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 Dec 2014 DranaaAZ
DC raw love
Rain in the sunshine
A smell of fresh air

The feelings of happiness
With love and care

With eyes that behold
With a curious mind

Be that one person
Be one of a kind

Love your life
By loving others

Were all God's creatures
That means you and me

If you don't believe in God
That's OK

Just be a loving creature
That's all you must be

We all don't know him
We live content ways

Be a life giver
And continue life's ways
 Dec 2014 DranaaAZ
She took off everything,
until only innocence was left.
Her world became bigger with
a slice of pain,a gift from myself.

Her skin was white as snow,
Her lips were red as wine,
I saw the halo around her head,
A creature once divine.

She took the shelter from the pain,
Under my broken skin as we kissed,
We kept ourselves warm with our breaths,
As she drank the poison from my lips.

Her angels weeped,i could hear them,
A sad song from the bottom of their soul,
For the part of her that was missing,
The part of heaven that made her whole.
a bit uncommon for me but i hope you enjoy!
 Dec 2014 DranaaAZ
Liz And Lilacs
Let me abandon my dreams for you.
It's not like they matter to me.
Goodbye Ivy League,
Goodbye law school.
I clearly have no need
for such things when
I have you.
It's not like my dreams
are the only thing
that keeps me alive.

— The End —