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echo Apr 2016
In your rhythmic ocean of warmth
You tug sweetly at the thousand threads
Of red and ochre, sunset blushes
A deep song through shallow veins
Tuning your fragile compass
By a beautifully
One day you will love

Tumbling pirouettes of quiet unawares
To the melody of your mother’s laugh
As the gentle lullabied vines
Cradle your whispered breaths
You hold a perfect thumb
A flawless white shell
To pure pink
One day you will speak

Suspended in wondrous veil
A delicate radiance of blessing
Weaving light in golden promises
A dulcet requiem for your perfect world
You sing from your beautiful sphere
Scrunched in lovely darkness,
Precious child
Your little
Will one day see

The beauty of life.
Dedicated to the unborn.
May we know your astounding worth and be brave in its truth.
echo Mar 2016
the who's who's
the ties and suits
the black and white
the stripes, the sleuths
the egocentric
tall, concentric
parts of us parade
through the cities
in the minds
we make ourselves,
for only ourselves
on streets we walk alone,
in need of truth.
echo Mar 2016
I think I loved you out of my life.
Out of existence.
The shadow stayed, though
(as a gentlemen should)
Yet wistful
all in the same breath.
I don't really know how
or why
or when you dissolved,
But I found after you faded
*only half of you had left.
echo Mar 2016
On my way to post a letter
Out my car Windows
I saw a grammar
Make a dash across the road
In an effort to be punctual
To a function at the TAB.
I skidded my car to a full stop,
Lost control in her direction,
Not in time to avoid my space-bar
I dashed over to find
She was in a comma!

Hit with a forward slash
It was a capital offense
I could not escape
Yet I was bold,
Tensely outlined the events
They docked a dot point
off my pen licence
and after bringing me before the keyboard
Sentenced me to a short spell
In a prison pen
(as it was just a lower case).

Entering the ward,
I paged the shift nurse
After her line break
‘- Would she wake?’
As it turns out her back space
Will have question marks
But her chances are greater-than most
Her progress is fontastic
For her age bracket
But her colon was disturbed -

She may have trouble
Just a pun-one, I penned for fun :)
(and you thought I was a serious type)
echo Mar 2016
you forget
you are a poet
and accidentally
make sense
10w truths
echo Mar 2016
I am every word I've said
Each moment I have pondered
I am every year I've seen
Each question I have wondered

So maybe every single thought
Each person, every prayer
Is everything I am
As well as how I've gotten there
echo Mar 2016
Time's a kite
Still flying
We hold on
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