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 Oct 2013 xxxx
 Oct 2013 xxxx
weekly episodes of panic attacks.
minimal motivation.
what have I become.

what have we become.

I love you.

and all three of those words
create an uneven frame,
hanging you up closest to my heart.

each night
before I leave,
I reread the sweetest combination of words
anyone has written to me,
and I pretend that you love me too.

I've been blinded
by your sweet eyes,
and forgiving embraces.
I'll never let myself  
look away.

Rivers of tears stream down my face
as I wait for a response
of any kind.
because your company kills me,
but I much rather prefer it
than being alone
on these cold
winter nights.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
an apology
 Oct 2013 xxxx
i remember crying
when my mum's coat
smelled of cigarette smoke
because i didn't want her to die

i remember not getting out of bed
the morning after that one boy
kissed someone else
because i wanted to be her

i remember cutting my skin
when i realised
they all left me
because i needed them

i remember feeling disgusted
when i was the one to smoke
and kiss someone else and leave
all because i was so broken

and you should know i'm sorry
and i hope you don't cry
i hope you get out of bed
i hope your skin is whole
i know you love me and i'm sorry i made it so difficult. remember that one night where you held me and tried to talk me out of destroying myself? yet i walked away, smoked all the cigarettes i was offered in less than 30 minutes, kissed someone else even though you've been in love with me since i was 10 and left you. and after that i realised how messed up my life was, and i changed it completely.  i'm recovering now. i haven't smoked ever since that night, i wouldn't dare to touch my skin with anything sharp, i'm not depressed and i'm not leaving anyone who needs me. you made me realise that i deserved to do better, and i'm sorry if i hurt you in my way of figuring out life. but i'm doing much better now and i'm very thankful to have a silly little boy like you, who can't stop loving me no matter how much **** i get myself into. and i'm very sorry that i can't make my heart feel something it won't, because you deserve for someone to care as much as you cared for me that night. thank you and i'm sorry.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Put A Ring On Me
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Sometimes I wish
He'd propose
With a boxed
© Natali Veronica 2013.

this is a ****** 10w poem, oh well.
in a ''I want to get married'' mood ***.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
At Ease
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Finally at ease with life
It's all truly in place
Makes me feel at ease
Like a lovely, cold breeze
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Fairytale Reality
 Oct 2013 xxxx
we burned bridges
then made amends
swore never to think
negative thoughts again
about ourselves or our love

we made a promise
to stay through
thick and thin
until the world
came crashing down
until the stars exploded
in the midnight sky
until the day
it breaks
you & I

people told me it was wrong
to love a man so strong
told me to leave
while I could
but the love
I have for you
is too intense
unlike a small fire
it can't burn out
being without you
would be like
being stuck
in the dark

your heart is my treasure
your touch is my desire
without you here with me
I'd sink like an anchor

my heart could explode
from love gone overboard
the intensity of it all
is so difficult to ignore
I fall harder than I did
the day I saw you
standing by that door
constantly falling
harder than I ever did
before and after

every time we kiss
I feel my heart ignite
I can feel the butterflies
I can feel those sparks
fly into the air
when you're near

when I hear your name
I scribble it on notebooks
when I see your face
I almost lose my senses
everything falls into place
when you're next to me
I love seeing you every night
when you're wide awake
when you're sound asleep
I feel like I live in a dream
seems too good to be real
but it is, truly is
the man of my dreams
is here in person
not just in my mind
or in my thoughts
© Natali Veronica 2013.

this poem was inspired by the love of my life.
he makes me the happiest, luckiest girl alive.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
exchange my flaws
for a goddess'

exchange my heart
for one made of gold
maybe I would be
treasured then
by the ones
I need in
my life
© Natali Veronica 2013.
not a great poem but posting it anyway.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
There are times in a young woman's life
Where she has to protect herself
Protect her heart and words
Because nothing ever lasts
Unless you know boundaries
When it comes to love
When it comes to trust
When it comes to honesty
When it comes to security

Girls grow up thinking
Growing up sounds fun''
But then, as time goes on
We begin to miss being *young

Being free spirits in terms of youth
In terms of thinking and feeling
And the importance of confidence
As well as being free to have fun
As if life had just begun

Young girls are more confident
Well, in the childhood days
But as they grow and understand
The importance of beauty overshadows them
And as they go through puberty
They realize how much beauty
Is a major factor in happiness
When they become obsessed
With self-appearances
And body types
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Not sure what the hell I just wrote, hahah.
Just felt really inspired and this is the finished piece.
I don't know if this makes any sense at all, hope it does though.

The title of this poem was inspired by Lana Del Rey's song ''This Is What Makes Us Girls''
 Oct 2013 xxxx
never knew
 Oct 2013 xxxx
you never drove me to the edge
but you did push me
to the point
of collapse

you always knew what to say
but never knew what to do
you always knew how
to make my entire day
but never knew how
to make do
with me and you
© sinderella.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
my poetry isn't as great
or as articulate
as the others
on this site
but i write
from the heart
and if you relate
i'm thrilled with that
grateful, in fact
that i can touch
a stranger's heart
just from posting
what i feel inside
© sinderella.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Story Telling
 Oct 2013 xxxx
I used to believe that happiness was in
gaining a love, gaining security
gaining hope from within

but the longer I live
the more I lose touch
with what I used to believe
and what I once thought
was the right things in life
the best of them all
but everyone suffers
temporary or permanent
life changing downfalls

and we all grieve
at some point in life
either the loss of ourselves
or the loss of loved ones
we all feel and will feel
endless bouts of pain
sharp pains that can feel
like strangulation
or self-inflicted
times of illusion

misguided thoughts
and moments of weakness
psychotic rages
and times of

I have felt so much in a short space of time
it is hard to believe that I am somewhat 'fine'
the amount of trauma sustained
from the painful migraines
the way it felt like someone
squeezing and pressuring my head
the way it felt like my brain
was going to explode
at some known time and place
the way it felt like system malfunction
was taking it's course of faith
how it took so much away from my life

people say strong people never feel pain
and that they have no reason
to feel anything but joy
well those people are wrong
because I was once strong

and look what the **** happened
depression took over my soul
and stripped me of my voice
it broke me to the point
of almost shooting myself
in the head with a gun
that's what my dreams
always consisted of
suicide and a loss of pride
a loss of consciousness
felt like someone was
controlling my heart
poking holes
and making me bleed
until I was seeing stars
even if I was behind doors
my mind made me delusional
made me drift away from reality
I'm still not myself at all
not functioning properly

I don't sleep anymore
not even drugs are a cure
not even *** stimulates
my naked body is a disgrace
when I look in the mirror
I can imagine it shatter

my whole sense of view
about everything of me
is honestly the worst
there is no in-between
sometimes I wonder
if life will ever get
as good as it once was

that chapter of my life
is still yet un-explored
but I picture it
in my head
all the time
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Again, super personal poem.
I was trying to write longer than usual,
because my dream is to write a novel,
or a biography of some sort.
I wanted to expand my writing skills.

Your opinions and comments mean a lot to me,
tell me what you think. I need opinions.
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