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  Sep 2017 natalie
i. i've spent all of this time running,
and suddenly you're right in front of
me and it feels as though i've rushed
straight into a brick wall of compassion
and selflessness and it makes me feel
twice as selfish because i do not need
you right now

ii. i've always worn war paint instead
of blush and i never wear a helmet
because i'm too headstrong and my
heart has been clad with an iron lock
and it's so cliche but i swallowed the key —
not because i was afraid of letting people
in but because i was afraid to need

iii. i get nightmares every tuesday about
the time you rested your hand on my cheek
and stared at me and every sunday i am
reminded of how it felt to be trapped between
you and your mangled cotton bed sheets
and mondays are the worst because i can
only think of the saturday that i told you
i hated you and i can still smell the sadness
in your eyes

iv. it's been three hundred and thirteen days
but i deleted your number and forgot your
middle name and i moved away because you
still remembered that white roses were my
favorite and i know you think that this was easy
for me but i was only trying to make you
understand something that you could never
wrap your head around

v. this is my civil war
(you cannot save me from
  Sep 2017 natalie
i think back to the day his voice found
mine in our second semester astronomy
class; i asked him         what his favorite
p l a n e t s were and he responded with
"your eyes" and every day that started with
tracing         g a l a x i e s on his back and
coffeeflavoredkisses ended with a three am
phone call from him reminding me that he
misses me, he's t h i n k i n g about me, he
loves me; and my heart   fluttered but it's
filled with moths instead of b u t t e r f l i e s
because i didn't want love       i just wanted
someone to bend my reality and explore
my universe; he was a grounded boy but
he was not the astronaut i was looking for
my head has been with the stars lately
and my heart hasn't been around either
  Sep 2017 natalie
i am kissing him
i am kissing you.

your lips are on my lips
his lips are on my mind.

you think you have me
he knows that he does.
  Sep 2017 natalie
you let him in;
peeled back the layers
of your skin and
showed him your bones

you thought this would
be easy, but he is not

he takes your ribs and
breaks them apart as he
builds a home inside your

[he is no longer the breath
you exhale; he never leaves
your lungs]

he keeps you up at night;
you pray and he does not
answer and you realize that
you are so tired of all of

“how do you **** your god?”
you ask

[you get off your
a rewrite
  Sep 2017 natalie
I still can't put into words how I feel about you
so I'm going to close my eyes and say the first five things that come to mind
Every single time I look at you I can feel the butterflies knocking at the door, dressed up as a pizza delivery guy, only to deliver more butterflies, such a shame that I am still unable to fly
When you told me that I may never see you again my hands froze and it became harder and harder to continue my drive home
You probably thought nothing of it
We both live in the moment but I wanted this one to last forever
I just hope you don't forget me
I told you that it feels like I fell from heaven and landed in your arms yet it all seems to feel the same
Maybe I wasn't meant to fly
Maybe, maybe I was meant to lose my wings
falling right into the place that I was so afraid to be
see, the last time i was here, love had made a fool of me and I haven't been myself since
but love, when I'm with you I'm more of myself than I've ever been
It's been a long time since self confidence was in my vocabulary
I look into the mirror now and I see myself and smile
Knowing that I'm looking at the face that brings you just as much happiness and you bring me
Please believe me when I say I don't need love nor do I rely on someone else to make me happy
It's been a long time since self confidence was in my vocabulary
I look into the mirror now and see myself smile
Knowing that I'm looking at the face of the man who takes all of your stress away just as you do to me
maybe we were made for each other
I wake up thinking about your voice and how it gives me chills even in the hottest of weather conditions
I haven't had a bad dream since the day I met you
Sometimes I think I like you more than you like me and that scares me because my love is like kudzu and I just don't want you to suffocate
you make me feel like I can fly
  Sep 2017 natalie
in a weird spot today
2am staring at walls
shaky fingers
and since every poem turns into a love poem,
i want you to want to impress me still
i want to rest my hand on your cheek and close my eyes and be in my most comfortable place
  Sep 2017 natalie
i'd like to rock climb your spine,
bungee jump off the bridge of your nose,
tackle the pillow beneath your head,
kiss you softly on the cheek, and then
i'd like to crawl into my own ear and whisper
"it's okay to go to sleep thinking of yourself"
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