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 Apr 2013 DG
Dear Friend,
Maybe your right

Maybe it will just get worse, maybe it will be terrible.
But you at least owe it to yourself to hope for good. You at least have to tell yourself that there is still a chance for it to be better, even if you don't believe it right now.
You have to believe that there is good, for good to happen.
And one day, when you least expect it, you'll look around and you'll remember how bad it was, and how good it got, and you'll be able to look at yourself and be absolutely satisfied with the wondrous person that you became.
And I know that you don't see it now, and thats okay. But you will see it, just hang in there.
Because one day, when your living in a far off, lit up city you'll remember me. You'll remember what I said, and you'll see that it was true. And there in your far off lit up city you'll be able to create your own happiness, because thats what people surrounded in starlit skyscrapers learn to do. So just take a couple steps back and try to look at the blurry finish line of where you want to be 10 years from now. And if there is no picture yet, then close your eyes and paint it yourself. I know it sounds scary, but thats what makes it terribly exciting.

It always gets better in the end, so if its not better, its not the end. Its just the beginning. And I know that rest of this chaotic adventure we call life will be wonderful. Because thats how it works, thats what life is
Lately, a lot of people I know have been feeling pretty down so..
For anyone out there who needs a lift up,  I may be small but I can take you the rest of the way.
Hope this helps.
 Apr 2013 DG
I don't care
 Apr 2013 DG
Sighs because everything is too quiet.
How I miss the feeling of feeling.
 Feb 2013 DG
Billy Cooper
your argument is tearing me apart
so please
don't fight

neither of you will end up any better
so please
don't fight

I don't want you to stop poetry in fear of her
so please
don't fight

I'm begging you
both of you
*please don't fight
 Feb 2013 DG
Billy Cooper
please don't do this
please don't give up your writing

burying your feeling will only make them worse
please leave this part of your life intact

so please don't give up
*don't give up poetry
 Feb 2013 DG
Billy Cooper
my deepest feelings are mostly controlled
but sometimes they run wild

there are times when I have the same dream
of you and me, sitting together
as boyfriend and girlfriend

I sometimes thinkk of how I want us to be
I want to kiss you and say the words "I love you"
I want to compliment you, and brighten your day
when you are sad, I want to comfort you
because I can't stand to see the frown on your face

I want to do whatever I can to please you
because when you are happy, I'm hapy

it's all up to you, you know
I only hope that you will choose me
it's all out now
 Feb 2013 DG
louis rams

Who is homeless? You ask me!
Let me explain it easily!
Homeless is in every part of the world
It covers any adult – boy or girl
It can be an individual or a family who has lost everything.
The first thing they lose is hope, and the willpower to even cope.

Then they lose Self Respect, and it gets better yet
They lose faith in their fellow man
Something that they cannot understand.

Now when hope and faith is taken away
Then love does not want to stay
Now that the three things are gone
How can they carry on?

But out of the blue a hand or kind word is said:
“Here come inside warm your feet! Have a little something to eat
Lay down on this bed-just to rest your weary head.
In the back there is a shower, and I’ll lay out a change of clothes
For you to wear.
I don’t have much, but with you I’ll share.”
They now sit on the bed to contemplate
Hope is now beginning to rejuvenate.
Their faith is now starting to creep in
As they ask themselves: “is there a chance that I could win?”
Is there something that I do not see?
When these hardships are thrown at me?

Now that you have seen hope and faith
Maybe love is not too late.
Then with a hug – a show of love is given
Now they see that life is worth living.

Now these three things have been restored
Helplessness will thrive no more.

© L . RAMS
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