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 Oct 2013 xxxx
Another poet's words slammed into our faces,
crushing our bones with truths held like fire,
a burn on the hand but worth every sting,
running in circles from thoughts we can't speak of,
knowing what the other is feeling,
why can't I hold you when inside you're weeping?

We connect, you can't deny it,
arms brushing one against the other,
heat surging rebuilding shattered ribs,
sewing my lungs back in,
allowing me to breathe again.

Reverberating words from raw poetry in our heads,
I  can see it in your face, the relevance they had,
you lie falling next to me, I know they're still there,
why are you letting her get you down when you know i'm right here?

Dreams overtake you, dead asleep in the night,
the darkness can't consume all of your light,
you're safe with me as we loll asleep,
my fingers laced in your hair to wake you from dreaming.

Don't leave me now,
your scent lingers in the air,
i'll stay cuddled in this blanket forever,
i'll pretend that you're there.

The echo of your words keeps me warm in my slumber,
like the poems we silently cried together over.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
I want to go home
but today home walked away.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Everlasting Joy
 Oct 2013 xxxx
once had a dream
never knew
what it meant
until I met him

then I realized
we were connected
all this entire time
the puzzle piece
fitted just right
found a match

his existence
makes me feel
so much joy
my best friend
and soulmate
until the end

I love him so.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Early Smiles
 Oct 2013 xxxx
its barely six in the morning
I find myself staring
into the eyes of a loved one
that guy is like sunshine
every single time
his body is pressed
against mine
the best moments
of my life
are the ones
that I've shared
with him
he makes me
want to keep smiling
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Yours To Keep
 Oct 2013 xxxx
when in need of a pick-me-up
kiss me til the sun fades
hold me til the night appears
love me til my heart stops
I promise I'll never stop
seeking your remedy
you are my medicine
baby, you heal me
love is a bad habit
but it's also sweet
it is tragic but
I will always
want to have it
I will always
want to have you
you are my world
and I am yours to keep
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
I don't write to impress
or to be a part of
a writing cult
I write to express
hoping that
people can relate
nothing more
nothing less
so think of that
before you comment
on my personal poems
© Natali Veronica 2013.

kinda annoyed right now. needed to vent.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Drug Is Him
 Oct 2013 xxxx
I know what I feel
but how do I express it
in a way you understand
that it is real?

you kiss my lips
before I even speak
before I can say
all the words
that haunt me
and send chills

before I get a chance
to perfect my lines
you put your hands
around my waist
and I lose myself
in your eyes
those brown eyes
that make me weak
from just one glance

nothing distracts me more
than his hungry lips
when he pushes me down
towards the bed
and bites my neck hard
so innocent and cute
yet *******
when the door
is closed

my favorite drug to take
is his sweet love
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
the baddest addictions
are with good intentions
not to cause harm
but to feel okay
I can say
I've never broken an arm
never been under
a sadistic charm
broken myself
but healed up again
kept going back
to feel my heart
patiently beating
poisonous thoughts
are like cyanide
so easy to think
it's even easier to die
the more addictions I have
the better I seem to feel
how tragic is that?
life has some
but no appeal
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Be Grateful
 Oct 2013 xxxx
its so hard to believe
that I am alive
to hold on
and to smile
when I feel so small
I wish sometimes
I could have it all
but that would be too much
too much of a good thing
life is meant for
a bit of suffering
so we are grateful
for everything
that we own

we take for granted
the paths of stone
that we walk on
we complain about
the dimes in
our pockets
how they are
not dollars

we talk about
how we wear
no real gold
only silver
or platinum
or colored
gem stones

we feel so poor
but let's face it
as long as
we're wealthy
in health
nothing else
should matter

be grateful for the air
that you breathe
be grateful for the love
you have received
be grateful for the people
who are in your life
be grateful for
the small things
that make you smile

be grateful for...your heartbeat.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Zila martin
Alice fell, down the rabbit hole,
Just like me.
She plunged too deep,
Too deep into insanity.
60 days in darkness,
a whole winter of desperation.
She was made up of words and sentences,
Strung together to create her story.
Her mad, and wild story.
Her loneliness is her bitter companion,
And death...
Death is a dream.
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