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 Aug 2017 Sabrina
Steven C
My heart
 Aug 2017 Sabrina
Steven C
My journey is a mystery
     of misery.
They say it will make me wise
     when I'm old.
Who's they?
Why are they so cold?

They must have broken too;
Everyone has.
If they have not,
Then they are few.

If they have not,
They are not wise.
They faced no lies;
No demise.

I pity them.

My journey is a mystery
     of misery.
It tears me apart;
Starting at
     my heart.
 Aug 2017 Sabrina
Cocoa coffee.
My skin devours the sun.
I glow.
My skin was once a barricade,
I couldn't do much with it.
My skin was lynched, blistered, hosed.
My skin disassociated who I wanted to be friends with,
Taboo places I wanted to fall in with.
Banished where to sit,
Illegalized my freedom of speech.
My skin grew and grew and grew.
Broaden all over,
Creating role models that stand before me now.
Underneath all tarnished wounds,
I glow.
Chocolate chestnut.
My skin is sweet like Apple pie,
Ripe and enriched with knowledge.
My skin is coated with a honey glazed shield of righteous pride.
Embedded with the most exquisite fine wisdom.
I’m fine wine.
They say black is deliberately harmful
Boding ill
Soiled-stained with dirt
But what they don't know is that
Black goes with everything.
 Aug 2017 Sabrina
SG Holter
To never again pick her up at the
Train station.
"Look for that green dress you
Love. I'll be the one in it, loving

To never again watch her
Frustrated and cursing the
Similarities between puzzle
Pieces, with Easter snow teasing
The windows behind her

Silhouette in my living room as
Belle spotifies Pieces
On my stereo and I just
Stare, smiling like an idiot until
My gaze burns a hole in her

Beautiful neck, and she turns
And giggles "what?"
Blushing and rubbing her cheeks
From smiling so much.
To never again.

The first flowers I gave her made
Her cry. As did the last ones.
I don't even know if she'll see
The card with these ones that
Says "thank you for each second


So romantic how we thought
Death by her cancer or my failing
Heart would end us.
No, the trivialities of Life

Saw our poem burned. Buried
Like some completely healthy
Pet put down prematurely.
I remember the mid 80's; dad
Drunk and unproud knocking

On the door to my room.
"I killed the kittens again.
Soon it'll be your turn."

Now I know why he always
Kicked at the cats.

He was kicking himself.
As do I.
Never again.
Train stations and green dresses
Will always hurt like

Hell, and people loving, and
Kittens, and puzzle pieces that
Look alike.
"Never again?" She asks.
I love her too much to lie.
Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
 Aug 2017 Sabrina
A haiku
 Aug 2017 Sabrina
In a way you are,
This little far away star,
And I cant reach you
 Aug 2017 Sabrina
 Aug 2017 Sabrina
Some  poems are not intended to heal old wounds
but to scorch them

for the pain is the only high we have left
that cares enough to hurt  us

— The End —