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Between the nights,
with dimming lights,
I finally knew,
I wasn't afraid to be with you.

You weren't going to turn into the monsters,
that tear at my heart in the night,
You had the care that a heart couldn't foster,
and I somehow knew it at first sight.

You weren't ever going to be Freddy Krueger,
You'd run yourself over with a Kluger,
Than see me in any sort of nightmare,
That is your type of care.

You won't transform into Dracula,
Because with your warm words,
I felt completely spectacular,
and you made sure they were heard.
Why does you car sound like its having diarrhoea,
Why couldn't you drive something like a kia,
More quiet and peaceful than that humming earthquake,
Our house literally began to shake,
Waking up the baby and everyone in the house hold,
Let me tell you something that you weren't told,
The louder the car does not mean the bigger the ****,
Just means the wall that is you has more bricks,
If you don't get that it's probably cause you're dumb.
So please either sell your car or remove whatever,
**** heap piece you added thats making me lose sleep.
My patience and anger for now will keep,
But you don't want to see me after a night of no sleep,
I am warning you.
This world is full of bad people,
We're living in an apocalypse film sequel,
So even when we pick out lesser evil,
We're all the same, still people,
Till we form death and still people,
People who aren't able to move yet are still people.
 Feb 2016 Grazilla Paulac
 Feb 2016 Grazilla Paulac
For too long I’ve kept to the shadows.
I lost all hope of  finding love long ago.
I’m covered in scars and bruises
from daily encounters with “him”.
How can I be who I was before?
I am unable to experience euphoria,
but instead only pain and terror.
“His” words run through my mind over and over again.
Princess, Beautiful, My love.
The agony is destroying who I am
and now that he’s gone, I don’t know what to do
except to repeat the words I love you
to the one person I thought cared about me.
The lies and hurt I’ve been through
can never be healed with kisses or hugs.
I need to know if you love me or not
because I’ve loved someone before, and all he wanted was more, and more.♥

— The End —