yes, this city
is awe-inspiring.
the sheer height
of kroger's hq,
the intrinsic intimacy
of the 5/3 dome, yes
is the only word.
when the sun is setting,
i mean.
when the light
shines on the columns of windows, the buildings
slide startlingly out of focus to become something almost real,
something almost untainted by glass, uh--
a sunset.
a river.
the buildings wiped almost
out of existence
that river. a river
that gushes, changing with every second yet
remaining. constantly
in its pose of watermotion and water-
but then the sun fades away
and the neonlights come on,
and the moon
is far too faint and the buildings
cast shadows that are far too wide
and reality is submerged and we
are submerged.
we need another glint.
another light.
we need to turn the stillness
of this night
into a movement,
and yes,
we need to be prepared,
just in case--
we have to fight.