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301 · Apr 2016
Fuck Religion
Nevermind Apr 2016
My body is my temple
Contained yet disassembled
300 · Dec 2015
Nevermind Dec 2015
Your casket was open
And you were inside
I stood in disbelief
Had you really died?
Everyone around me
Overflowing with grief
And yet I stood shaking
Trembling in disbelief
I knew I looked foolish
Yet I couldn't stop
Flowers adorned your grand casket
A cross on top
Everywhere around me
Time seemed to stop
I couldn't believe
It was you in that box
A pearly white rosary
Clutched mockingly in your hand
According to the Priest
This was all God's plan
And as we lay you down
Amidst the dead man's land
Rain fell softly
I felt my heart expand
And painfully squeeze
Inside my chest
I stood in disbelief
And tried my best
To remain composed
Among the rest
Of abandoned souls
You'd finally left
299 · Aug 2015
Nevermind Aug 2015
It's my least favorite time of the year
The time where everyone suddenly comes near
And pretends that things are going so great
My birthday is my least favorite day
298 · Jul 2016
Nevermind Jul 2016
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You didn't love me
But I loved you
298 · Jun 2015
Crash Dieter's Anthem
Nevermind Jun 2015

I probably shouldn't eat anymore


How many calories has it been today?


Jealous of girls frail and svelete

Counting numbers
All day long
*Is this what
My life has become?
297 · Sep 2016
Insufficient Evidence
Nevermind Sep 2016
So easy for you to forget me
When I'm choking on smoke
Till I can't breathe
Wishing they'll just go
All these worthless memories
Rotting in my teeth
Like decaying dead bodies
Just sweep me underneath your rug
Stand me up straight, bandage me up
What you said and what you did
The opposite of love
How can I live
Poison burning in my throat
Just to forget the letters we wrote
Just **** me up
Shatter my hope
I'm paying for your sins
Closing the curtains after your shows
I'm begging for death
You're sitting at home
Drowning in hurt
No one knows
296 · Jun 2015
Leather Jacket
Nevermind Jun 2015
I was just one of the many patches
On your studded leather jacket
296 · Feb 2016
Nevermind Feb 2016
I press my palms
Into my eyes
And whisper a prayer
Hoping to die
I drag myself through
Each miserable day
And whisper a prayer
To end the pain
295 · Apr 2015
Nevermind Apr 2015
Slip into the night with me
In it's darkness we'll be hidden
Let's lay upon the soft spring grass
The nighttime air will chill our skin
My goose bumps are braille for your fingers to read
My raised scars tell my life's story
Slip into the night with me
Sometimes in the darkness
It's easier to see
295 · Mar 2016
C'mon Die Young
Nevermind Mar 2016
First laugh
Never the last
Broken glass
Heart attack
Petty drama
It won't last
Just close my eyes
And wait for it to pass
Bleeding heart
****** tat
In reality
She's never coming back
Pretty girls in my eyes
Jealousy festering in my mind
Crooked smile
Quiet lies
Dancing voices
All in line
Calling softly
From the hall
Vomiting poison
In this stall
Purging for nothing
Losing it all
High school heart break
Where do I fall ?
Mocking numbers fill the page
Crystal clear clarity fades away
Mind numbing screaming
Everything seeming
So ******* easy to those far away
Throwing books upon our backs
Playing with razors and heart attack
Simple things perfect students lack
Forcing smiles and nervous laughs
Dancing, dancing to the sound
Spinning, spinning round and round
Chasing the things they want me to be
Whilst trying not to lose what's left of me
294 · Jun 2015
Nevermind Jun 2015
Rows of people
Lined the streets
Their empty eyes
Staring at me
I held my breath
And closed my eyes
But saw the image
In my mind
I couldn't escape
Their glassy eyed gaze
So I joined them instead
And faded away
291 · Aug 2015
Pretty Puppets
Nevermind Aug 2015
You pull my strings
I move in sync
Tell me what to say
Tell me what to think
289 · Jan 2019
Game Over
Nevermind Jan 2019
I wish I was dead
I don’t want to breath
I guess I can’t stand
The responsibilities
You have to do this
You have to do that
All I’ve ever wanted
Is to not feel so bad
I just shut down
I don’t need you in my life
I miss when we used to hug and say goodnight
Now I just fall into this dreamless sleep
I miss you so much I don’t want to breathe
289 · May 2015
Nevermind May 2015
To you
Her body
Must be
Uncharted territory
Free and wild
For your fingers to roam
You might pitch a tent
And call her your home
How bored of me
You must have been
To brush past me
Like summer wind
So quickly gone
In the blink of an eye
Not even a chance
To say goodbye
289 · Jun 2016
Nevermind Jun 2016
I've got the hots for you
In hazy summer blues
My love is cool
Like shady afternoons
I've got you tucked away
Underneath weeping trees
I'll hide you safe
Beneath their canopy
I fell for you
Like swaying leaves
My love is cool
It's yours to keep
I found you in
The petal of a flower
We're far away
But the world is ours
I found you lying
Inside my palm
In the shallow lines
You walked along
I found you amongst
A meadow of tall grass
I searched under the sun
Till I found you at last
My love is cool
I missed you in the past
I was so incomplete
But now my heart beats fast
When you say pretty things
When you say you love me
Something flutters in my chest
I can barely breathe
And in those moments
I can't think
I can only feel
Alive on the brink
Of something so special
I just need
To feel your presence
To feel the heat
My love is cool
But you make it hot
My love will never cease
It will never stop
288 · Jul 2015
Nevermind Jul 2015
Hopelessly awake
Lying in bed
Papers litter the floor
Screaming words I should've said
287 · Nov 2015
If Time Could Fly
Nevermind Nov 2015
If time had wings
Would it fly away
And leave me frozen
Stuck on this day
This wretched moment
This dreaded hour
If time could fly
It'd never be ours
Maybe it feels pressure
To slow or fast forward
Maybe time is lonely
In the hand of the Lord
Maybe time wishes
It could please us all
If time had wings
I bet it'd fly away
And I wouldn't hold it to fault
287 · Oct 2015
Nevermind Oct 2015
Thunder booming
All around
The perfect cover
For our sound
Gentle rain
Falling on our lips
In between
Every fervent kiss
Wrapped up in
The warm gentle winds
Hungry fingers
Graze lonely skin
286 · Feb 2016
Nevermind Feb 2016
Lost children walking in a single file line
Nervous hearts beating so perfectly in time
To unconscious footsteps, thumping gently on the ground
Sleepwalking aimlessly with no one around
No one to guide them
No one to say
"Child are you lost ? Come along this way"
Lost children walking in a single file line
No one to wipe their tears, to stifle their cries
286 · Jul 2015
Nevermind Jul 2015
The lazy cat yawned and made a song of it's own
Penetrating the murky silence of the sleeping home
The grandfather clock, leaning solemnly against the wall
Dreamed of better days, when it stood strong and tall
Back when life moved to its swaying
Who would answer it's call ?
Now the only thing constant, winter, spring, summer and fall
Where had the children gone, that dashed down the steps ?
Who was there to cry for them, in the wake of their deaths ?
One by one they all became teeth in the tall grass
Adding to death's chilling grin, consuming them at last
Ask the other's, they'll tell you
Death's face was in those flames
So if you dare to tread the grass, don't dare to say their names
286 · Apr 2015
Nevermind Apr 2015
Tomorrow has come
It's a better day
I'm leaving behind the sorrow
That accompanied yesterday
285 · Mar 2016
Naked Flowers
Nevermind Mar 2016
Ripped abruptly
From the soil
Thrown to work
And tireless toil
Never again to see
The gentle light of day
Only to weep and wish
The ticking time away
Pastel colored dreams
All melting into one
Longing for something warm
Yet too bashful to seek the sun
285 · Jun 2016
Nevermind Jun 2016
A sexless marriage
A broken home
An empty face
Cold as stone
Nothing there
The love is gone
Yet why does it hurt
Moving on
To speak the words
Is to make it real
I'm so numb
Yet still able to feel
It hurts so much
Getting through to you
Is like walking on coals
On barefoot heels
I can't be sorry
For what I said
For so many years
I held it in
You said you felt trapped
Locked on the outside
So I gave you a glimpse
Into my troubled mind
I shouldn't have given you
An itemized list
It's Father's Day
And yet I gave you this
But in that moment
Something snapped
The smile I painted
Began to crack
And all my sorrow
Came pouring through
Even so
I still love you
285 · Jan 2016
My Fault
Nevermind Jan 2016
In a distant dream
I remember us
And many things
That are now lost
I remember my jacket
In a small photograph
I remember asking
As you would laugh
And now I know
Why you were so content
On capturing every
Seemingly worthless moment
Things wouldn't always
Be that way
You hid unsaid words
Behind a smile unswayed
Where are you now
Underneath this snowfall
Would you pick up?
If I called?
Am I a figment of your imagination
Or are you a production mine?
I really do think about you
All the time
I cherish the feeling
Of skin upon skin
Remembering he times
Our hands perfectly fit
And though in every word
I tell a beautiful tale
You hurt me so badly
My life is jail
Because of the things you did
Because of the things you said
Echoing long and loud
Inside this lonely head
All those harsh actions
Making me wish I was dead
I'll never get to unwrap presents with you
You'll never smile like that again
283 · May 2015
Nevermind May 2015
Paper skin
Glass bones
Endless sin
Broken homes
Bold bruises
Quiet cuts
Never really
Quite enough
283 · Nov 2015
Nevermind Nov 2015
I won't stop loving you
'Till you stop loving me
And even when you've up and gone
I'll simply draw up my knees
And hibernate for a while
Dreaming of the days
When our love was young and wild
Before you slipped away
280 · Jul 2015
Who Am I Kidding?
Nevermind Jul 2015
I gave you an inch
No I gave you a mile
I carried your weight
All the while
You sat on my back
Moaning like a *****
I really hope
You fall in a ditch

(and break your neck)
280 · Sep 2015
Nevermind Sep 2015
My skins got ribs
All neat in a row
Some criss cross
Others straight as a bone
My skins got ribs
But it's still pretty thin
Just a small cut
Continues to rip
And as I grip the flesh
And rip it apart
Giving you a perfect view
Of my beating heart
My skins got ribs
And when things get hard
I add a few more
They're my work of art
279 · Apr 2015
Nevermind Apr 2015
Hiding letters
And clutching envelopes
So tight they burst
Into black bird feathers
Maybe if I close
My eyes tight enough
I'll burst into light
In the biggest supernova
The universe has ever seen
And for once I'll be the brightest
For once you'll look at me
And we'll all be scattered
Here and there
And I'll loose you
And you won't even care
I'm drowning in
"I miss you's"
And I've inhaled
The sea of words
A thousand times
But they simply come back up
And stick to this paper
In different arrangements and rhymes
279 · May 2016
Chemical Imbalance
Nevermind May 2016
I got high one day
And never came down
Wrapped up in
The sights and sounds
Grass is greener
On the other side
But when you get there
The dreams have died
Arms stretched out
The long green lights
Shimmering softly
Hopes taking flight
I got so high
I lost sight
If anything but pretense
It doesn't apply
Sometimes I feel
Like I'm alright
But I'm stuck in a haze
Long since faded delight
I got high one day
And never came down
Wrapped up in isolation
Wearing a fragile crown
The equilibrium of this world
Is so easily thrown
And one moments riches
Are now crumbling at the throne
All these achievements
Up in smoke
Relying on fantasy
Brittle as bones
279 · Jan 2016
Lost Without You
Nevermind Jan 2016
I look for you
In fallen snow
In lost goodbyes
And unsaid hellos
I look for you
In unremembered dreams
I look for you
In worthless things
276 · Aug 2016
Nevermind Aug 2016
I'll never forget these hazy summer nights
I'll never forget the loneliness inside
276 · Jun 2015
Nevermind Jun 2015
Cuts on knees
Band aids on fingers
Grass stained jeans
Small smiles beam
I truly think
Their smiles fuel the sun
So please don't stop
And cast darkness upon everyone
For Amiyah
276 · Apr 2015
Nevermind Apr 2015
Let's set sail
To a world unknown
Let's say goodbye
To the people we know
I won't be sad
Because I'll know
Wherever you are
Is where I'll call home
275 · Jul 2015
Nevermind Jul 2015
Cracking mirrors
Breaking scales
Imagining realities
And living in fairy tales
274 · Nov 2015
Empty Space
Nevermind Nov 2015
I hear the noises
Of you preparing to leave
Lazy eyes rolling
Taking in the scene
Ready to do it
All over again
Even though I'm still feeling
The mind altering effects
Your feet are thumping
Down the stairs
I'm truly sorry
I don't even get scared
Not anymore
I'm not afraid
The person you know
Is far away
There really is
No self in me
So grab your jacket
And clink your keys
I'm pulling the drapes
Away from the window
Your sleek car starts
With a reddish glow
It remains in the driveway
For a moment or two
And I stand still
Taking in the view
Breathing in the simplicity
Of the action in itself
Before you drive off
And I'm left by myself
By myself
All alone
In this place
Our shared home
Except for that box
That's calling my name
The one that's been singing
All **** day
The only thing for my presence
That'll ever wait
I love when you leave
I love empty space
273 · Jan 2017
Midnight Tears
Nevermind Jan 2017
Water splashing
Beneath my feet
My heart crashing
Ripping at the seams
Tears dripping down my cheeks
I'm still alive
Running through the streets
Trying to stay alive
I desperately flee
From my own mind
And the emptiness that feasts
Trying to escape the last goodbye
And the pain it brings

Trailing in circles
Can't ever catch up
Jumping over hurdles
Chasing the drugs
Nothing lasts forever
It's never enough
All alone chasing
This illusion of love
I'm in a lot of pain.
272 · Apr 2017
The Comedown
Nevermind Apr 2017
Kiss me with the warmth of winter fires
Missing the glow of memories past
Rekindling love and selfish desires
Too many things I'm afraid to ask
I just want to know the depths of your heart
I want to leave no stone unturned
I'd love to know your every wish
You can tell me the things that hurt
The secrets no one kept as kids
Scuffed jeans and button up shirts
You're pure like water from a stream
I'm walking through a desert, down on my knees
If nothing else, you can believe in me
I'll always love you, I'll never leave
272 · Jul 2015
Nevermind Jul 2015
Lifeless bodies
Pale skin
Dragging forward
Headless and limp
Blood pouring
From their open wounds
More and more
Fill the room
Completely cornered
Anticipating my demise
Too frightened
To close my eyes
As they close in
Their wounds begin
To split open
Flesh falling
Away from bone
They disappear
And I'm alone
272 · Jun 2015
Monotone Screams
Nevermind Jun 2015
It wasn't exactly
A pin dropping silence
It was more like
A screaming silence
It really was
Way too loud
So my mind filled it
With its own sound
Now I'll never
Be able to escape
The deafening sound
My mind creates
272 · Jul 2015
Nevermind Jul 2015
Ragged breath
Raw lungs
Swollen eyes
Twisted tongues
Frozen feet
Confused hands
No one will ever
"It's no big deal"
I should just "relax"
But they can't feel
Their sanity snap
When all the sudden
A panic attack
Consumes you entirely
And takes you back
To everything that
You've ever done wrong
At the very same time
Thinking nothing at all
Mind blank
Yet swirling with thoughts
I'm far past help
I'm just so lost
The water's high
And I'm so low
**** my life
No one knows
Or they think
But really don't
I'm just a mask
Over brittle bones
And nothing else
Yet somehow I'm housing
An inner hell
The only inhabitant
Being me
And the invisible voices
That constantly scream
270 · Apr 2017
Nevermind Apr 2017
The wishes that sleep in your heart
The thoughts that take your breath away
The words that tear your mind apart
And keep you up both night and day
The smells are like dreams from the past
And all the things we hoped would last
They shatter like the church stained glass
Catching sunlight, lying in the grass
This fragile image of ourselves
Traps is in this dismal hell
Chasing riches and boundless wealth
These lives were living, the lies we tell
I wonder if the voice has gone
The one that tells us right from wrong
Sometimes I hear it, sometimes I don't
But either way I'll always know
270 · Oct 2016
Flower Child
Nevermind Oct 2016
Either way it'll end the same
You and I underneath lamp shades
Bashfully shining, beaming golden rays
I close my eyes and slip away
Exhaling slowly a cloud of smoke
Dreaming about the songs you wrote
Memories glistening against the sun
Our love is warmth for everyone
Billowing upwards in whitish haze
You're so perfect, I hope you never change
Wrapped up in the feeling
Not a care in the world
Just two shining twinkles
In the eyes of a girl
270 · Aug 2015
Too Young To Feel This Way
Nevermind Aug 2015
Drinking down words I never said
All alone with the thoughts in my head
268 · Aug 2016
Endless March
Nevermind Aug 2016
Can't keep pushing the pain away
Can't keep saving it for another day
Up in smoke, white washed and straight
I can't keep running from this bitter pain
It haunts me every waking hour
Looking for weakness, a place to devour
I'm so tired but can't slow down
The hurt is waiting all around
Walls enclosing
Shrieking sound
I looked for comfort
Numbs all I found
Chasing that first high
Reliving our old goodbyes
Torn up skin
Bloodshot eyes
Empty parking lot
Under the rain
I'm a fugitive
To this endless pain
So tired of running
I'm so insane
So tired of running
But when I close my eyes
It seeps in slowly
Churning in my mind
268 · Dec 2015
Self Destructive
Nevermind Dec 2015
Staring into the darkness
Something stares back
Small pools of moonlight
Occasionally switching to black
Only to open again
And simply stare at me
This thing in the darkness
Is driving me insane
I tried to call out to it
I gave it different names
The eyes simply gazed at me
The thing silently remained
And in a fit of madness
I screamed into the night
The mirror broke
I was alone
The thing in the darkness was I
268 · Nov 2015
Nevermind Nov 2015
I'm locked in a prison
In which I'm the guard
Brittle, tired bones
Are my cell bars
Along the walls of damp corridors
Echoes the sound of my heart
I've been trapped in here so long
I can see through the dark
Where shunned thoughts hide
In murky black fear
I'm not alone in this cell
Yet it's so lonely here
For the only thing left
To accompany me
Is the song of my mistakes
And my sorrowful heart's beat
268 · Apr 2015
Nevermind Apr 2015
You left your shirt at my house
I left my heart at yours
I'm feeling pretty empty now
You're having fun with her
I also left my ring
But you can have that now
It's probably stuck in between
The cushions in your couch
268 · Aug 2015
Nevermind Aug 2015
I wonder what's at
The end of the road
The squiggling heat
A portal to the untold
But drawing near
As the tires roll
It disappeares
A world unknown
267 · Jun 2015
Nevermind Jun 2015
Twirling dresses
Filled the room
Like little white bells
Leading to you
But I got caught up
In the mess
Their sound becoming
Too intense
I screamed and cried
And covered my ears
I couldn't run
Frozen in fear
Running from girls
And white dresses and bells
Waking up
Only to relive the hell
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