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18h · 38
Conditional design
World's on mute, stuck on replay,
A hazy dream where thoughts decay.
Words get caught on a tangled tongue,
Stuck in slow-mo, everything's sprung.

This tangled mess, a constant drag,
Reality's a one-way lag.
Roots keep tripping, memories blur,
Like a glitching screen, all askew.

Flashes of visions, a fractured show,
Lost in the static, nowhere to go.
Excluded, a glitch in the grand design,
An empty shell with a hollow whine.
Jun 6 · 140
I want to excel
but my thoughts expel
We both repel
But we are stuck here in a jell-o.
May 28 · 35
At this age adulting is just
stopping yourself from quitting
right this moment.
May 23 · 109
Rejected and Dejected
Rejection hurts like it does
envelopes me into deepest sadness
pinching me within the chest
spreading the despair in every inch
grabs the heart and crushes it
with the strength of my palm.

Rejection makes me wish I cease
and cancel the existing life lease
Mundane things loses interest
and the state becomes quite desperate
I could go on but to feel this again
the gut wrenching pain

Quite nothing to gain
Quite everything is vain.
May 13 · 134
Forced from ancestral lands,
Paradise lost, a life undone.
Deserts encroach, sands reclaim,
Hope's flicker extinguished, one by one.

Fleeing across hostile borders,
Seeking refuge in shadows' embrace.
Home transformed to a crucible of pain,
Twisted fate etched on each face.

Lines of sorrow etched deep in their palms,
No solace remains, no beauty to find.
Only despair's echo in the desolate winds,
A symphony of anguish left behind.
May 4 · 188
Can you dare to be anymore absurd
i wish to cry, but I had to laugh
what forced you to be so rough and tough
what made you be so huffed up?

I look at my smile, it is twisted
Frowned upon by onlookers, unfitted
Gruelsome fate, cruel some off late
Paraded, lamenting about the fate.
Apr 27 · 54
Red wrapping
Packages arrive, a scent of dreams unfurled,
The world spins on, secrets tightly curled.
Whispers of truth, in wrappings they disguise,
Promises gleam, beneath deceptive skies.

Like wishes granted on a winter's night,
Deliveries dance, bathed in fleeting light.
Clues unfold, a trail of hopeful signs,
News glimmers bright, where fortune aligns.
Apr 10 · 98
Level up
One day I'll learn, it all comes clear,
What purpose did my actions bear?
Was it trivial, a fleeting trace?
The worries that clouded my mental space?

Perhaps it all connected unseen,
A beautiful pattern, a vibrant sheen.
Destiny's a game, the path unclear,
But like leaves changing hues, the answer will appear.

Hold your horses, calm your soul's rage,
There's mercy in time, wisdom on each page.
Level up your perspective, find a new sight,
Embrace the journey, bathed in golden light.
Mar 22 · 60
In the cadence of a chai-stained dream,
Are you the spice that lingers, or a fleeting sugar high?
Will this yearning ripen into a love supreme,
Or fade like a forbidden beneath a starlit sky?

The ancient verses whisper on the wind, they say,
"Can even the Himalayas predict the monsoon's sway?"
A tempest of emotions, a monsoon in my heart,
Why this chasm between us, where two souls can't quite start?

You, a valley lush with melody, your voice a cascading stream,
And I, a concrete jungle yearning for a wilder theme.
Would you bloom in the chaos, this urban symphony?
For I confess, my darling, I am a creature of dependency.

In hushed tones, beneath the city's gentle hum,
I crave the rhythm of your being, a thrum against my own drum.
Let our bodies be the bridge, hearts whispering in the near,
For in this closeness, darling, all distance disappears.
Mar 1 · 213
Soul Light
I yearn for soul liberation,
To break free from all temptation,
To cast off every bind,
And leave the world behind
All earthly limitation.

The soul, by nature, needs but naught,
For freedom is its inherent thought.
But my flaws have held me back,
My vision blurred, off track.

What truly do I need?
Nothing, indeed.
Yet greed consumes my inner fire,
My soul's desire.

Devoid of true enlightenment,
I chase a fading light.
My vision veiled, my eyes concealed,
By fear, my heart revealed.

Lies will sting, anger will blaze,
Karma's wheel will turn its gaze.
I await the reckoning true,
My soul's awakening anew.

Who will absolve my deepest sins?
My thoughts, my inner demons' din.
They've led me down a murky trail,
Where nothing does prevail.

My flesh decays, my mind erodes,
My memory's path eludes.
I speak in riddles, devoid of sense,
My soul, a labyrinth without defense.

Who will decipher these mysteries?
The hidden truths that set me free?
The answer lies within,
My true self, my origin.

Oh, to be a soul liberated,
From all worldly attachment alienated.
To live my life with authenticity,
In true detachment, with serenity.
Feb 15 · 121
Dance and shake away
Ardently and rigorously shaking fizz,
A symphony of sensations, a blissful abyss.
You look at me, your eyes ablaze,
As I dance to the rhythm of my own daze.

My focus is blurred, my mind unbound,
In this dizzying dance, I am truly found.
Quiet disgruntled, yet oh so alive,
Amazed by the luck that brought us to this drive.

Sincere flattery, is that a thing?
I am just kidding, but your praise does sing.
Satisfied, yet always yearning for more,
In this little dance, my heart does soar.

Feel light, that's the way,
Never to stay in one place, I say.
For in this journey, I am never alone,
With you by my side, my heart has grown.

So let us shake this, ardently and with rigor,
And dance to the beat of our own inner vigor.
For in this moment, we are truly free,
To be wild and alive, you and me.
Feb 10 · 122
Faithfully yours
Dabbling in to faith
such a serious note,
Corrupt is on the throne
considered the God,
Blindfolded our eyes,
all the words mistranslated
and misconstrued,
I don't wish to speak about
this heavy subject.

It weighs heavily on my soul,
are they true or hollow?
should I listen, learn
to who do I follow?
Cannot trust my brother
in this century,
Then are those people
even holy, undue glory?

Sudden storm in my mind
pressure very unkind
People are on divide
Just blow on the horns
Whispers of taint
Rumour mills manufactured
urgency ungraded,
my faith repents
the spirit latent.
Feb 9 · 68
Time passing
2024 is passing by,
January gone in a blink of an eye.
February halfway in
I cannot even count my breathing.
It's going away fast
I haven't achieved anything.
My foot buried in the concrete,
The time has gained in the speed.
Jan 12 · 97
Drama rolling
How each year, you look back
and feel it come with so much drama
You think last year was tame
not so much fuss, but looking back
it had pretty much unbearable
iterations too, now we are seeing a new year dawn
It's trickling down
Your thoughts in the pond
Hunger taking the toll
World is out in a brawl
And now I feel it in my bone
the drama this year will roll
It will be much more intense
Than the movies I love to watch
But wish to never be there in them
Jan 9 · 446
Lost soul
I used to be a kind soul
Now I am an eyesore
I used to be pink rose
fresh with lightness
Now I spread the dimness
Entrapped in darkness
Sharpening my thorns.
Jan 4 · 110
Hidden intent
It's funny to see you in business
Arming them to ****
Frowning, but sending them bills
Putting money bags in your account
Collecting wealth on shared misery
The very heart of this new age tragedy
It's always the same,
Building skyscrapers and bridges
With their ghostly blood on every brick
We know your bluff, your stanze
Looking down and away,
One more terrain in disarray
Your eyes on the next target
Starting fire on next oil.
Dec 2023 · 587
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2023
More than seventy years seen
still looked more keen
and what a year it has been
Yet cannot believe you didn't see
the year twenty three
what a hell it has been
Not seeing you anymore
Looking down from the window,
the one I most adored
why did you leave me,
Since the last day of last December,
The winter is freezing me like never before!
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2023
My inner voice, a chatty friend,
When sleep I seek, its whispers blend.
It lures me to its side,
And bids my slumber to confide.

It babbles on, without a pause,
Its endless chatter makes me doze.
I try to hush its gentle plea,
But sleep eludes me, it mocks me.

Oh, inner voice, I beg of thee,
Please grant me peace, and set me free.
Release your grip, and let me rest,
For sleep I long, my weary quest.
Dec 2023 · 200
Heavy silver sea
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2023
A violet sky, a silver sea,
A scene so pure, it should make me free.
But in this beauty, I find no ease,
A hollow feeling that won't appease.

The air is pungent, the land is polluted,
The creatures of this world, so persecuted.
Their plight unseen, their voices unheard,
As we exploit them, with no remorse.

Our greed is like a parasite,
Devouring all in its sight.
We leave behind a trail of destruction,
A hollow world, devoid of instruction.

Vindictive nature, now takes its toll,
As we reap the seeds that we sow.
The beauty fades, the sparkle wanes,
And all that's left is a hollow refrain
Dec 2023 · 126
Trapped by words
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2023
In depths of silence, words lie trapped,
Like stones of thought, my mind ensnapped.
To speak, my voice finds no release,
Held captive by the fear of cease.
In this stifling air, I cannot thrive,
My spirit yearning to survive.
Dec 2023 · 313
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2023
I am always erased from the photos
I am the one always clicking them
I am always present yet absent
Nobody sees behind the camera lens
Portrait is always without me
Like I was never part of this.
Nov 2023 · 239
Part away
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2023
At parting, you'll be missed, I fear,
A treasure lost, a friend so sincere.
Once ignored, now sought by all,
A fleeting light, they heed your call.

They poke and pry, their gaze intense,
As if you're fading from their presence.
A ship sailing into the distance,
Your journey's course, a mystic existence,
An out of world experience.

They long for you to stay,
But destiny summons you away.
Nov 2023 · 354
Innocent dying
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2023
Anywhich way,
Innocent lives are lost,
Anywhich ways,
they keep dying,
Anywhich ways,
they are always targeted
People don't bother
if they see the number
The visuals of the real scene
are soul crushing, heart shattering stills
I don't know why, it has always been
A part of the reality,
Innocent lives lost, a sad tragedy
If not by bullets, than by hunger
the thirst increases, heatwave takes another victim today
It makes all the colours in my life go away.
Nov 2023 · 120
Live for yourself
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2023
You live, I live,
Not for anyone else.

We breathe air
Not borrowed from anyone.

not debtors or creditors,
we are free to live as we feel.

We were destined to come
learn the lessons
Because we are the blessed ones,
Seeing the changes come
Be loved by none
We come and go alone.

Our time here is a short span
our lifeline is much bigger than the deadline.
Let's remove the unresolved dependency of others,
There is no reason to carry the burden
And make the shoulders numb.

It's time we stop searching for higher purpose
And live in the moment here and now
deal with problems as they come.
Nov 2023 · 306
Island retreat
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2023
In a realm of casual vibes and youthful trends,
A luncheon beckons, a gathering of friends.
Across the digital void, connections extend,
To an island retreat, where spirits transcend.
Nov 2023 · 126
Unseen connection
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2023
In the blink of an eye,
Time passes us by.
We live our lives alone,
In self-made lies of our own.

We try to rise above,
But our castles crumble below.
When we're neck-deep in water,
Our steps are bound to falter.

We grip tight to the pole,
Believing destiny is our tool.
But in the depths of our scope,
We believe we are brought here alone.

Innate knowledge within,
Tells us we're all akin
A connect is what is missing
Our silver threads are entwined in
Pull and push, a sense of being.
Nov 2023 · 266
Little bird
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2023
I want to be favoured
Favoured little bird
I want your attention
to be reserved
Solely on me.
Nov 2023 · 91
Still heart
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2023
Ambient light
What a delight
I need to run across the field
It is the only way to get the rush feel
Otherwise my heart goes completely still.
Oct 2023 · 283
Love potion
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
The radius of my love for you,
Like autumn leaves in hues so true,
Spreads wide and far, from heart to mind,
A malady of sweetest kind.

A cure I seek, but none is found,
My love for you knows no bound.
My heart beats fast, my breath grows deep,
When I am near, my love, I weep.

Oh, calm me down with some sedative,
Lest I become love's captive.
For thoughts of you consume my mind,
And leave no other thought behind.

But though my love may drive me mad,
I'd have it not, I'd not be glad,
To lose the feeling, sweet and pure,
That makes my heart for you endure.

So let me be, my love, my dear,
And let my love for you appear,
In every word and every deed,
A love that's sown and never freed
Oct 2023 · 191
Speak, no, don't!
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
The weight of words hangs heavy on my tongue,
Like a stone around my neck, pulling me down.
I want to speak, but my voice is muted,
Held captive by the fear of judgment
I won't sustain in this environment
Oct 2023 · 249
It is on fire
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
Arrangements are so peculiar
    A chance and what turns out
quite spectacular.
    One does wonder
in no particular order
              the momentum with which
the matter got piqued
it is a sensation worldwide.
Oct 2023 · 279
Lonely cup
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
It's lonely times when I drink tea alone
It is an uneventful evening
I am caught up in worry clouds
Floating over my cup
Oct 2023 · 164
Nature symphony
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
Ardently I gaze at the glorious hemisphere,
Seamlessly stitched by the branches of a tree,
Where birds of paradise hover with glee,
A symphony of nature's artistry.

In the verdant realm of my imagination,
Where dreams and reality dance as one,
I find solace in the seamless narration,
Of what we can discover, even when my heart burns.
Oct 2023 · 210
Creature of the night
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
Look beyond the shimmery sea
I feel the dark is my destiny
Touch me not, I become
A creature of the night, unnamed

I feel the pull of the moon
Tides and turns in tune
I dance beneath the stars
As I lose myself into the darkness

I am a creature of the night
I am the dark's delight
I am the one you fear
I am the one you cannot see

I am the dark, and I am here
Oct 2023 · 191
Karma 101
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
When you hit, be ready for a quick push
What you throw it up, it falls down on you,
It's basic karma, one-oh-one
Be nice, be good, will bring a good turn
it all comes down to your intent in the end.
Oct 2023 · 218
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
My love for you is like a flame,
It burns so bright, it's hard to tame,
Glowing maroon, burning sapphire,
So let's ignite a passion fire,
Chase through all the desire
It's clear, if the colour remains, when the yearning fades
But even so the true love remains.
Oct 2023 · 266
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
A celestial glow, the cosmos ignite,
A soul departs, bathed in silver's light.
Free from the shackles of mortal clay,
It ascends to realms beyond our earthly day.

A spark of starlight, a cosmic dance,
In the tapestry of time, its essence enhanced.
With the universe's secrets entwined,
Its spirit echoes through the cosmic mind.

Though the body may fade, its essence remains,
A radiant thread in the cosmos' veins.
In every star, in every breath,
The soul's eternal dance defies death.
Oct 2023 · 235
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
Your truth is different from my own,
You see me differently than I'm known.
I plead on bended knee,
Please listen, please see.

My words have caused you pain,
I imagined our talk in vain.
I didn't give you space,
To decide your own pace.

Misunderstanding, a cruel twist,
A bridge we must now cross and mend.
I'll try to see you through your eyes,
I'm extremely apologetic, she denies.
Oct 2023 · 158
Bleeding land
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
Another attack, more bloodshed
humans are in peril
It's hard to see
terror spreading
Why in this century
this should continue
We have read history too many to know
What can happen
And what will be lost
And no one is happy with the ending
We are losing humanity
It is strongly upsetting
what should spread peace, continues to be the reason of divide
Why do people resort to violence
Bloodstain on their fingers.
Oct 2023 · 693
The love fall
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
Attributes of autumn surround,
As love's sweet malady astounds.
My heart beats faster, breath drawn deep,
As love's embrace I long to keep.

Oh, cure this love that makes me yearn,
My soul with fervent passion burn.
Like leaves that fall in golden hues,
My love for you will never lose.

But autumn's chill can bring me fear,
Lest love's sweet bloom should disappear.
So calm my mind with love's embrace,
And banish doubt with tender grace.

My love, my heart, my autumn dream,
Together through the seasons gleam.
For though the leaves may fade and fall,
Our love will stand forever tall
Oct 2023 · 179
Dusty Air
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
Tomorrow they won't care
At all, you'll be
Like dust in the air,
Nothing is fair.
Oct 2023 · 97
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
It's always at parting
Suddenly you become important
While you struggled everyday before
Nobody seems to care to
Check on you
Now you are a shiny toy
People poke in to
Check on you
Going away to another part
Want you to stop,
when you want to restart.
Oct 2023 · 116
Saturn Gaze
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
Saturn's gaze, my heart ablaze,
I fit nowhere, my pant size a haze.
Oversized coat for undersized heart,
Drum beats pounding, sleep a distant start.
Sep 2023 · 53
Fast track
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2023
I'm riding a train
just me inside
passing through many station
not stopping anywhere
the journey to nowhere
the steam keeps it going
through hills and towns
places around the world
without more than a glimpse
Everything passes by
time hurries forward.
Sep 2023 · 186
Soul Liberation
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2023
What I relentlessly seek,
to be a soul liberated,
Free from every attachment,
Bound by nothing, tempted by naught,
No unnecessary latchment.

The soul needs nothing, it's true,
To be free is its nature.
But my flaws have held me back,
My vision's a blur, a facture.

What do I really need?
Nothing, if I'm truthful.
Yet greed consumes, my soul depletes,
My life, a wasteful ruth.

Devoid of true knowledge,
I seek what's unclear.
My vision blinded, my eyes closed,
I'm trapped by my fear.

Lies will bite, anger will burn,
Karma's wheel will turn.
I wait for the reckoning,
My soul to learn.

Who will wash away my sins?
My thoughts, my inner foes.
They've led me down a dark path,
Where nothing grows.

My body deteriorates,
My mind fades, my memory erases.
I speak in riddles, no sense to make,
My soul, a maze.

Who will decode the mysteries?
The real truths that liberate?
The answer lies within,
My true self, my fate.

Oh, to be a soul liberated,
Free from every attachment.
To live my life authentically,
With true detachment
Sep 2023 · 180
Happy memory
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2023
What makes a happy memory
it would end like in a melody
the waves make in the way
Cherishing moments treasury
But eventually, things end.
Sep 2023 · 216
Nothing to explain
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2023
well I was ....
Wanting to wish ....
Now the ship has sailed ...
the things I won't say
giving up on you
given up entirely
only if ....
seriously, ....
it's better if I don't ...
what do I even explain
So sorry if I bothered you
I am done being an emotional can
Crushed in your hand
Sep 2023 · 143
Late night chats
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2023
It's getting late
late hours and I still don't close my eyes
I still wait for the chat to die
it keeps coming, back and forth
It's morning five
the sleepless night
An hour for day to break
My eyes remain awake.
Aug 2023 · 1.2k
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2023
the whole world is circled around them
and we are left being their sidekicks.
Aug 2023 · 192
New order
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2023
The world is ours, they say,
But we don't own a thing.
We take what we want,
and possess no wit,
And then we move on,
Leaving nothing behind,
Nothing for any other being.

We are the generation of renters,
Not owners.
We don't care about possessions,
Only experiences.
We are always looking for the next new thing,
Never satisfied with what we have
Right in our hands.

We are the generation of disposables,
Not heirlooms.
Plastic is permanence,
It is towering our lives,
We throw things away when they break,
Not trying to fix them.
No time for reparation, just consumption
We don't value things that last,
Only things that are new and shiny.

We are the generation of entitlement,
Not responsibility.
We think we deserve everything,
Without having to work for it.
We don't understand the concept of ownership,
Only of taking and asking.

We are the generation of the future,
But we are lost.
We don't know what it means to be responsible,
Or to care for something at all.
We are the generation that will inherit the world,
But we will lose it
In a blink of the see the kingdom setting down.
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