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Jun 2017 · 844
Sometimes Life Changes
Sometimes the world seems like all is lost for you.
Sometimes this Life does not seem worth fighting for.
It seems like no one cares about you, like all is lost.
Sometimes life seems already like all is already lost.
But sometimes the Impossible becomes possible.
Sometime Christ steps in and change your situation.
Changing your empty life into a wonder fill Life.
Changing your Sorrow into a Joy filled Life.
So instead of giving up on this here Life of yours.
Stand strong, stand firm in this here Life of yours.
For Christ has a way of changing your world.
From one of sorrow into one filled with Joy here.
In a blink of a moment, things can change for you.
For things can change in a split second for you here.
All that you need is to have Faith, trust your God.
For nothing is impossible , for the one who created you.
Jun 2017 · 359
Save Us
O Holy God , listen to all my wounded pleas today.

Hold the hurting, rescue us and breath freshness today.

Into our hurting Lives,  for we all need you Holy God.

Hear our Cries, rescue all of your hurting people.

Breathe a Fresh start in every Life of your people.

Breathe Freshness into each of our Lives today God.

For each of our Lives , has some pain in it now.

For this world has changed, the world is lost one.

But you still have the power to save whom you choose to.

Because you are God, and you Love your people Lord.

So do what only you our Savior can do today, Save us.

For only you have the Power to save anyone from death within.

For there is none other that can Save, but only you Lord.

So do what you do best Bring out a Miracle into our Lives.

Save us from all of the wickedness, surrounding us today.

For there is so much evil in this here world today save us.
Jun 2017 · 521
Beautiful Ones
Beautiful Roses, engulfing the Light of the Hot sun.
Beautiful sparkling water, cool to the feel in the throat.
As it falls down into one's stomach quickly still falling.
Beautiful Savior whom took my place on that Cross.
Whom took my place while the soldiers had abuse him.
Beautiful Savior whom has risen back to Life 3 days later.
Beautiful , Dear Friends here whom I love so much.
Beautiful Souls, each of you have I want to thank you.
For being who you are, very special Human Angels.
I want you whom I have befriended on Facebook.
To know that each of you all are very special to me.
I want you to know that I see each of you as Human Angels too.
Jun 2017 · 172
Living On The Edge
Following Christ is Like Living on the edge.

Because what he calls us to do is different.

Then what this here world wants us to act like.

Christ calls us to Love those that hates us here.

He calls us to Bless others, even those that despise us.

He wants us to Live on the edge , here on the earth.

Here on the earth is nothing more than a fleeing moment.

Compare to Forever, so to live here in the suffering , pain.

Is short compare to Living Forever free of this here suffering

So we need to say ok , and Live for him on the very edge.
Jun 2017 · 198
Celebrate Son-day with Loving your Loving Savior.
Never stop worshiping him always stay with in prayer.
Forever keep in contact with him in your prayers.
Thus letting him know that he is your everything here.
That he shall always come first in your life time here.
That your Sons and Daughters, shall hear about him.
Through your Love for him, and your actions too.
For he must come first, for if he is your Savior.
Then your action shall speak volumes too here.
Jun 2017 · 519
May your heart be filled with Love and Forgiveness.
May you give more and more each and everyday.
May your Heart always be filled with extra Love here.
May your Life reveal Christ, especially to the Lost.
For only by seeing Christ within you shall he be reveled.
For everyone needs him, for only can they be saved by him.
May your Smile radiant, and your eyes reveal his Goodness.
For your eyes reveal either his Goodness or not my Friends.
For the eye is the Lamp to your soul, may you Feel Blessed.
May I always see his Truths and Wisdom within you.
Jun 2017 · 695
Hope Is
Hope is not in the situations going on around us.
Hope is not on what we can do for ourselves either.
Hope is not something tangible that is of this world.
But Hope is on things that are not yet seen by us.
But Hope is on the Living Savior God Lord Jesus.
On what he is doing for us and at times through us.
Hope is being able to smile even though everything  is..
falling apart all around, even though we are really hurting.
For Hope is something that Christ has put within our hearts.
Jun 2017 · 626
I Need A Savior
I get lost many times, yes I need a Savior to lead me.
Yes I hurt, yes I feel much pain yes I need a Savior.
Yes , I done things that I am not proud of  as well.
Yes, I need a Savior , to lead me on this here path.
Yes come rescue me, from all that I need saved from.
Yes I am Lonely as heck, I need a Savior and Friend.
To rescue me from all of this here sufferings and pain.
I truly need you in my here life Lord, I need a Savior.
To lead me Home, to lead me down the Finish Line.
Jun 2017 · 629
I Still Know
I still know just how wicked depression can be to people
I still know just how great regrets can be here on the earth.
I understand just how great Hopelessness can be too.
I still know just how bad sorrow and pain can be too.
But even through all of these things I still stand firm.
Even though I might have my struggles here on the earth.
I still know that you are still in control of everything here.
I still know even though all of this nasty things here.
That you still Love me, that I am still Blessed by you.
I still know that you are my strength and Shield Lord Jesus.
I still know that your Joy within in me , shall get me through.
Because my situation does not dictate what you can do with me.
May 2017 · 810
Has the sky fallen yet.  has the seas dry up.

Has the birds quit singing their songs

Has the roses quit growing on the earth

Has the lions quit their roaring here.

Has anything in nature quit doing what God made  

Then my friend how can God be dead.

Are you an imaginary person to me here.

Am I real, as long as God lives then I am real  

For he is truly in control  today and tomorrow
May 2017 · 221
Has the sky fallen yet.  has the seas dry up.

Has the birds quit singing their songs

Has the roses quit growing on the earth

Has the lions quit their roaring here.

Has anything in nature quit doing what God made  

Then my friend how can God be dead.

Are you an imaginary person to me here.

Am I real, as long as God lives then I am real  

For he is truly in control  today and tomorrow
May 2017 · 945
Our God
Our God is not dead, but is Rejoicing in our Victories.
Our God lives because he is the Christ the Living God
He is no fantasy, but the reality the Saving Savior God.
All of our Pain, Suffering, and Sorrow that we go through.
Shall be a work within us to reveal Christ within us.
For Christ wants to use us to bless those whom knows him not.
He wants to heal all whom comes unto him , everyone.
For by Healing, he is being reveal through everyone who is healed.
Thus then the world shall have no excuse because he did reveal himself.
May 2017 · 2.1k
Your Beautiful Scars
The beautiful scars that you have gain from the storms you have endure

Lites up your Most beautiful soul, revealing your strength through it.

Touching the Hearts of those that gain a glimpse of it and knew..

Just how much that you had to endure, with Christ Jesus help.

To see the Creator, in your chemistry connected to Him here.

The same Savior whom went to the cross for us on Calvary.

And then on the 3rd day Risen to rescue us from our Sins.

Those same scars, that hides within you were put there.

Because of the Spirit that dwells within you Protected you.

For in reality you should be dead, and in the bowels of the earth.

But you have been rescued, from death several times here.

Because he is not done with you, Praise our Savior God.
May 2017 · 622
You Are
You are appreciated, and Loved.
You are important, and very Loved.
You are needed, by God and I.
You are Righteous in Christ eyes.
There are no one that can do what you do.
For Christ gave you talents and gifts.
For the purpose that you were created for.
He uses you to bless others through your gifts.
Everyone has a story to be written, a life to be lived.

A book to be written, a story to be told as well too.

So Live life ad one dancing through your Hardships.

As one embracing Loneliness, to be alone with Jesus.

As one Singing in the pouring down Rain storms.

Embrace the Hardships, allowing God to mold you.

So that it shall take far less time for it to be finished.

Then again he shall never be finish in this Life time.

But at least you are allowing him to Reshape you.

Into his Likeness, without a struggle going on here.
May 2017 · 2.0k
Do Not Give Up
Do not give up , if you lonely call me and I shall be your friend.
If you are hurting message me and let me know so I can pray for you.
If you are desperate for a change in your life , right now friend.
Then get on your knees and cry out to the one that shall save you.
If you need healing cry out to our Savior he shall hear you.
Then he shall heal you of what you need healing from now.
For he is the same one that has given sight to those that were blind.
If you need to feel love , he shall lover you I love you too.
I love you with the unconditional love that comes from Christ.
my number is 240-520-4894.
May 2017 · 206
You Are Important
Everyone deserves to be Loved and appreciated as well.

The rich, the middle class, the poor, the white, the black,

The Spanish, the janitor, the disable, the CEO , the banker.

It does not matter who you are you deserve to be loved.

To be appreciated, and to be feel the Love that healed too.

For you are by far more Loved by Christ than you can imagine.

Whether you know or not you are Truly Special and important.

In the schemes of God, he can use your life to minster to others.
May 2017 · 229
Not A poem
I have been busy wordhiping God trying to be heal of these things that I shall try to get back on here soon love you all
May 2017 · 566
I Still Do
I am far, from perfect and hurt like heck as well at times.

I suffer from depression and anxiety keeps me down.

I have my share of struggles and feel lonely quite a bit.

I many of times lost my way upon the road that God lead me.

I still though see Christ leading me on a new path here.

I still see him working within me and building me up too.

I still am feeling him strengthening me up every single day.

I still feel him Healing me of depression and anxiety too.

So just because I have my faults here, on the earth.

Don’t count Christ out, because he never gives up on us.

But he keeps chasing us, even when we are ready to give up.

Because he is a Faithful Creator whom loves us very much.
May 2017 · 362
Christ Says
Christ says that you are Love, that you are Needed.

Christ says that you are Needed, that you are Special.

Christ says that you are Special, more than you know.

Christ says that he has your Back, that he is next to you.

Christ says that you are Highly Flavor and Appreciated.

Christ says that he shall never leave nor Forsake you.

Christ says that you never need to worry about anything.

Christ says that he shall always give you everything that you need.

Christ says that he shall hold onto you through the storms.

Christ says Trust him in everything, for you belong to him.
May 2017 · 194
not a poem
sorry it will not allow me to like or share or comment
May all of you Mothers , be Blessed.
May you all feel Love and Appreciated.
May your hearts be filled with Joy today.
May your week to come be filled the same.
I truly appreciated you all on here  always.
For each of you are truly Special people.
Whom has truly blessed my life here.
You each have touch my heart deeply.
So I just want the mothers to feel blessed.
Their families to be blessed today as well.
May the men here feel blessed as well.
Thank you all, you are all truly Special.
May 2017 · 276
You Are
Been meditating on the things that you have done for me.
The Protection that you done for me and the Deliverance.
Some things that I have just recently realize that you done.
Now I am Meditating on all the things that I finally see.
Becoming Grateful for all of these Amazing things you done.
So now all that I can do is with every breath speak truth.
That you are a Beautiful and Perfect Savior for us all here.
For you truly are My Beautiful Savior, My King and Lord.
There is none other Worthy, for you Are Perfect, Worthy God.
May 2017 · 2.0k
You Are Perfect
The storms comes and goes out of our lives.
The years comes and goes out of our lives.
But you never leave us, you hold us tight.
As the storms rages through our Lives.
As our Lives shakes and crumble before us.
Yet you hold us tightly through them all.
You never let us go, but hold us steady.
As so many fall in the wake of these storms.
Yet you hold us steady through them all.
You are our Rock, and our strong tower.
You are the True Love of our Lives.
There is no Greater Love than you are.
For you Hold us steady through the storms.
That comes and goes in this here life we live.
There is none other that loves us like you do.
You are Perfect and your Love heals us too
May 2017 · 1.4k
Lyrics to Good Good Father
I've heard a thousand stories of what they think you're like
But I've heard the tender whispers of love in the dead of night
And you tell me that you're pleased
And that I'm never alone
You're a good good father
It's who you are, it's who you are, it's who you are
And I'm loved by you
It's who I am, it's who I am, it's who I am
I've seen many searching for answers far and wide
But I know we're all searching
For answers only you provide
'Cause you know just what we need
Before we say a word
You're a good good father
It's who you are, it's who you are, it's who you are
And I'm loved by you
It's who I am, it's who I am, it's who I am
Because you are perfect in all of your ways
You are perfect in all of your ways
You are perfect in all of your ways to us
You are…
May 2017 · 453
Here Is My Heart
Accept all that I have to give to you everything that I am.

To you the Healer of healers, I give you everything within me.

Accept it use it, for your Glory Heal me of everything evil.

For you are the Miracle-Maker, the Lover of my Soul too.

I fall upon my Face, asking for your Forgiveness and Love.

So heal me of all of this here wickness deep within me Lord.

Use me to reach out to those whom feel undeemable by you.

So that they shall realize that you are the Saver of the Lost.

That you save those that are Lost and those that are Broken.
May 2017 · 484
We Worship You
You are all that I desire, there is none other.
That can rescue me, that can redeemed me.
For your Love is a healing , redeeming love.
Thank you for all that you have done for us.
Your people sing and dance while Praising you.
We whom walk in your ways, shall keep Praising you.
We would have nothing if it was not for you Lord.
For even the breath in our lungs, you have given to us.
Even the ground that we each walk upon , you had put there.
May 2017 · 1.3k
Time has no end, a true gift from Christ.
It is never too late to fix an issue that you had.
Only by death is it to late to right an wrong.
For Time can heal all wounds, I know this is true.
For much wisdom , from my past mistakes do I see.
Now after so long, rejection that I had received.
Was just the opposite that I had perceived as truth.
Now that truth has been seen finally by my eyes.
Christ can finally bring healing to my eyes and minds.
May 2017 · 444
Knights and Warriors
I am an Knight for the Good Lord, fighting...
A Spiritual battle that rages on until I pass on.
I do not fight with weapons from this world.
But my weapon is the Holy Word from the Lord.
I do not fight people of this here world we live in.
But the Spirits in the Spiritual realm that are wicked.
I and many other men and women are mighty Warriors
That battle the evil one with word and deed , standing firm.
So yes we are Knights and Warriors for the Christ Lord.
May 2017 · 1.8k
Knights and Ladies
This poem is to my Beautiful and Loving sisters.
Also to my Brothers whom Love others strongly.
The strength that you both have , the strength of a lion.
You have the outpouring Love like an waterfall.
The Love never cease , but continue everyday.
I have been Blessed by you whom write .
Beautifully every day some with great wisdom.
You speak out of the outpouring of your beautiful hearts.
You whom never cease to help others with your words.
Thank you my Fellow Knights and Ladies you are indeed special.
May 2017 · 818
Because of you, I have no fear nor worry in my life.
Because of you, I can face tomorrow every single day.
Because of you, I do not need to fear death at any time.
Because of you, I have everything that I shall ever need.
Because of you, there is Great Joy that is in my life here.
Because of you, I have a Great purpose to fill my hours.
Because of you, I am stronger than I was yesterday too.
Because of you, I cam do anything for you are mt strength.
Because of you , I am Blessed beyond measure as well.
May 2017 · 544
Saving Savior
You were the one whom breathe life into my soul.
It was you that has restore my life , when I fell .
It was you whom rescue me, from the h3ll that I made.
It was you that had rescue me from self destructiveness.
For I did not deserve your Love or Grace that you gave me.
But you chose to ignore it and rescue me anyway God.
It was all for your Perfect purpose that you have save me.
Even though you did not have to you save me anyway.
So you could use me to help others to see your  truth.
That you are Good and that you love us all no matter.
How evil that we been in this here world we live in.
May 2017 · 391
I Desperately Need You
I see the junk in my heart, and my cry is this
I desperately need you , my Saving Lord God.
There is none patiently waits as you do my God.
For you are a Saving God whom rescue the Lost.
It is your Good purpose to allow us to go through things.
While we are going through them you are saving us.
I know that only you can save us, even from ourselves.
For there is much wickness within us Good Lord.
For it was and is your Good purpose is to save us God.
Apr 2017 · 572
If He Chose You
I am far from being perfect, but still Christ loves me dearly.
I have much brokenness, yet he still uses me to encourage others.
Because if I can do the things that he calls me to do here on earth.
Then everyone else can do them , if they choose to do them too.
For the things are quite simple in reality, for if he chooses to use you.
He then shall equips you with the means to accomplish the task.
So whatever he calls you to do , trust him and allow him to use you.
Whichever gifts that he has bestow upon you, use them freely.
For he has already gave you the things that you shall need.
Apr 2017 · 199
I hurt everyday , some worst than others.
I struggle with wanting to eat sweets too.
Even though I have sugar diabetes now.
I am obedient but still it is a huge struggle.
I feel loneliness, and depression as well.
I struggle with so many different things here.
Still I have the Spirit of God living within me.
Which helps me to overcome hopelessness.
He also helps me to overcome different things.
That has been a huge struggle within my life.
For Christ that lives within me, keeps me overcoming.
Apr 2017 · 489
When I see your Mighty Miracle, I struggle to breathe.
I become Breathless, anytime I see anything of you.
For to see you, the one whom heal the Blind here.
The very same one whom has raise the dead here too.
So yes you make me Breathless, you are Perfect.
Everything that I a lowly man owns come straight from you.
So yes I am your Servant, for I see you in everything.
You whom feed over five thousand people here on the earth.
So yes I am Breathless when I see you in everything here.
Apr 2017 · 446
I know your situation may seem impossible to you now.
I know that your Hope is wearing thin more than ever.
I know that your hurt feeds your depression every day.
I, know this for I am living from day to day at times here.
Other times I live second to second in this here Life.
But I know that he whom walk upon the water is near me.
I know that he shall draw me out of this here situation.
For this will only last a short time compare to forever.
So whatever you do, never give up it shall end soon enough.
Apr 2017 · 230
I Need To
I need to Lay down all hurt that I have done to others.
I need to Lay down all of the hurt that I have felt.
I need to Lay down all of the junk in my life here Lord.
I need to accept my life , for you are the Creator of it.
I need to Lay down the will that I hold so very tight.
i need to Lay down all of those that I have rejected by accident.
I need to Lay down all of the rejection that I have felt.
I need to Lay down this quilt I feel for every woman that I hurt.
I need to Lay down myself and listen to what you need to say to me.
I need to lay down all the sufferings that I have felt here.
Apr 2017 · 149
Not a Poem
I shall try to get on tonight after chuch love you all much in unconditional love.
Apr 2017 · 228
I Run
I run, whenever I get scared, I run away.
I run, even though I should make a stand.
I run, something inside of me is scare boy.
I run, though I have Christ beside me always.
I run, I wish that I would change right now.
But I run, in the wrong directions always.
I should be running toward, instead of from.
I run, when instead I should stand firm here.
I run, when life starts to become hard for me.
Apr 2017 · 581
I Am
I am weak , when you are strong through me Lord.
I am disable , yet you still use me a lot O Lord God.
I am a mess, can only see out of one eye now.
I am really weak at times yet you strengthen me.
For when I rely on your strength I can overcome .
Everything that keeps me held prisoner here.
I can overcome all addiction through your strength.
I can stand tall and firm through your Mighty strength.
I can leap over all obstacles that stand in the way.
Apr 2017 · 449
The Rainbow Hope
The worst kind of storm the thunder storm.
Because of the Lighting could strike anywhere.
While it is also noisily because of the thunder.
The same with life storms because it is silent.
While the thunder is the voice of the evil one.
Trying to take your focus off of the Lord God.
Just like the thunder storm there is a rainbow.
It signify the true Hope of the only one whom can save.
That is the Good Lord Jesus the Christ our God.
Apr 2017 · 592
I sometimes, get lost inside of my mind.
Sometimes, I think way too much too.
Sometimes, there are too many thoughts.
Sometimes, it can get really Lonely too.
Since you disappear from my hurting Life.
Sometimes, all that I want to do is run.
Sometimes, the depression can be overwhelming.
Sometimes, I constantly pray for healing.
Sometimes , all that I want to do is hide.
Here in my apartment day and night as well.
Sometimes , I hurt worst than other times.
Apr 2017 · 1.0k
Help Me To Stand
Help me to stand in times of storms.

Help me to stand in the times of Pain.

Help me to stand in times of struggles.

Christ help me to always stand firm.

Help me to stand with others in Prayer.

Help me Lord, to stand up for you here.

Help me to stand in times of struggle.

Help me O God, to stand , even in times.

Where everyone else here fall down Jesus.
Apr 2017 · 231
Each of us , had loss in our short lives here.
It reveals to others in our Lives who we are.
Just how strong , we truly are  here now.
For either we keep focusing on standing firm.
Or we fall apart, and end up being a loss too.
For some are like a tank , here on the earth.
Pushing through every single obstacle in our way.
Still others fall upon the floor in great defeat.
Ready to give in this crushing defeat here.
I, myself has been on both sides of the coin.
But the Great Lord has strengthen me enough.
So as of now, I stand firm and strong here now.
Apr 2017 · 409
When Life Ends Here
When Life ends here, I shall finally be free to be me.
Still even though Life is truly an hard to live here.
All the distraction that takes my mind off of you.
Oh how I miss, seeing you through this here life.
Still I shall keep on pushing through this Life here.
Even though I keep stumbling through these struggles.
When Life ends here, I shall finally see you face to face.
Then I shall finally be feeling the most perfect Love.
When life ends here, unto the next one I go unto.
Yes when Life ends here, I shall run unto you
Apr 2017 · 266
This Is
This Is for those that are really hurting right now.
This is for those that are broken-heart right now.
This is for those whom are really struggling now.
This is for those whom are desperate for change.
This is for those whom have no hope for a better tomorrow.
This is for those whom struggle with depression.
For there is one whom can rescue each of you.
For if you see no hope and drop to the bottom.
With no where to go , then cry out to Jesus.
To rescue you at wherever you are at Friend.
For what other choice do you have here.
So just ask the Lord God Jesus to save you.
He shall review himself to you if you are ready.
Apr 2017 · 252
I Am So Sorry.
I'm so very sorry for giving up on you.
Just when you startled fighting for us.
I just gave up, I am so very sorry Woman.
It been a life time since I saw you last.
I am so sorry that I had hurt you so.
I am so sorry for letting go of us then.
I realize just how evil , I was then.
You were so Amazing and Awesome.
I seen the truth too Late, I am sorry.
Apr 2017 · 162
Divorced, now I stand single waiting for you.
To finally come into my life , for the first time.
To touch you , to Love upon you as a man does.
To the woman that love him and cherish him.
So long, in fact it has been way too long.
Dreaming about the beautiful woman here.
Whom shall be swept off of her feet by me.
Once Christ has brought her into my life.
So that I could hold her and cherish her.
For deep down I am a very romantic man.
Apr 2017 · 208
Foundation Built On Love
The Foundation of Love needs to be built on Watering it.
Everyday we need to plant seeds , then water our Hearts.
Build a Foundation by keep planting the seeds of Faith.
By allowing Christ to build on our Love for other people.
For only by Obedience and Faith can he work within us.
Transforming a selfish harden heart into a Selfless one.
Thus revealing Christ Spirit within us, revealing his Love.
For only Christ can transform a heart that was once evil.
Into a Heart that yearns for only to Live to Love others.
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