if you look at these eyes i hope you see happy
because that is what i want you to see it is what i am when you look
when you look into my eyes
i hope you do not sense the despair and the fleeing i hope you feel my heart i hope you feel it deep in your soul and in your teeth
i hope i have taken up an adequate space in your brain
i can only imagine how many things are filling it as i write.
my dearest sweets,
you are a ******* **** and if we were in spain in the 18th century, i’d stab you through the heart with a knife carved with flowers and put a red rose on your rotting corpse.
sweet boy,
i want you in the wildest ways. your core. find out how you tick. what makes you tock, dear?
honey. lovely rough faggy doll,
i am all out of ideas here. holding on to sinewy threads and nerves.
i am all out of ideas and i will keep riding along this path until i find my way again.