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whisper, ssshhh
don't let them hear you
we have to be quite
don't make a sound
if they hear you
then you won't make a sound again
I fear that it will be over
Yet, I see no end to this pain
What did we get with this struggle
How did anything change from this strain

You act like it is o.k.
That I won't walk away feeling ashamed
That I didn't kiss you, love you
Made you feel worthy in every way

Time heals everything
That's what you sang
Everything except you
Time can't heal lifeless pangs

You were the missing piece
Love in endless refrain
My silence is screaming to tell you
That you gave my heart the chance to change

I learn more about you every moment
Working with you kept me sane
I knew you for so little of life
So how do you make me wish so much to stay

I knew you for a year, a year.
Loved you for what can only be days
But I have been connected to you for an eternity
My lost soul piece found, yet, never allowed to be one in the same.
I just found a connection that I have never experienced before. Deeper and full of more meaning than I believed possible. One that has never felt as right. We both even talked and couldn't believe how much we are actually the same and how connected we immediately felt with each other. Yet, we cannot date, I'm moving, and she is going to stay in town for at least another year. I hope one day I'll see her again, but we both know it won't be in the same way.
This pain that draws us closer has revealed so much
I have never understood why these thing happen
The life of tension in our hearts pushing us to break all concepts
yet our wisdom tells us the truth behind what can actually hurt
To be smart, to be ethical, morally correct?

I burn you when I touch your skin
I dissolve when you breath me in
You nibble away at my heart
biting and scratching, leaving a permanent mark
I won't walk away with out a bruise
But the bruise is beautiful, because it came from you.
Is there any wonder as to why fate can be so cruel?
Spinning us along, that string of agony on a corrupted spool
I shouldn't have made our love in plain sight
I should have been quite
I should have lied about it
Something, anything, everything besides what I did
Now we look at each other with love
But it's a Tantalus love. Never grasping. Wishing to be dead.

I want to be with you
You want to be with me
I'm leaving
You're staying
We still don't feel free
I see you now
And you see me
Our filters are gone and all we have is vulnerabilities
We know what we can do and what we can't
I wish I could do more than this poetry rant
I fell in love again.
Why would I do that?
I didn't want to, I didn't need to,
but I guess that happened.

It feels like a waste.
Just stop. Dont waste your time growing your mind on my perspective. Its similar to the colective after getting contraceptives from the medias aggressive deceptive since childhoods progressive attentive. I didn't learn anything newer than you. We both got ******* by the driver of our nations fire. Shot of ***** included to help believe the deniers when they said those kids weren't killed because of their suppliers of judgment handed down thru People, Cosmo, or Enquire. We turned a closed eye to the horrific mess just to have the light of advertisement dance its color over our flesh. We dont want to think less of ourselves after all, ego cant handle anything being its own fault. So, lets blame blacks, gays, muslims, mexicans, trans, asians, preteens and their abortions, little people, disfigured fighters, mentally handicapped, single moms, single dads, the homeless pulling all nighters, the blind, the deaf, the suicidal, the bulimic, the anorexic, the institutionalized wild, the lost kids orphaned, illegally imported, Native Americans, Indians, anyone close to the Mediterranean, or from an Island in the South Pacific sea, anyone that looks, thinks, breaths different from me. Which should be no body, but you don't seem to believe so. You can't see that deep inside, our souls are made out of substance brighter than gold. You only see flesh with that closed eye. So open it and discover the lives behind. And if you think I spew only lies then go back to the beginning when I said stop reading and quit wasting everyone's time.
The life of a forgotten
is one with many woes
we think we are seen
but little attention is shown

Why do we fear this onslaught of doubt
why can a soul fear to scream and shout
Why hide, why deny, why tremble so
why live these lies that bury deep below

Its it society? Is it family?
Is it the truth of our very own seeming?
How did this happen? Where did it spawn?
Can a soul never come to accepting where it belongs?

I know I dig into my heart
I know my worries tear others apart
I know my hatred of myself shines bright
I know that, I know that, its my blight.

A fear.
Living afraid.
A dear moment led astray
Life repeating moments everyday, everyday.

I want it to stop, but it can't.
Like a clock that won't break
I wish it was fake
but its cold and its dark, please let me wake.

No alarms in this reality
just a storm forever in calamity.
A rage of doubt, stout in its destruction
destroying our minds about your perception.

tired of making recompenses
all you see is our silences
but then again, the conversation was set in its pace
you probably already forgot why we were silent in the first place
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