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Oct 2019 · 321
Salvation Lives
Our Salvation Lives because of the God of Abraham Lives.
Jesus the Christ while he walk the earth has healed many lives.
Now that We whom walk in his place are meant to do the same.
Christ says that he will go to the Father for Us in things that we need.
To do the same works that Jesus has done while he was here.
We too should be able to heal others as he has done before Us.
For We have his Spirit that dwells within Us it is called the Helper.
Oct 2019 · 247
Not A Poem
Have a lot of things to do today I shall try to this evening responde to everyone love you all in Christ.
Oct 2019 · 237
Holy Savior
Holy Savior , restore the Poets that have loses.
Because they, had trust the wrong people here.
Heal those Poets, whom are hurting and wounded.
Rescue the Poets , whom feel that they are trapped.
Without an chance, of being rescue in this here life.
Help all, of the Poets that need your guiding hand.
Lord do, what only you can do in each Poet life.
For only you, have the of the answers that we need.
The more that you read the bible daily.
The more that God reveals to you also.
The stronger Spiritual you will become.
You all are always in all of my prayers.
That you all become Great Mighty Warriors.
That you all shall always become Over comers.
That you shall always be and stay blessed.
That your Light shall shine like the sun above.
That when you battle darkness you shall win.
For you shall over come when you speak scriptures.
Oct 2019 · 194
Jesus Thank You
Jesus, you have saved me from much.
I know that you never had to ever save me.
But it was your perfect will to save me .
There has been many times I was unworthy.
But that did not matter to you Holy Savior.
Reveal to them , that if you can save me.
Then you can save and restore anyone God.
Because I am an nobody whom you saved.
Even though I was not worthy to be saved,
Faithful Creator , Speaking healing into each Poet.
Faithful Creator, heal all of their hurting right now.
Faithful Creator, deliver them from every addiction.
That keeps us bound , deliver Us Faithful Creator.
Faithful Creator , love upon each and every Poet God.
Show each and everyone of them your mighty love.
Rescue them from every thing that evil one throws at them.
Sep 2019 · 361
Fall Into Winter
In the cool of Fall, things are swept clean.
Just like the name what Spring brought to life.
Fall is used by God to **** off the plants here.
For once winter take control on the earth here.
Its cold shall chill and destroy outside life.
That is unprepared for the cold that it brings.
So keep the poor animals in all of your prayers.
Yet God can save and keep them protected.
For everything that is bin his will on the earth.
Shall come about , because he is the Savior God.
Sep 2019 · 338
Jesus My Saving God
Jesus My Saving God, works within me.

Creating my path toward his salvation.

For he does not want me to be lost here.

So through his plan and path in my life.

He creates an path that shall finish my salvation.

He works within all of his peoples life here.

Reworking an path that shall lead unto him.

It is part of the beauty of his amazing grace.

So never allow your life to end too soon.
Sep 2019 · 405
Letting Go
Letting go, of everything not of you.
Letting go, of everything that is trash.
Letting go, of all of yesterdays issues.
Letting go, so that God can use us all.
Letting go, freeing both of my hands.
So that I can pick up your will Lord.
Letting go, and hanging onto you God.
Letting go, and waiting on you Holy One.
Letting go, and allowing your will here.
Sep 2019 · 331
Use Them Lord
Jesus bless my fellow brothers and sisters poet.
Heal their hearts, bless the words that come out..
Of their mouths today and everyday Lord God.
Use them to encourage everyone that they meet.
Work Great miracles in their lives today and always.
Bless their hearts with great volume of love over flowing.
Overwhelm them with your great love and faithfulness.
Do what only you can do Lord and use them overwhelming.
Sep 2019 · 168
Sometimes the pain becomes too overwhelming .
On days or nights like these , crying out to God.
Is the only option to go with at those times here.
Struggles here can become too overwhelming.
On those days or night, all we can do is cry out to God.
Hoping that he shall finally deliver us from it.
The Loneliness, can become quite overwhelming
On those days or nights, all we can do right here.
Is to cry out to the Loving God for some companionship.
Sep 2019 · 767
Hellopoetry 3
Emeka,Miss,Jule­s,Bridgett,Salim, Joceyn,memoona.
Sampreeta,daud,Stephanie,Grace,No name,Eloisa.
Jole­ne, Perry, Freebird,Surbhi,Godawan,Ikimi,tm,
Xaela,try,S Nirmal,Astrea,Erin,Mindless,Lace,HB.
AP,Timur,Kasidee,Caterra,the­ untold,Melancholy.
Melanie,mckenzie, clark,beebz,sherri,bryan,bakunawa.
khaliyah,brianna,Ay2brutus,Ang­el-like,Maxx,Lure ***.
Mike, me zeal, Kim,Kim,Maeiby,Shanath,Marshall,xallan.
Weeping Willow,Mike Hauser,Serena,AnnMarie,DavidLewis.
JenniferJohnson, itgonnamakesense,Mike Essiq,Nancy.
Olivia,Paul,Mark,Phil,PoetressBhumi and Wilyam Pax.
Here some more love you all, I pray that you are blessed.
Sep 2019 · 219
Poets And Heroes Combine.
I  am forever Amazed by all that you have done for me.
Bringing these Awesome Poet into my life to inspire me.
To lift me up or to reveal real strength from those who hurt.
Showing their perseverance from them whom live in pain.
For they keep pushing through for they are the true heroes.
Whom no matter how much that they hurt they never give up.
I am blessed by all of these great and Awesome poets on here.
So yes I praise you for all of your great poets Lord above me.
For you have many different types of Poets and poems here.
Sep 2019 · 207
Walking through, all of my faded memories .
Feeling the chill, of things that been foretold.
Feeling the sorrow, of everyone that I lost.
Seeing people that were better than me past away.
Ones whom were much stronger in the Lord.
For I am by far an imperfect man, I struggle.
With not being completely sinless here on the earth.
For I still struggle with depression, and loneliness.
I really want people to see hope of Christ within me.
Sep 2019 · 259
Not A Poem
this account has close to 1100 poems.
So I am retiring it, still it shall be available to read.
But I created a new account under edward thanks.
May Christ bless you I been following other thank you.
Aug 2019 · 447
Your Poems
Your Poems ,shall always inspire Me to never give up.
Your Poems ,always give me encouragement as well.
Your Poems, are beautiful and touches my heart also.
Your Poems, are always a joy for Me to read and connect.
For each poem that I read of yours connect us together.
Your Poems, always reveal things and I like getting to know you.
For We are family of God, and God is using your poetry.
To touch and help others to grow through your experience.
Aug 2019 · 158
Only You
Thank You God, for even through the hurt We Praise You.

For in the Pain, We see that You are the True Savior God.

For without You, this Pain would be keeping Me in bed.

Thank You God, for being broke, even through being broke.

For even in the brokenness here You reveal Yourself to Us.

For You are the Supplier of all of Our needs here daily God.

Thank You God, for the Loneliness that We all are feeling here.

For it is through Our Loneliness that We see that it is only You.

That is only You that We can trust completely O Holy Savior.
Aug 2019 · 358
May You Always
May your day be rested and may your heart always be beautiful.
May Christ always be purifying your heart filling it with Love.
May your nights, be calm with an renewal healing within you.
May your sleep stay peaceful , and you always get well rested.
May the Good Lord always protect all of your finances as well.
May everyone whom meet you know that you are Bless and special.
May everyone that you meet see Christ within you and love you.
May you always know deep within your heart that you are loved.
May your love for Jesus always become stronger each day here too.
Aug 2019 · 279
Your Heart Is A Blessing
God bless you all, for the Great love and Joy.

That you have brought to others day and night.

Thank you for everything that your has touch too.

For each and everyone of you has touch others here.

Through everything that each of you have been through.

Christ is using your sorrows, and joys alike to heal others.

God uses both the Joy and the Sorrow to bring healing.

All of your beautiful obedience of what you have written.

Is being used everyday to help others to reach the Light now.
Aug 2019 · 161
I Am Alone
I am alone, am at fault for the hurt that others have done unto Me.

Because I took my eyes off of the Holy Spirit that dwells within Me.

So I did not hear nor listen to His warnings to Me and so it happen.

I am alone responsible, for all of the Hurt that I have cause others.

I whom have know the Good Lord , am quite selfish at times here.

Which I should be living an life of obedience here on the earth now.

I am responsible for  getting caught up in sin at times in My life.

Especially because Christ has made Me an Light bearer here on the earth.

But I have fail , the Good Lord and I just want to say that I am sorry.
I have realize the only way to change within myself is to lay down things at the cross.
Also to take full responsibility for everything decisions in my life both good and bad.
Aug 2019 · 296
Jesus Loves You
Jesus loves You, accept this Love open-handed always.

Jesus loves You , and He always wants to keep blessing you.

Jesus loves You, so smile my friend and feel the Great Joy.

Jesus loves You, and you shall feel it deep within your heart.

Jesus loves You, more than you could ever hope for Friend.

Jesus loves You, and wants you to be by His side forever.

Jesus loves You, and wants to share with you His salvation.
Aug 2019 · 176
Not a Poem
I just to that I did not write the Poem First They Came it was written because a German Pastor believed Hilter was a blessing from Jesus till Hilter startled attacking everyone that he did not like then the pastor startled voicing his disapproval which got him toss into jail after ww2 He wrote that poem.
Aug 2019 · 291
First They Came
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
this was written by a German Pastor whom at first thought Hilter was a God send but when he went after all who was different then Pastor Martin Niemuller startled fighting against him Pastor Martin Niemuller wrote this it is just as powerful today as it was during world war 2
Aug 2019 · 166
I Am Blessed
I am Blessed, because of each of you in my life here.
I am Blessed, because each of you made a difference.
I am Blessed, one thing that God has been showing me.
That most things are not as they might seem here now.
That we are not suppose to look through our eyes but our hearts.
Thus trusting the Good Lord in showing us each the truth.
I know that each of you been put in my life for a reason.
To see Christ and then to worship through our hearts here.
Because sometimes our minds shall get us into trouble.
Aug 2019 · 160
Stand With Hong Kong
What will happen to Us Believer , even some of the non believers.
If we stand by and do nothing about Hong Kong being attacked.
By the evil leaders of China trying to shut them up about their rights.
Whom going to come to stand up for Us if we keep quiet about this.
Also do we even deserve others coming to Our aid if we keep quiet.
May the Holy Good Lord Bless the reader and protect each of You.
For if we are too selfish not to stand beside Hong Kong right now.
Then in my Heart God shall say to each of Us in heaven above.
Where were you when Hong Kong was being attack by my enemy.
Aug 2019 · 555
You Are An Inspiration
You are an Inspiration, and an Awesome Friend.
You are an Inspiration , and Someone very Special.
You are an Inspiration, and I thank you very much.
You are an Inspiration, for you always inspire others.
You are an Inspiration, to me as well to many others.
You are an Inspiration, and an very Great Gift from God.
You are an Inspiration, and I am Blessed by You always.
You are an Inspiration, and I want to say thank you too.
You are an Inspiration, to many People that come here.
Aug 2019 · 612
Come Rejoice
Come Rejoice, For each of you are Special to Christ.

Come Rejoice, sit and when you are Ready Dance.

Come Rejoice, for you mean so much to God and I.

Come Rejoice, for the Good Lord really Loves you.

Come Rejoice, for someday We shall meet there.

Come Rejoice, for soon Christ shall return here again.

Come enjoy , for Our King shall return for Us too.

Come enjoy, for this is nothing compare to Our future.

Come enjoy, for Jesus loves you so much my Friend.
Aug 2019 · 144
I Am Desperate For You.
O how Desperately needing your Help here now and forever.

For truth speaks no one can save me except You O Lord God.

People spends their whole entire life believing the lie of self.

Believing that only they can save themselves here on the earth.

But I seen with my whole life how I always made the situation worst.

It is not till I quit trying to fix the problem before I truly realize .

That the truth of the matter , is Only Christ can repair the situation.

Only He can fix any and all situations for His People that live here.

But We as People sometimes want to trust self more than anything else.
Aug 2019 · 268
You Are Loved
You are Loved, whether you know this or not.
You are Loved, the Good Lord loves you much.
You are Loved, and there are many that love you.
You are Special , and this is quite true as well .
You are Special, and many people feel this way.
For it is easy to see just how truly Special you are.
You are needed, and there are many that need you.
For your Great works reveal themselves right here.
For your beautiful and wonderful poetry touches Us.
Aug 2019 · 165
Lord Jesus
Lord Jesus, you are the incredible Creator and Lord.
You have set the universe into creation with your voice.
You have raise the dead through the choice of your words.
You have raise up the creation of mankind with Your thoughts.
You are incredible Creator the Lord of lords , King of kings.
You are the One that deserves every bit of all of our Praise.
There is none other would I bow down onto my knees God.
For there is none that have stolen my heart like you have Lord.
So I shall allow you to map my path , the way that you have choose.
Aug 2019 · 207
May You Always
May you always, stay blessed , warm, and free.

May you always, be loved and forgiven too.

May you always, write those Great beautiful poems.

May you always, be the person that you are forever.

May you always, be that special person that touch many.

May you always, be close to your love ones and friends.

May you always, have money in your pocket and bank account.

May you always, feel loved by Jesus and always stay blessed.
Aug 2019 · 196
We Live To Help One Another
We Live to help, one another see that God above is real.
So that Our Faith here might Grow and reveal to Us.
That We were not put on this here earth to hide Our Light.
For Our Light put out in the open air shall shine brightly.
Thus grow through others seeing the Hope in the Light.
That shall overwhelm the darkness that tries to destroy .
For the Light is always shining in those that Love God.
The Hope is seen through those whom God Spirit lives in.
Drawing all unto Him that seated next to the Father above.
Aug 2019 · 384
Your Hearts Are Beautiful
Your Hearts are Beautiful, for Your desires are to help others.
Your hearts are Beautiful, because You truly care about others.
Your hearts are Beautiful, because You desire to make a difference.
Your hearts are Beautiful, because You Love other People deeply.
Your hearts are Beautiful, and it truly shown through Your words.
Your hearts are Beautiful, and it is easy to see that You love others.
Your hearts are Beautiful, Your words shall always touch others too.
Your hearts are Beautiful, and God does appreciate Your hearts.
Your hearts are Beautiful, and You are truly appreciated here too.
Aug 2019 · 233
Hang Onto You Alone
At times, I become overwhelmed by Your Love and Faithfulness.

For it is You O Lord that matter, letting everything else fall away.

Letting go of the World, while holding onto You alone Lord Jesus.

For I desperately am seeking You alone to share in My life here.

For with You, I never need to worry cause it is You that defend Me.

The world is falling away, I only want to hang onto You alone Jesus.

The world can crumble and turn upside down if I am holding onto You.

For You alone are My safety net , waiting for Me while I am falling .

For only You are My shelter while the weather I am in is very fierce.

Only while clinging to You can I say that with My Soul all is well too.

Nothing to worry about while I am clinging to My only Source of protection.

For there is no Greater source of Protection and blessings then You.
Aug 2019 · 968
You Inspire Me
Each of you are an inspiration, You all touch my heart.

I am so Blessed by your Great and beautiful writings.

For your words soothe, inspires, touch, and heal me too.

Some of your poems bring healing through your hurt too.

Some of your poems might seem dark but God is using them.

To heal many and like I said before to heal many as well.

So do not feel sad but rather know that you are Blessed ones.

For you all have special jobs , so rejoice with the Lord here.

Know that each of you are very special , I am thankful for you.
Aug 2019 · 486
I Am Thankful For You All
I am so Grateful , for each and everyone of You.

For each and everyone of You have touch My life.

Through Your Beautiful words and Poems also.

I have been so very Blessed by each of You too.

I see that each of Your hearts are as big as Texas.

I just want each of You to know that You are Great.

I am so thankful that You for Your beautiful Poems.

They have touched many life, this I am sure of too.

You are all very special and have hearts of gold too.

We here are family and I just want to thank you.
Aug 2019 · 195
God Of Life
You are the God, that Lives the God that Brings Life not death Jesus.

You are the God, that restores relationships to His people as well.

You are the God, that Loves and through Your People they love too.

You are the God, that gives Your People Great Peace as well Jesus.

You are the God, that is Perfect and there is no sin within You either.

You are the God, that shall draw Your People home someday Father.

You are the God, that never gives up on Your People My Savior.

You are the God, that I shall turn to in all My times of need here.

You are the God, that I direct all of My Prayers here too Father.
Aug 2019 · 198
God's Great Work
I look to the Good Lord , even through His pruning,
For even through this Pain Christ is always Good.
For He is doing an Great work within Me through it.
He only doing this to bring out the very best within Me.
So allowing Him to work within Me revealing to others.
What He can do for them as well if They let Him do it.
Thus drawing them unto Him to work within them too.
God wants each of Us to be His Great work of art here.
Revealing to the world just how much He loves Us all.
Aug 2019 · 668
You Are Life Changers
I am so thankful for each of You Brothers and Sisters in God.

For each of you have a great deal of Love for other People too.

I know that through Your Beautiful Words , You are Life changers.

For You are always Busy changing other People lives right here.

Through all of Your Hearts and Beautiful Words others read here.

I just want you all to know as well , You change my Life as well.

I also want You to know that it is always for the Good as well too.

So I am just letting You know up front how inspiring that You are.

So never give up on Your Great Gift that God has bless you with.
Aug 2019 · 183
People Of God
You are all , Amazing Men of God and Women of God too.
I am thankful , to be a part of You  O People of God too.
For through Your Amazing words and Poetry I get healed.
For You O Men of God whom teach others about Our Lord.
You O Women of God whom teach others as well about God.
I am so Amaze at Your wonderfully and Beautiful Poetry here.
For all of You People of God , have such Amazing Poetry.
I am and have been , Blessed by each of Your Awesome Poems.
I just want each and Everyone of You to know People of God.
Jul 2019 · 312
Precious Family
Precious Family, children of God come unto Him always.

Precious Family, Jesus says that only He knows Our hearts.

Precious Family, You all are very Special to him and to Me.

Precious Family, You are all world changers through Him.

Precious Family, Christ shall always use You to reach out.

Precious Family,For you all meant for Great things Family.

Precious Family, even though You do not feel it right now.

Precious Family, You are truly wealthy through Christ too.

Precious Family, You truly are amazing People of Christ.
Jul 2019 · 529
Be Strong
Be strong in the Lord, and never give up here.

Trust in the Lord with your full heart as well.

For You shall move mountains with God help.

Never fear, for Christ shall Lead You through.

For You shall see Greater Miracles than before.

For Christ is Your Lord, and He Loves You much.

He shall speak Life into all of Your situations too.

So Trust Him and know that He shall never leave You.

For He knows Your every situation, here on the earth too.
Jul 2019 · 137
May You
God bless each of You, for each of You are Special.
May You always have everything that You all need.
May You always feel Loved, no matter where You at.
May the Good Lord , always give You extra Blessings.
May the Father Love always fill Your heart with more Love.
May the Father always lead You by the Hand everyday.
May the Holy Spirit teach You everything that You need to know.
May the Holy Spirit always dwell within You forever more.
Jul 2019 · 384
Wonderful Deliver
Wonderful Savior, working behind the scenes to Save Us.
Wonderful Lord, whom been by Our sides even in bad times.
Wonderful God, whom saved Us when We did not deserve it.
Wonderful Counselor , Guiding Us throughout this here Life.
Wonderful Savior, You have loved Us first even while we were evil.
Wonder Lord, You always Bless Us with so many different things.
Wonderful God, You have gave to Us so much of Your heart too.
Wonderful God, You are so Beautiful laying down Your Life here.
Wonderful Counselor, teaching Us on how to draw closer to You.
Jul 2019 · 200
Thank God
The Stronger You grow in God, the more You learn.

He teaches You , things that You might just see someday.

His teachings You sometime forget or never knew at all.

But when You do learn them or finally remember them.

You get blown out of the Water at how Powerful they are.

Thank God for these Amazing Moments in Your life here.

For Your heart starts to pound when You start to realize them.

For they turn out to reveal to You just how Great that God is.

So through this You see just how real that God truly is too.
Jul 2019 · 316
Jesus , I need you in everything that I do.
Jesus, I Love you and I will always need you.
Jesus, you are the only true source of this life.
Jesus, come and Love upon the lost here Lord.
Jesus, for they know not what they are missing.
Jesus, come and rescue people from the evil one.
Jesus, I need you more than anything else here.
Jesus, you are the only one that can save me too.
Jesus, I need you now and I will always need you.
Jul 2019 · 189
Unconditional Love
May Christ bless you and touch your Life as well.
May you have more friends than dollars in your pocket.
May the more your heart grows closer to the Lord.
The more that your heart shall grow in loving others.
May the friends that you have tell their friends about you.
In time may your life be filled with others always here.
May your heart keep getting filled with this Great Love.
Just for you to keep giving it away, but never being empty.
Because Christ just keeps filling it up with unconditional Love.
Jul 2019 · 157
Can You See Me
I am the Person, that you pass everyday on the street.

I am the homeless, the disable, the One that is hurting.

I am the Person in the Family that no one wants to see.

I am the elderly , that children are to busy to see here.

I am the Lost , that has no one to teach Me about Christ.

I am the christian that lost My way along the way too.

Can You see the hurt, anger, the sorrow, or tears too.

These all are the very People that Christ sent Us to.

So  yes We need to Love them and Lead them to God.
Jul 2019 · 369
You Are 100 Percent
You are 100 Percent, Worthwhile,  for Christ died for Your sins.

You are 100 Percent, savable by the Creator of the whole Universe.

You are 100 Percent, Usable for He can use You to reach out to others.

You are 100 Percent, Lovable for the Savior loves You so very much.

You are 100 Percent,capable of Repentance with Christ helping You.

You are 100 Percent, for Your life can be changed in an heartbeat too.

You are 100 Percent, Your very soul being delivered is Christ plan.

You are 100 Percent, He sent His Son to the earth 2000 years ago.

You are 100 Percent, To die a sinners death to Save Your Soul .
Jul 2019 · 157
God Can
God can and will Bless you in all situations here.
But it is up to each of Us to watch what we out.
Because the evil one comes to steal, ****, and destroy.
So he is always on the lookout to steal Gods blessings.
Stand firm, watch your back and keep loving Jesus.
God does want to always bless you with abundance.
He can give you plenty of money to bless others.
But He can also give you homes, cars, businesses.
Without giving you the money to buy them here.
Even without you inheriting them from family.
Some wealthy person can just come up and give them to you.
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