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 Oct 2013 xxxx
Freed Prisoner
 Oct 2013 xxxx
you send pain through my heart
your words always leave a mark
the once glowing spark
is now forever lost
you are just
a tragic ex

don't even touch me
I've felt it before
because now
I see clearly
you were
just a
for your next
attention score

your eyes show kindness
your lips say otherwise
please just leave
I can't deal with
more glasses
of sweet lies

tell me goodbye
I won't plead
with you to stay
I've done my time
in your prison
of toxic love

you affected me
in ways I can't explain
and what I know is
loving you
gave me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
As I read tears well in my eyes.
All I can think is "Don't give up, not tonight."
Or the next.
Or the next.
And every next day after that.
Don't give up.
I love you.
I want you.
I need you.
I know it's hard, but please Kay.
It'll be alright.

You told me before that if you had to live on this hell hole of a planet, then I did too.
Now I'm going to say the same back to you.
I know it's hard.
I know it hurts.
But please,
just hold on.
I promise you...
It will be alright.
"You are braver than you believe. Stronger than you seem. And smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, if we are ever apart I will always be with you"
 Oct 2013 xxxx
 Oct 2013 xxxx
And another day will go by the no one notices the girl wearing a sweater in warm and sunny weather
 Oct 2013 xxxx
When you've lost everything you love
And everything that matters
Nothing else really matters to you anymore.
Because what else is there to lose?
 Oct 2013 xxxx
So I guess it's true.
Everything is true.
You don't ever stop loving the first person you fell in love with.
You just deal with not having them in your life.
You learn new ways to go throughout your day.
You reconstruct your life.
It's almost as if you're building an entirely new life.
You no longer have to take another person into consideration when making plans.
And as freeing as that may be to some, to others it's as painful as being stabbed with a knife.
It's as if a part of you is empty.
The nights are suddenly longer and lonelier when you don't have the sound of his heartbeat lulling you to sleep.
The days are lonely too.
No sweet texts to brighten your day and make you smile.
No more daydreaming in class and drawing his name in hearts all over your notebook.
Losing your first love causes you to have to reconstruct routines.
It causes you to always wonder what more could have been.
But most of all, it reminds you that nothing last forever... And there is nothing we can do about it.
Not sure why all these feelings have suddenly hit me. It's been almost three years. Why can't I let go of you?
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Let's just run away.
Let's just get drunk.
Yeah that sounds about right.
*Lets just run away and get drunk
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Brilliant People
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Talking to old friends
makes me feel happy
without all of those
my life would be
a complete

they keep me
at ease with life
their support
makes me smile
nothing is greater
than they are
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
I remember making this account
never knew what to expect
in a little over four months
my poems have been read
in total, almost fifty thousand times
it amazes my creative brain
and overthinking mind
can't believe so many
like my angry rhymes
and all the time
that I write
poems about love
poems about stories
poems about hate
poems about tragedies
it all means so much
a thank you isn't enough
you make me smile constantly
your loving support soothes me
I came on here, seeking clarity
and found it through
poetry and all of you
so thank you God
for blessing me
with creativity
with passion
with imagination
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Make Or Break (10w)
 Oct 2013 xxxx
I miss my best friend
Is this really the end?
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Approach Me Not
 Oct 2013 xxxx
your lipstick of lies
is wearing off tonight
you can't touch
what you lost
and think
it's too late
to drown out
your sorrows
with drinks
find someone else
if you need love
don't even approach
my table in the club
unless you're dying
for a punch
© Natali Veronica 2013.
an old, old poem of mine. from years ago.
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