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 Feb 2014 xxxx
I asked myself if I did that,
as if I had been sitting here before.
"Was that me? Why don't I remember doing this?"
and I think who it was who sat here before me,
where are they now, how was their life affected by
drawing two lines on a desk,
what knowledge were they
distracting themselves from learning?
How did my life change by fixing the line
so that it was straight?
Why is any of this significant?
 Feb 2014 xxxx
Speaking Up
 Feb 2014 xxxx
I am labeled a lot
A cheater
A lying ****
Manipulative *****
Sickening witch
Ugly hearted
Cold blooded
Those, the obvious
I am called many names
Some are stupid
Some are cruel
But I guess I deserve this
Maybe this is my fate
Maybe I am a pathetic fool
Words are like bricks
Thrown at me
Causing bruises
And endless amounts
Of unhealthy rage
If you talk badly of me
Then I will fight back
My mistakes are not
Meant for mockery
I know my flaws
I know my past
I know, I know
But you're still
Not the best
I'm tired of being the one who gets all the blame.
 Feb 2014 xxxx
Truly For Keeps
 Feb 2014 xxxx
Love in the dark
Is what I like best
Passion is on point
No need for exams
Or stupid tests
This is truly
For keeps
 Feb 2014 xxxx
Collar Bones
Hip Bones
Shoulder Blades
 Feb 2014 xxxx
 Feb 2014 xxxx
Gonna use a new account from now on.
Message me for it, or something.
Take care, and stay safe.
 Feb 2014 xxxx
Spent the day inside
Because the city's cold
Yet it's only two
And I think of you
How you'd want me to live
I just wanna see you smile
Wish you were alive
My dear sunshine
Miss your face, your smile, your grace.
 Feb 2014 xxxx
Such Care
 Feb 2014 xxxx
Troubles hanging on my shoulder
So **** ready to walk out the door
I am dying to feel alive and secure
Your hands felt my frustration
Your eyes saw my flaws
And my addictions
Traits and bad habits
I remember last night
It was fun yet light
Hit me like
A ton of bricks
A description of such
Your care makes me blush
I am insecure and you see it
You tell me to hold your hands
And let the worries slip
Into the nothing they should be
The best friend truly heals me
 Jan 2014 xxxx
I cannot hate
Who and what
I can't forget

I leave myself confused
Sometimes a little bruised
Marked by the past
Haunted until the end

It lingers on my skin
As I lay in bed
At night
An old poem of mine
 Jan 2014 xxxx
When I think of a drug
I think of your love
When I need touch
I think of our bodies
And how nice it feels
Whenever they are close
When I think of lips
I think of yours
And how well
They kiss mine
And get me lost
In a daze
A hell of a
Love spell
You're precious
 Jan 2014 xxxx
When I look at my sister
I see nothing but beauty
But when I look in the mirror
All I see is nothing but ugly

I'll never be more
Than what I am

I'll never be sure
Of what I see
I'll never like me

I feel so unattractive
I feel like my mirror
Is secretly laughing
And all my friends
Are secretly gasping
Wondering how
My mirror
Isn't already
Showing signs
Of cracking
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