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E I Alvarez Apr 2013
you are the




thing that has happened

to me so far.

you are exactly

what i need and

what i want and

no one

has ever made me feel

the way you make me feel.

you bring out the




in me.

you make me feel

beautiful and wanted but

jealous and obsessive.

expressive and alive but

still clinging to you like a child.

this is the




thing i’ve ever felt.

because i think

i really think

i was in love with you.

or at least this is

the closest i’ve ever gotten to

love or

something like it.

this is what i know

about love:

it is the




thing that could happen to you.

a euphoric feeling of

being needed.

a terrifying feeling of


love is:

me still writing

poems about you

months after the fact.

me still dependent on

you like

a drug. unable to

escape this prison and the




part is i did it

to myself.

still thinking that

someday it will work out

because there cannot be

anyone else. you are


for me. but this is

what i know about

love: it is


infinite or

unconditional or

something to build

your life on.

what i know about love

every man in my life

has taught me. one

at a time

they tell me

love is: not

what you thought

at all.

love is: when you

feel that pain

in that one spot

of your chest where you

feel it

every time. like when

your brother left or

your uncle left or

your father left.

so the




thing i’ve ever done

was to

love you like i

didn’t know

what love is.
to b:
i would have waited forever for you.
E I Alvarez Apr 2013
my hands were cut by thorns
while i was picking
lemons from our tree.

i didn’t know
until later when
the lemons reminded me,
stinging, that you were not there.
E I Alvarez Apr 2013
in the stillness i waited
some sign
that you were alive.

when it did not come
i died there
with you.
E I Alvarez Apr 2013
it was fun and it was beautiful while it lasted. but the thing is, it didn’t last forever, did it?
it was smiles and it was happiness until it just wasn’t anymore. we still smile and we still laugh, but it’s not quite the same because our eyes don’t always meet and sometimes our words are too personal to avoid. but i still have a piece of you in this capacity, so it’s okay.

we have the same sense of humor and the same tendency towards the dramatic, even if it’s hidden well. so that’s why when a friend of a friend asks me what my type is i say,

“Funny. And charming.”

but when my mother asks me i say,

“Serious. Intelligent and quiet.”

she nods and her smile looks more like a smirk and then her smirk looks more like a frown because she loved someone funny herself, once. she loved him for a very long time, but that’s over now.

“We never really change, do we?”

i ask her. she nods again and it’s that sad-smile again because he’s still funny and charming when he picks up my sister on the weekends and i’m willing to bet it still hurts.

that’s why she’ll never ask me about that day i didn’t get out of bed or the next day when i did, still tired with red around my eyes. because she knows. she knows more than i do. so now i’ll wait for someone serious. intelligent and quiet. his silence will seep into the spaces and cracks in my life like plaster until my heart is, not whole, but unbroken. he will ground me and balance me and will not have the slightest inclination towards the dramatic. he will not be you.
and that’s okay.
that’s good.
E I Alvarez Apr 2013
It’s raining right now and I can’t quite remember if you like the rain or hate it, but I like it and it’s putting me to sleep.

The other night I went to bed a little earlier and woke up around this time to the sound of the rain on my window and it felt so peaceful that I would have stayed in that moment forever if I could have. Instead I just smiled and went back to sleep. When I woke up it wasn’t fully and in my half asleep state it felt like eternity stretched out there between the sound of each raindrop.

So I guess I did have a few seconds of forever there in my bed, in my almost sleep.
I guess eternity is the sound of the raindrops on my window.
E I Alvarez Apr 2013
it’s a shock, but not entirely unexpected. because she is all lines and circles and i am triangles and squares. i can’t really blame you for lines-circles; she is beautiful and wonderful and everything i am not. i would want her too, if i were you. but it’s still not okay and it still hurts so i think we are just about done. but before you go i have to tell you. i met her once, even before you. she was bright eyed and shining. she still is. so i am telling you: you cannot do to her what you have done to me. because she is soft curves and endless horizons. i am sharp edges and harsh angles, with you always cutting yourself on the corners. you cannot tell her about how you can’t wait to see her in her wedding dress and how you don’t think she should wear white because it’s too plain and not good enough for her. how you can’t imagine that she could be any more beautiful but you know she will be, coming down the aisle. you can’t tell her about the house with the red door. you can’t tell her that Alexander is your favorite name so you’ll have two, one for each and July is a strange name, he’ll probably get made fun of at school. you can’t tell her that you heard somewhere that Maine is a good place to raise a family and you want to eat lobster everyday, so the house with the red door will be there; July and Alexander will play in the yard. you can’t promise her that when you come home from work, before anything else, you will just hold her. because these are our things. these things are meant for Triangles and Squares. she deserves things meant for Lines and Circles. so start over with lines-circles and don’t worry that our almost life won’t remember you, because I will.
E I Alvarez Apr 2013
pulling scraps of paper from a drawer.
mementos of a different life and tokens of a stranger. a different person from the me, now, that sits at this desk and pulls from its depths memories from far away. images flash in my mind, slow and staggered, like a slideshow of who i was and who i became.

and as i come across them i will throw away, or maybe burn, the bad things.
but the good things, the things that imprint upon me a smile like they did once before; these things i will cherish and secret away. so that one day when i am a new person again, i will smile.
like i did today.
like i did back then.
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