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422 · Mar 2019
do you remember
d-propano Mar 2019
we stand next to each other by the river in a late october night
the wind blows and i put my arms around you
i kiss the top of your head and silently say
im here forevermore
inspired by a text from my girl, Agos Cañete
404 · Nov 2018
Our first
d-propano Nov 2018
The sunrise
The car
The music
An empty street

And so we kissed

And then I had to touch your lips to make sure they were real
Was that softness real?


And that mole
And your **** face

My Angel, will you fade away?
Will you let me stay?
376 · Apr 2019
remedy (Our first sequel)
d-propano Apr 2019
My angel, she let me stay
and filled me with her love

Now all my wounds are healed
and the fear is gone.
374 · Apr 2019
d-propano Apr 2019
Me gusta cuando el sol acaricia tus pestañas y estas hacen sombra en tus cachetes, dandome la mas hermosa obra de arte existente.

Es divertida la comparación; tu amor me acarició el alma y, sin hacer sombra, me curó el corazón.
313 · Mar 2019
d-propano Mar 2019
Dos cielos
La misma luna
La distancia y el temor
Días eternos y fuertes lluvias
y en las noches tu voz
"Me salvaste" nos dijimos mutuamente
Y en ese enero, el primero
entendí el amor.
267 · Sep 2019
d-propano Sep 2019
la realidad y sus defectos nos abruman pero debajo del algodón nuestras piernas entrelazadas y tus manos recorriendo mi cintura son todo en lo que puedo pensar.

incluso si nuestros corazones laten a 300 kilometros de distancia, tu voz en la oscuridad crea ese aura de tranquilidad y es un hechizo imposible de quebrar.

es la magia de tu amor, nuestra burbuja de paz.
es saber que en ese momento nada puede hacernos mal.
265 · Sep 2019
d-propano Sep 2019
Tus lugares favoritos son los que a mi menos me gustan, pero en ese momento puedo olvidarme de todo.
Incluso de que tengo las mismas prendas que la última vez y que las anteriores porque me las sacas con la delicadeza de la primera y me miras como si fuera el Big Ben.

Me siento segura y mi piel está tibia y mi naturaleza no me averguenza.
Es la confianza que me dan tus labios y respirar el mismo aire.
Tu cuerpo es mi templo.

Aunque el cielo no nos reciba, tengo mi propio paraiso.
242 · Jul 2018
d-propano Jul 2018
Always loved never in love
She cared about them though

Drops streaming down her face
Twisted thoughts all over her brain

Why couldn't her fall for
Why couldn't her
Why couldn't her feel

In all that emotionlessness
In all that emptiness
Inside those three walls and a curtain

She realised
She did realise

Larry stylison had ****** up her life
205 · Mar 2019
d-propano Mar 2019
Sometimes clouds are so thick that they seem black
And I know that hoping 365 days of clear skies is totally utopian
But I do

That's a good metaphor for my heart, too

There were times when some stars were shining up there
Or maybe it was just an illusion
I'll never know cause within minutes everything was grey again

But one day everything changed

I didn't really know how to handle it
I got scared
But not because I didn't want it
But because I wasn't used to

She was magic
And kindness
And love

She was love

And she lit up my days without even knowing it
She smiled and I forgot what darkness look like

Someone once said "the rest of the world was black and white but we were screaming in color"

And we were
I might have been blue
But she was the brightest yellow I've ever seen

The sun was right beside me
And I never saw I black cloud ever again
inspired by my girl, Agos Cañete
d-propano Sep 2018
A not very centric street in a not very well-known neighborhood
A kinda indie cafe with little wooden tables and chairs, of all sorts
Not so crowded
Coffee with milk in a light blue mug and a steel spoon
Salted croissants and sweet cakes
Natural orange juice in a large glass
No ice
Grey clouds and cold wind outside
Yellow lights and the heating on inside
My cheeks red
My jean jacket hung on the chair and too positive and cliche lyrics drawn in the walls
Books and drafts on the table, color highlighter pens and my favorite mechanical pencil
Some other country and some other language even maybe
My chest and stomach warm
My heart ready
189 · Sep 2019
d-propano Sep 2019
siempre fuimos tres en la ecuación

él, veces oscuro y a veces claro
cambiante e imperfecto
dueño de sueños, promesas y secretos

siempre fuimos tres y dejamos que pasara

si no existiera, a quién le hablaría cuando la distancia se hace inmensa?

siempre fuimos tres,
aunque a veces azules y a veces amarillos

siempre vos, el mismo cielo, y yo.
159 · Aug 2018
d-propano Aug 2018
Like I am in the deepest ocean
Like I am trapped under the heaviest block
My chest crushed
My mind too
Thick air
Nice reassurance
You are okay
You are okay

I am not
I am sorry
I want to evaporate
I want to disappear
I want to be fine

I am sorry
157 · Mar 2019
d-propano Mar 2019
De repente y sin aviso
La primavera hizo lo suyo
Y acá estoy
Rendida a tus pies

Veo cielo donde proclamás infierno
Y no tengo idea de como, cuando y por qué me dejé caer

Un día me agarraste la mano y crei que tal vez no era todo mi invento

Con cada sueño mi inconsciente me hizo ver que estas ahi todo el tiempo

Pero la realidad nunca es tan etérea y cuando me desperté todo se esfumó

Vos estabas lejos y yo acá
Todavía rendida a tus pies

— The End —