our lives do not belong to us any longer.
Since he died, while he was dying for us he took our sins upon himself.
This way we can live for him since he died and rose back to life for us.
We do not worship an dead Savior, for Christ has always live in heaven.
Christ says that he took all of our sins and thrown it into the sea of forgetfulness.
So now we live sinless life, it no longer us that sin but our flesh that sins.
For though we strive to be sinless our bodies struggle to sin again.
It is a spiritual thing versus the sinful flesh which holds us captive.
But one day soon we shall have brand new sinless bodies to wear.
I am here , only because the Creator of the Universe has accepted my life.
Worthy to be restored into his Kingdom through the Cross.
I am only here because he loves us enough to go to the cross.
To die an sinners death for us on that wooden cross 2000 years ago.
It was not my sinless life that has saved me from the death of sinful people.
But it was because he deem me worthy to die for back then on the cross.
For I love  each and every one of you, for each of you are special too.
Just because he died for our sins give us no reason to stay in them.
I know that this life is tough and so does Jesus know it as well.
This was the reason why he has given us the Holy Spirt to help us.
My life been difficult, things that has been simple to others.
Is by far so hard for me to accomplish here on the physical realm.
Yet things that are hard for others on the Spiritual realm people.
Are easier at least possible with the help of the Spirit of God.
But its not me because I have trouble even with the simplest of task.
Yet the Spirit of God does accomplish the things that he choose through me.
But it is never me that accomplish these great feats for I have a difficult with the most simplest of all task.
He choose this because then people shall know that its him and not me.
That has done these great things' , its all good that he uses me this way.
I am proud to be a child of Christ, whom died and rose for me.
For without his sacrifice, all of my poems would be worthless.
About only dying here without any hope or joy or love in them.
But he did save me and others as well, so I do have true Hope.
So yes I am proud humbly proud of having been rescue by him.
For I am not saying this with pride but he has humble me with his love.
So yes I am by far so grateful to be a child of the True Living God.
I have seen so many wonderfully made and Awesome family.
That are my family through Christ my Wonderful Savior.
In the middle of the day , my thoughts of better days.
Yet realizing the truth , days of hardships can be a blessing.
That it is during those hardship days that I cling to you the most.
That during these hardships, is when I see your protection.
So yes it is better at times to have those hardships reveal you.
The Savior, Protector , and God leading me to true Salvation.
For you are my true Source to a Greater Life spent here God.
I am so thankful for you as well, as the people you place in my life.
For you all have Blessed me beyond measure, I am so Blessed.
I have my share of struggles here on the earth.
I suffer from pain as well, but I am still blessed.
For even though bad things happen to all of us.
There is a Savior that strengthen you for them.
I may not always have everything that I want.
Still I always have all of the things that I need.
I may not always feel good as well my Friend.
But I am always under Christ protection here.
For God is my Provider as well as my Protector.
I am so Grateful, because each of you shine.
Revealing true Hope to me everyday I see you.
For each of you all were created in Christ image.
So each and every day God reveals to me through you.
His Love, perseverance , true Hope as well my Friends.
So yes I am very grateful to have each of you in my life.
For the Christ reveal things through other people here.
He reveal his word, his Love plus many other things.
You just have tio be open to see what he is saying to you.
Today is another day of Living a Life.
To help others and be helped by them.
Today is a Great man's birthday celebrated.
For he wanted us all to live in harmony.
To love each other and help each other.
But he was shot before he seen his dream.
Get fulfilled here in the united states.
I seen so many inspiring people.
Here on HP with their own dreams.
I want to see each of you get your dreams fulfilled.
You ball inspire me and encourage me to.
I am so very blessed by each of you my friends.
I love you in Christ God bless you too.
I have so many amazing people on facebook.
That really inspire and encourage me there too.
I am so sorry, for not coming on here lately.
For you all have touch my heart your poems.
Your stories are filled with great encouragement.
I really do miss you, but I am hurting right now.
But soon hopefully , I shall be back on more.
You are all, really inspiring people to me my friends.
I been blessed by each and everyone of you  here.
Thank you all, for being who you are Special people.
I am so very thankful for each and everyone of you.
Bye for now I love each and everyone of you in Christ.
I'm so very sorry for giving up on you.
Just when you startled fighting for us.
I just gave up, I am so very sorry Woman.
It been a life time since I saw you last.
I am so sorry that I had hurt you so.
I am so sorry for letting go of us then.
I realize just how evil , I was then.
You were so Amazing and Awesome.
I seen the truth too Late, I am sorry.
Yesterday , I allow my flesh to  gain a victory.
We whom follow Christ are called to be humble.
But yesterday someone that was following me.
Accidentally unfollow me after I like her poem.
I message her and in a little upset mode.
I ask her why she unfollow me it was wrong.
I want to apologize , that my flesh won out.
I am still a man, but am really try to stay humble.
But when I mess up, I want to make up for my mistake.
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