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knives ****** into my back
tiny piercing needles thru my chest
rather it's physical or from the heart
it's still painful times

encouragement not seen
or anywhere within my sight
discouraged, heartbroken
it's still painful times

we try to let the past stay behind
yet it has a way to sneak upon us
then follows unworthiness
it's all in painful times

we just have to keep going
to become stronger at all
I learned this
through all the painful times
5:58 p.m. on 9-14-2014
From time to time I think of those words
'ignorance is bliss'...
but is it?

Oh, for most I'm sure that it can be
but it's not always like that...
so painful.

Other times it leaves behind scars
those little worry lines ....
upon our cheeks.

Yes, I'm sure that ignorance ...
could be bliss...
someday perhaps....
even forever.

I'll be glad to see that day.
the skies turning grey in autumn's light
the leaves change to orange and gold
we, like nature, sometimes need to change
making the world all our own

a toddler learning to walk later runs
his soul uplifted into new dreams
it's natural we make changes now and again
leaving behind those we love

but once upon a midnight clear
when the moon shines upon our lives
we slowly blend into new lifestyles
and discover our old friends
Inspired by a very special person :) She knows who she is. <3

— The End —