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Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
You are proud
you are ahead
in your life
from your mates.


Life is unpredictable
they can try hard
you can't foresee
even a moment later.


If you've succeeded
reach a better point
it's not guaranteed
you stay forever.
Wednesday, May 21, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
She lays her head
       On your chest
Looks at your eyes
With her searching eyes
After such a wild act
You had moments ago
Both of you exhausted
Sweat on your brow
Your heartbeat high.

With searching eyes
She asks you again
For the thousands of time
Do you love me?

Don't be angry with her
Don't say how many time
I should say I love you
Don't say I showed you
My love in bed minutes ago.

You ought to be happy
When she asks this
Even if it's the millions time

Because it means that
She loves you so much
you are her most valuable
Belongings in her life

Be happy and proud
That she loves you
Pure love from the heart
Smile and kiss her
On lips and on the brow
Say dear I love you
The same as you do.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Beautiful face
For a woman
Is a gift!

I agree with you
That internal beauty
Better than external beauty.

Who said that
One can have only
One without another?

One can have both!

Beautiful face
For a woman
Plus beautiful soul
Makes perfect angel.

They are who are loved
Both by sensory lovers
And by spiritual lovers.

You, who consider yourself
Not a beautiful woman
Don't go mad at me, but yours
The point is that, beauty is
Relative, and depends on the viewer.

There is at least a pair of eyes
That see you the most gorgeous.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
I waited too long,
For the perfect time
To begin the journey,
From the status quo,
Toward the desired point.

The perfect time,
Never knocked on the door.

I finally found out
That trying is also
Supposed to be
Part of the journey.

Therefore the right time
To start is the time
You think about a goal.
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Moment of peace, for soul and heart
Is when we kiss, and bill, and coo

Our foreplay that you love the most
Before we go forward, to the main part

You lie afterward on my chest still
I peck you, or neck, from time to time

Your silky soft skin on my rough one
Drains all my worries and stress, at once

This is what I enjoy the most in life
I wish we could do it always for life
Monday, May 20, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
A rider
was passing a desert.

He was to deliver
an important message.

He lost his way;
he spent all he had,
all the fool and water.

He was going to die,
in that endless desert;
life and death of many,
depended on his journey.

He found an oasis,
when he was hopeless.

There he met a girl,
a shepherd girl;
she was living there
with goats and sheep alone.

She gave him bread,
some goat's milk.

The rider forgot all
about his final goal.

He fell in love with girl;
Stayed with her till death.

Did he lost his way,
The day he lost the way?

Or did he got lost,
the day he found the girl?
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
You only have the chance to live once
Even though some say you can live twice

And if you fail to live well in the first life
You shouldn't hope a better another life
Sunday, May 19, 2019 - 09:17
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