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Deana Luna Jul 2014
Crisp crunches of thoughts leaves inside my mouth
Gum stuck to my shoe
You stuck on my mind but
I want you there tight holding
I hiked you up to my hips buttoned you there comfortable and still
Skirts falling and shirts riding up
Underwear that I won’t call ******* because they’re not cute enough
And you
Nestled in a metal button marking patterns into the skin red red bone *****
Deana Luna Jun 2014
i could smear luscious roses on his *****
drool a raw achey mess as he watches
(worship his sordid *****
licking my face so sweet
a frantic hell of goddesses
and)- He
Enormous Storm
spray me sucker !!!!/!
Deana Luna Jun 2014
pick me up
trigger me
allowance of water droplets coming from the axis
at its worst i didn’t want anyone touching me
****** me ironic
manifesting itself in my body
pick me up i really just want
over this
my past
i let him and he did
holding me panicked
held me with my arms around his neck and my legs in his arms like a little monkey kid
i was beautiful and he loved me
recovery steps
Deana Luna Jun 2014
soar peachy
repulsive boy
a luscious hell
his drunk urge whispering sordid and frantic
sweet thing sucker
bare *****
lather the sky pink
and watch this sea trudge to its feet
all storm and skin
our sleep revealed in ***** tongues
Deana Luna Jun 2014
i am beginning to feel the spring in my fingers
i wake up and they do little dances in my hair
grab and pull me out of bed
***** on my silly little head
pull up my lips into a smile

i feel renewal in my teeth with each crunch chew taste of greens
someone told me about zucchinis and platonic queer lovers
and i could only think of your onion hair slowly peeled by my hands
and your tomato red cheeks blushing harder as i speak
to you in memories with frightened big eyes

and oh

would you be mine?
Deana Luna May 2014
there is a spider crawling up my back
sending bite-sized shivers as he climbs up ascending vertebra
i think of you and he makes his way to my thighs
spilling rose hips perfume
medecine of angels
the drowning ache
the tingling between my toes
delirious drool language not meant for you to hear but meant for me to answer
beneath this tiny mess of appendages and swoony eyes
i can see your mass traveling through each season
your soft tufts donning golden shimmers then glimmering at the dusk of white
but i knew you when the bees knew warmth
spitfire busy buzzing sweet melodies to the open flower fields
but i knew you when your bones kissed your skin too tight
before falling renewal and peachy light
spiders making their homes in unfamiliar hiding places
crawling hyperbolic
a silly old mess
Deana Luna May 2014
hot thicket bugs crawling water wells of my eyes
yellow shining Yellow heat rising from soft sweaty skin
i wanted to be a piece of candy on your tongue
sweet spit gathering at the corners of lips
drooling in anticipation at honeyed hips soft sugary treats
i wanted to be the cigarette in your mouth
sinewy stick stuck on the outer fragment of your mind//lips
slowly inviting itself into darker deeper districts of your anatomy
liquor is quicker than licorice
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