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 May 2014 Austine
I like the sound the rain makes
I like to hear it land
with the thunderous drumming
of a punk rock band.
I like it dancing off the roof tiles
tapping at the glass
tickling the fields
although its quieter on grass.
I like its change in rhythm
as it navigates trees
the ragged umbrellas
that Im standing underneath.
I like it playing percussion
on the surface of the sea
when the only people still outside
are listening like me.
I like the sound the rain makes
wherever it lands
I like the sound the rain makes
but I also understand
your devotion to the sun
so theres a possibility
if you listen to the rain fall
you might understand me.
and I quite like the wind too.
I like the sound the wind makes
blah blah blah. :o)
 May 2014 Austine
You weren't there during my nightfall
when my subconscious illusion
constructed nerve-racking thoughts,
causing my eyes to spill tears out
down the false face I stitched
that you never fretted to take off.

You weren't there to see me in distress
with razor blades rubbing my crust.

My core―it forbade every irate pain
that battered its almost wrecked doors.

You weren't there to hunt the screams
that bounced off those ill-starred walls,
creating cracks that I loathed to see
for they offered me images that blinded me.

You weren't even there to tell me
that life isn't always a battlefield
between me and myself.

How is it that you only care when it's too late?
Sorry, but I won't be there to take hold of your tears
as you are being struck with angst
and your gone-too-soon moans,
still stunned with the great tragic―
a box my size sinking right before your eyes,
hush, darling, save your cries.
 May 2014 Austine
Jasmin Mishele
I dreamed a dream that could never be true
and yet I still stayed up waiting for you
though why my heart held on to you
is something I will never know.

and though my heart cries out for things
I know will never be,
I still dream a hopeless dream
of us, of you and me.
 May 2014 Austine
k o s m i k
you have never given me
a reason to stay with you anyway.
why should i risk everything?
 May 2014 Austine
They say that there are a lot of ways to die;
Smoke a cigarette daily,
You will die ten years early.
Drink alcohol daily,
You will die thirty years early.
Love someone who doesn't love you back,
You will die daily.
The last option is the worst
Yet most effective
The pain is unbearable
You will not even have a choice
But to do the latter
To become numb if you suppose.
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