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Jan 2017 · 115
Wash me clean, with your Water of Life.
Let me bathe in this Water that gives Life.
I desperately need this here Water of your's.
For this here Water is the only Water of Life.
Allow me to taste this Beautiful Gift of your's.
I know that only this Water can bring Life to me.
So give to me this here perfect Gift from you.
Thank you Lord for this here Gift call the Holy Spirit.
Jan 2017 · 324
Let Our Hope Reign
Let Hope , our Hope reign in your Life today.
Let darkness fade at the sound of Hope's Name.
Let our Hope , Light shines brighter then a explosion.
For Jesus Christ is Our Hope, our only Hope in Life
Let his Light Shine within us, brighter then the sun.
For only through this Light of his,can repentance come.
So Let Hope arise, Let our Hope Shine, leading others.
To the Cross that held our Hope as he died upon it.
So that our Hope could rescue us from our sins here.
Let our Hope Proclaim Freedom for the Sinners here.
So that we can Live a renewal Life through our Hope.
Let our Hope reign within our Selfs and our Life"s as well.
Jan 2017 · 626
I  Feel so Blessed, by each of you here.
For you write poems that make me feel.
Poems of Joy, and some Poems of Pain.
So many Poems that has Touched my heart.
I want to thank you all, for letting me get to know you.
Your Pains, Struggles, Sorrows, Joys, and Love.
I am so thankful for you allowing me into your World.
Through all of those Poems that you keep on writing.
Jan 2017 · 513
Living Life experiences, you take the good leave the bad.
Trust in Christ to always steer you toward the right way.
When you fall on the wrong road , pray for him...
To lead you back onto the right road toward him again.
Sometimes even when you are on the right road with him.
It still might feel like the wrong road, because he is using you.
To go through something , so that he can use you to reach people.
That are going through something that you were going through to.
So that he may use you to lead them out of it and unto him.
So just trust him to lead you to the right path no matter what.
Jan 2017 · 199
Healed Inside
If one , only one miracle was to occur in my life.
May it be that my inside would be wash clean.
May my inside be purified every single day.
May it become healed, even though my outside.
They see an broken man, still my inside b perfect.
May I Learn to even Love the one who is loveless.
So all that I ask is that you give me a chance to be.
One who is Healed from the inside,by you Lord.
For being Heal on the inside is the Perfect Healing.
Jan 2017 · 567
Never Giving Up
Each inch I take, each foot I take never giving up.
My plea is to you as well, never give up in this life.
Like a runner of a marathon, never ever give up.
Keep running till, you have reach this finish line.
Never give up on this here Life as well, finish it.
Cry out to your Creator, when you have no strength left.
Cry out to your Creator, when you have lost all Hope.
Never Give up this here race , that you are trying to win.
Just keep running this here race till you have finish it.
Jan 2017 · 162
I Once Done
I once a long time ago, a life time ago try to die.
Try to leave this here world sooner then my time.
But the Good Lord spoke to me letting me know.
That he was not going to let me go out that way.
I was just a teen, feeling that my life was not worth anything.
I am only writing this hoping that it shall keep others.
From trying to die sooner then they are suppose to.
So that they shall be use to reach out to many others.
Because dying before one time shall only hurt others.
Whom count on that person for support and love.
When we each pass on a change of events take place.
So whatever you do, do not let this change take place.
Before Christ can work within each of them the work.
Jan 2017 · 375
Help me Lord, I feeling the weight of the world.
I am feeling the world is crashing down upon me.
I am so desperate for your intervention in my life.
So come rescue me, rescue all of your Faithful people.
Here I stand wearily , yet I am still standing firm.
Here I am still am still alive , still here I am still standing.
No matter how many times I am feeling faintly here.
Still here I am standing, not because of me but you.
That I am still able to stay standing in all of these storms.
Cause I am leaning on your strength, not mine own.
Jan 2017 · 330
Even when things hurt me beyond measures here.
Then you are there holding me through my sorrows.
Even when I am so lonely, Feeling the emptiness inside.
Feeling so useless, feeling so worthless  here too.
Through these times, you are holding me speaking love...
Into my soul, holding me up speaking life into my life.
For its through the trials that you are strengthening us.
For its your People that you work within us building us.
For you are Raising , strengthening your People.
Through our times of Pain, Struggles and Sorrows.
Jan 2017 · 208
Lets not run in fear or confusion here.
But stand firm, trust in the Lord our God.
For he is our Defense in all things everywhere.
Yes we may fail him from time to time here on earth.
Out of our Brokenness, still he shall always forgive us.
Not only does he forgives us completely. here on the earth.
He bless us way beyond , what we are worth or deserve.
I have in the past was set on a course of running.
When things got bad , I left that city for another.
So yes I know for experiences about running away.
But now I am doing my best to stand firm in the Lord.
Jan 2017 · 336
I Shall Trust
As I walk through darkness, I shall not allow evil to cling to me.
But I shall stand firm and trust the Great I Am, my God and Savior.
For he goes before me, leading me to safety so I shall trust him.
For nothing can sway his course, for he is invincible , Savior, God.
For there is only him that can be consider God the trinity God.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for they are three in one deity.
So the Living Christ, Father, and Holy Spirit I shall trust completely.
Jan 2017 · 357
I Am So Thankful
You truly are special. you were created to be you by the Father.
For you were created, the same one whom created the heavens.
The Father and the Son created you to be very Special person.
They knew you before you were even thought of before you were born.
You truly are Loved, you are the Perfect one to fulfill your purpose.
You are truly an Blessing, an encouragement, you truly inspiring.
I have been very Blessed, by each and everyone of you here Friend.
I am so very thankful, for all that you do on here Hello poetry site.
As well as all of you that are on my Facebook page as well, I am so thankful.
Jan 2017 · 231
What Is
What is Life, but a chance to live Life.
What is Hope, there is none without Christ.
What is Love, but to give this gift freely away.
What is time, but the presence to share freely.
To share thy gifts , to draw others to Christ.
What is each goal, but to love one another freely.
For each and everyone of you truly are a present.
For each and everyone of you are truly important.
Each and everyone of you are an inspiration too.
Each and everyone of you truly do inspire me too.
Jan 2017 · 496
My Rock
In times of my worst pain, you are my Rock.
In times of my deepest struggles, you are my Rock.
In times of my darkest days and even darker nights.
There is none other that I can cling to during these times.
But only you the Great Deliverer, and the only true Healer.
So I shall cling to the only one that can save my life anywhere.
I am lost without you, I can only fail where you are not with me.
So I shall stand in Awe of you, in everything that you do in my life.
For there is nothing good except for you the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Jan 2017 · 199
New Year
A new year with new beginnings hopefully will open up.
With fresh starts that shall renewal our relationships.
With the one true Creator of the Heavens and the earth.
For in his Perfect hands, nothing is impossible to happen.
He whom speak Life into a situation that once held death only.
He who holds each of our Breath in his Perfect, Loving Hands.
So I pray that this shall be the year, that brings healing to each of you.
I pray that this is the year, that shall bring peace and love to each of you.
I pray that your Life , shall always be perfect in the Creator perfect hands.
Dec 2016 · 189
Everything around me , it feels like its all crumbling.
Like the evil slim is destroying my whole world .
I feel like running away , hiding in a hole somewhere.
I truly feel like giving up, this here very moment.
Feeling like Christ has walk out of my life here.
I feel like he has has given up on me, I see no faithfulness.
Not now anyway, like I said it feels like my life is naught.
I truly feel like giving up at times, like God has walk away.
Shaking his head at me , my life is feeling so dreadful at times.
I know that we are not suppose to rely on what we are feeling.
But this life , does feel like I am on a sinking ship right now.
But whether you swiftly sweep in to save this life of mine.
Is yet to play out is still in the might be or might not be.
Dec 2016 · 473
Great Over-Comers
Why do I always feel overwhelm, and struggling.
Yes Christ is in control of every single situation.
Yes when we look back on each situation here.
We see so much that with his aid, we have succeeded.
In overcoming so much hardship in this here life.
But while it was happening, it felt very painful.
But after the fact, we realize with renewal strength.
That through Christ , we have become much stronger.
We have become through Christ great over comers.
Thus people praying does the same thing right here.
He uses other prayers to build us up through protection.
Dec 2016 · 462
He Still Is In Control
Things might seem hard to us at this moment.
We might be struggling at this here very minute.
We might be at our weakest , right now Friends.
We might be wishing that we had never existed.
But the one whom calm the storms is still here.
Still the one whom walk on water is still holding us.
Still he whom held the mouth of the lions open .
He is still here holding us up, calming the waves.
That roar deep within us at this very moment.
For he is the one whom destine kingdoms and kings.
Do not fear, for he is still walking with us right now.
For he is still able  to raise our Spirits up when we are down.
He is still the one in control, he is still the Savior God.
Dec 2016 · 359
Whatever you do when you start to hurt.
Use this to dance around your suffering.
To use this time if possible to help others.
Use this time to Praise the Lord your God.
No matter what you are going through now.
Help others , love upon others and encourage them.
Allow God to use this time to Glorified him.
Thus allowing him to use you to draw many to him
Love each of you, and may Christ always bless you.
Dec 2016 · 392
I been at times struggling here.
I been able at times to overcome here.
Life is by far greater then your situation.
Love is by far, greater then any amount of money.
People are always more valuable then your checking account.
Never give up on those that you love dearly , just believe.
For Christ does answer prayers, and he loves them more.
Believe and the door to your prayers shall be open.
Just keep loving and let Christ worry about everything else.
Please whatever you do , do not snub anyone not matter what.
For Christ never snubs anyone, he loves everyone in the world.
Dec 2016 · 174
There Is
There is one that holds your hands in the dark times.
There is one who understands your situation here.
There is one whom shall always stand in your defense.
There is one whom even loved you when you two were yet enemies.
There is one whom carries you when you were exhausted.
There is one whom draws you to his aside to hold you.
When you feel lost and desperate for help from evil.
There is one that loves you today and forever more.
Dec 2016 · 125
Not a Poem
Marry Christ_Mas , Love you all and may Christ bless  each and every one of you all.
Dec 2016 · 283
Battle Seem Lost
At times the battle seem lost, ready to quit.
At times , the battle seems impossible to win.
At times , the battle seems to be very deadly.
At times , all that I can do is stay depress.
At times, all that I want to do is to sleep.
At times, I feel like I have already fail.
Thus giving up, ready to run away from it.
Then you O Father , reveal to me your Goodness.
That with you on my side who can beat me.
For you are always on my side , I just need to trust you.
Dec 2016 · 259
In Your Name
In your name, there is Life .
In your name, Living Water Flows.
In your name, darkness has to leave.
In your name, I shall overcome.
In your name , there is Mighty Power.
In your name, I shall walk on water.
In your name, I am redeemed O God.
In your name, I shall always overcome.
In your name , beauty shall reign always.
For you shall bring beauty out of the brokenness.
In your name, I see our future Brightly Lite.
Dec 2016 · 183
Though life is hard at best here.
Even the simplest of things seems impossible.
But this life is temporary world compare to the next one.
Just keep trusting , and persevering here till the next.
Because the closest we draw upon his strength here.
The easier this life shall become for us, his people.
The better we can use to reveal him to others here.
Dec 2016 · 232
Trusting Christ
Faith through the eyes of a child.
Walking the Faith out through obedience.
Yes we do from time to time miss the mark.
But when we sin or fail God, we get back up.
The only one whom was perfect was Jesus.
So there are believers in both parties here.
The only one whom truly knows the heart.
Is the only one quantified to judge any one.
So we fellowship, and allow God to work it out.
If there is a problem, the Christ shall reveal it.
Through the Holy Spirit that dwells within us.
Love one another with Christ Perfect Love.
Dec 2016 · 187
I Prayed
I prayed that you shall walk boldly unto his Throne room.
I prayed that you shall hang onto his Mighty Strength here.
I prayed not that you shall never suffer but that you shall overcome.
I prayed , that you shall always feel his Awesome Love here.
I prayed as well that he shall use all of your pain and suffering.
To reveal to others that he lives within you my always friend.
I prayed that he shall always lift you up and guide you here.
I prayed that you are Loved and that you feel Love here as well.
I prayed, that you shall always be in my life here on the earth and heaven.
Dec 2016 · 392
Even Though
Even though I  have failed you much in my life.
Even though at times, I been faithless to you.
Even though I fail, to obey your Holy word.
Even though I continue to struggle with sin.
Even though , life hurts every single day.
Even though, I at times looked like a hypocrite.
Even though I act like a pharisee at times.
Still your Love covers and wash me clean.
Still your Holy word works on and within me.
With the aid of your Holy Spirit cleansing me.
Dec 2016 · 153
Live Life, By Dying To Self
Do you want to live life to the very fullest.
Do you want to be Blessed by our King.
Do you want to overflowing with Perfect Love.
Do you want to be strong, and full of real Joy.
Then Live Life, full of dying to self and overcoming.
Then Live Life Here, Daily by dying to self Friend.
Live Life, By Dying to one self is living a perfect Life.
Living  a Life here, By Dying to Self is a Perfect Life
So you want to lead others to the Perfect God Jesus.
So you want to know Perfect Peace as well as Perfect Love.
So you want to know the Christ, then start dying to self.
Dec 2016 · 217
A heart that's been shattered into a thousand pieces .
Can be a thousand times stronger to a person whom truly loves.
For Love shall never fail, but through Christ it shall succeed.
For a Love so true and so desperate for change and healing.
Shall reveal what Love was created for in the first place by Christ.
Dec 2016 · 518
You're Are
You are worth the Cost of all of my Suffering.
To bring you into the Heavenly Family of Christ.
To see your Joy , face to face you are worth it.
You are worth the sacrifices that I had to do on the Cross.
For it was I that at the very beginning, spoke life into you.
I knew with Great Joy my child , all that is in your heart.
I knew the Sorrow that you would have to endure here.
But I been here with you throughout your Journey.
Loving you , even while you were saying evil things about me.
Because I truly Love you with an unconditional Love.
Dec 2016 · 179
Good bye My Friend
I will lift my eyes to the Creator of my Soul.
I can barely hanging on to you , my Savior.
For at times my strength is gone from me.
Only through your Strengthening can I keep moving.
All of the people that I cherish, gone from here.
I see just how fragile and short term we truly are.
To see their strength in Christ is huge encouragement.
Then in the next moment , finding them gone from here.
Their Life is now in a much better place in heaven.
Yet it is still devastating to lose Great Godly People.
This here poem is for all the Great Ones that has gone.
To the only side where Christ and them dance with great Joy.
Dec 2016 · 674
His Faithfulness
I know that I do not deserve the Lord's Love.
For my brokenness is heavy in my heart always.
I can not count the time of being faithless to him.
Nor can I recount all the times that I fail him here.
But his Faithfulness has nothing to do with my faithless.
Nor does it has anything to do with my wicked attitude.
What it does have to do with is his Goodness and Love.
It has to do with his Love for each and everyone of us.
Because he truly is the God of Love and Salvation.
So until we end up in the ground, he shall never give up on us.
For he truly Loves each and every one of us with perfect love.
So I shall continue to Praise him and thank him from my heart.
Dec 2016 · 345
I been on this road for awhile now.
I seen death, suffering, and pain.
But I know that my job is to pray.
For when you truly start to love.
Then you shall cry out in prayer.
For all of those that are hurting.
Praying for Life , healing , and strength.
For all of those that are in your life.
Dec 2016 · 319
You're Faithful
I shall believe, even while everything is falling around.
For you can not be anything accept Faithful to your people.
So I shall not give up on you, for you have only been faithful to me.
Especially when I was faithless toward you Holy Lord God.
So I shall keep moving forward toward you in every moment.
Because you are so Faithful to me whom deserves it not.
So I shall not give up but keep pushing forward here on the earth.
Dec 2016 · 190
Jesus , you are my Life now and forever.
Your Love is what complete this life of mine.
For I once was a total mess, til you fix me.
I was working my way toward death back then.
But right now I am really working my life to life.
Because now I have a purpose and a life.
To live for your Beautiful Glory Lord God.
Dec 2016 · 570
Your Love
Where your Mercies, run wild and Gently free me.
Where your Love touches me deep within my Soul.
Where your Healing leaves a deep impact upon me.
Where my Life , has been delivered, as well as changed.
There I shall run to you, yes Run to you O Lord God.
For your Love taste Sweeter then Wine O Lord God.
For your Love Frees me, there is no better Love God.
Your Love is Sweeter then any woman, Love could ever be.
For your Love is by far, Greater then anyone O God.
Dec 2016 · 293
I am stepping out into Faith in you Jesus.
I see all of my pain, hurt, struggles, and sorrows.
All I seek is for you to heal them within me.
So all shall see your Miracles within me daily.
I am so desperately seeking you to use me.
To reveal yourself to everyone within my path.
So many beautiful friends of mine struggling.
People that been there for me whom I love.
With your Love my Awesome Savior God.
Dec 2016 · 311
not a poem
My Christmas has already been the best .
For each of you in my life is a present from Christ.'
Love you all.
Dec 2016 · 483
Here I am, Lord you always take me with my baggage.
But you Love me enough , to work within me to change me.
For you only wants the very best for me, your Friend.
You could have , had left me upon the junk pile of Life.
But you Loved me enough to go to the Cross for me.
You Love me enough to heal me of all of this junk.
Dec 2016 · 105
I know that life throws curve ***** at us, even at a early age.
Sometimes out of the deep dark pain and suffering too.
That we might even attack some innocent person in our lives.
You might have even will that anger at the Christ at times.
But it does not matter what you have done in the past.
Christ still loves you, and still have a place for you.
All you have to do is ask for his Forgiveness, its that easy.
Be sincerely repentance in your attitude here in life.
We all have hurts, baggage's among other things here.
Dec 2016 · 324
Moving On
I am feeling like I just woke up from a long nightmare.
Everything seems so Crystal Clear to me right now.
I was feeling like I was living a hopeless life here.
But it seems like now I am seeing things clearly.
For the very first time, in my entire life here.
I am feeling so much more encouraged at the moment.
Like I went to sleep an fearful little child earlier.
Thus waking up  a renewal man with a strong purpose.
I feel renewal and alive for the very first time in life.
Even though nothing change , just the healing from you.
Dec 2016 · 169
Looking into my memory, and seeing your Amazing Faithfulness.
Realizing one important lesson that I was blinded to before.
That sometime more is Less,  and Vice versa, this is the truth.
That when your eyes become open to Christ Holy Truth.
Then you shall see it for what's it is the truth of the matter.
That you have more when he is your world in everything.
Dec 2016 · 296
The Stronger You Become
When you start to trust Christ, all the struggle work within you.
Building a much stronger individual, I am hurting now myself.
But I desperately want others whom are hurting life to change.
I am praying that in the suffering of my body here today.
That by allowing Christ to strengthen me enough to endure.
So that his power over these words shall inspire and encourage others.
To see his Hope in their lives thus being used to help others.
To be used in their sorrow, pain , and suffering as well revealing Christ in them.
I am grateful in times of needs , because in this time Christ is providing.
I am grateful in times of loneliness, because in this time I am spending it with Christ.
I am grateful for the time in sorrow for it is Christ wiping away my tears.
I am grateful for the time of pain because its by Christ Grace that I am able to persevere and draw others to him.
I am grateful for each of you love you all in Christ Jesu
Dec 2016 · 183
You're Wonderfully Made
Never accept doubt in yourself, for you are beautifully made.
By the very one whom created the Heavens and the Stars too.
You are the Perfect you, with the Gifts and the Desires to succeed.
Just trust him, accept your Failures and heartbreaks as well.
Look at them for what they really are, proof that you are not perfect.
Thus by accepting this, then you shall see Christ for who he is.
A Loving Savior, ready to lead you on the road to salvation and truth.
For he is a Loving Savior whom wants only the very best for you.
I Love you all very much in Christ Love, you all are so very special.
Thank you , each of you for being in my life in Spirit and Heart.
Dec 2016 · 202
If I Could
I am so blessed by each of you that if I could.
I would put a sun  on each poem that each of you wrote.
If I could, I would send each of you a Christmas card.
If I could, I would invite each of you to a party.
But I am not wealthy , but with each word that I write.
I use them to let each of you to know how I feel.
About each and every one of you being in my life here.
That I am and been blessed by each of you thank you.
That I love each of you all in Christ, our awesome God.
Dec 2016 · 174
Life Without You
Life without you, is dark as well as empty.
But when I start to hurt and cry at times.
I look back and see all that you have overcome.
Thus giving me the added strength to live.
More then live , to overcome this here hurting.
Knowing that each of us has a great purpose.
One in which to help lead each others out.
Of the sorrows and sufferings that we are caught in.
So I may not see you much anymore my friends.
But each of you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Dec 2016 · 290
I Dont Mind
There many here whom done much for me through inspiration.
So I don't mind suffering, if it is to be use to help others to overcome.
These people here that have encourage me through their lives here.
Are true Heroes whom through their sufferings have encourage me.
Since I am feeling great suffering , myself as well my friends here.
So I do not mind the struggles and the suffering in this here life.
If it is to be use to help others to be inspired through this life.
Because I would love to return the flavor that others have gave me.
Dec 2016 · 191
Living Here
Living here in the world , where struggles never ceases.
Living here in a world, where Christ is always first.
For it was and is and will be him that brings me through.
For only he can rescue any of us, I am so very thankful.
For each of you that been put in my life for you all give me encouragement.
To keep persevering and go through all of these hardships.
To come out the other side of them a much stronger person.
I love you all with the unconditional love that comes from Christ.
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