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She needs it.
She consumes.
No longer for her enjoyment.
All her blood has been drained,
only alcohol remains.
There's this busy parking lot
and a strong North East wind
and a dusky night time feel
and a lost seven year old boy begging for change
and red lights and angry drivers
and tears rolling down my face
and pain in my heart
and the unwelcoming architecture of a mall

and I need a cigarette...
 Dec 2013 Desiree Schort
There are so many people here accounted
for, but barely less than one half of a person.
How to become someone, something interesting
enough to add fractions upon fractions to build a whole.
A whole brain for you to infiltrate with grasping,
awkward fingers, and anyway, you waste most of it.
Savoring only tiny portions, and the remainder amass
in gigantic landfills in the middle of nowhere
with fine layers of bird **** dusting the tops.
So, never forget where you've been or where you weren't.
There will always be someone who remembers.
And you will remember only when it concerns you.
Put away your ego, wants, and self; you are me.
 Dec 2012 Desiree Schort
 Dec 2012 Desiree Schort
When I look into your eyes,
Deep chocolate brown,
Caging years of memories and secrets,
I see your soul.
I see your family, your brother, and your dog.
I see your love of football.
I see your love of singing.
I see your kind spirit and sense of humor.
I see you.

Look at me.
Please, please, look at me.
Look into my eyes,
My bright blue eyes,
And see my secrets.
See my sister, my dog, and my family.
See my love of singing.
See my sense of humor and my kind heart.
See that I want you.
See that I see you.
See that I wish you would see me.
See that I've wanted you to notice my gestures
For a long, long time.
See how we would be perfect together.
See me.
Oh how I love the night sky
when the sun and the light passes by
and comes the silence and the dark
and thou hear nothing but the wind's hark

Oh how I love all still and bound
when the moon and stars light up the ground
and comes the thick, chilled fog
rolling slowly across the bog

Oh how I love when alive comes the night
when the earth becomes more than just a sight
crickets are chirping and dogs are howling
and movement stirs with shadows following

Oh how I wish thou lengthen the night and shorten the day
oh how I wish thou do not take the night away
oh how I wish thou leave the night here to stay
and never bring back the light of day
I used to eat ice cream on a pretty strict and regular schedule.
The anticipation for those designated nights consumed my naive mind.

on the nights that used to mean sweet, supple mounds of delicious bliss,
however brief,
I drink Missouri water from a thick, old, dusty glass.
As I tip the last drops into my mouth,
I see a mysterious stain (or is it a clump?) on the bottom.

Fortunately, I think to myself,
whatever that was didn't get into me.

Water runs through.
It cleans out.
It leaves nothing behind but undesireable water spots
in sinks and on windshields
mascara lines tracking down cheeks to squeeze between pushed up *****
and dead worms on the sidewalk,
evicted by the flood of this

that drink when your lips are cracking and you feel as if your mouth is filled with cotton,
when you look at a ***** puddle and think,
my GOD am I thirsty.

Ice cream melts in the mouth.
It refreshes in the heat of summer,
it teases the tongue with sugar and milk and so many seductive flavors.
It's best on special occasions,
even though it's desired all the time.
Sometimes it can be bought with the change found on a scavenger hunt in a car,
and other times,

it can't.
But even as the frozen delight slides off your tongue and into your stomach,
your tastebuds tremble at the lack of sweet.
They spite you with a bitterness and a dry, sticky feeling,
and your teeth feel coated with a grime you can't seem to lick off.
You keep wiping at your lips,
for you can't shake off the notion that you got some of the experience on your face.
I'm not even going to mention the calorie content of what you just downed.

And sometimes,
if you're like me,
too much can make you choke.
Your throat and lungs seem to be tucked within a terrifyingly tight Chinese finger,
and each spoonful is a desperate attempt to escape
only to fall farther into a trap I like to call

empty hallways, forgotten voices
pictures hang, dusty and off balanced
cobwebs spread from door to mirror
a young rat scurries past the broken floor

his picture still hangs over the fireplace
a spider runs down his well-shaped nose
each brush stroke is thick and sculptured
the dust collects as sand dunes

the whole room seems mysterious
books of occult line the paint-chipped walls
the windows cracked the night air blows
dead trees peer down on slamming shutters

the old house creeks and cracks
howling doge are echos of past crickets sing songs of last dreams
this house, this ledgend infinte
captures one's mind as lonley and hideous
remembers it's myths fools false illusions
under the now dim light of the moon
spooks creep silent footsteps
his spirit surrounds the acre
truth and lies untested question
of how he lived alone from living
Brightest of beings
In sun-surprised February
Flower out of season
You illuminate the night
A falling star
Shower after shower
My sky is empty now

You are in me

Taoi ionam

A bhé luisneach
A ghrian gan choinne i mí Feabhra
A bhláth roimh am
Soilsíonn Tú an oíche
Titeann Tú Id réalta reatha
Sprais i ndiaidh spraise
Is tá mo spéirse anois lom

Taoi ionam
in her eyes
as truth settles in
to watch the show.
I try for calm,
but poison butterflies
grow claws
and rip my words
to shreds.
I parry with Honesty,
taking hits so sudden
my breath has no choice but to retreat,
wondering why Justice played
her Champion
so late.
I couldn't see
what I had destroyed at the time.
Or perhaps
I wouldn't look
Consequence in the eye.
Here it all is.
It stares me down.
I can't watch
the emotions dance
through her mind.
Defeat is imminent
so I accept
the fate of my secrets
because finally
I can see
**what I've done.
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