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I walk into a toystore
a welcoming refuge from the cold winter breeze.
Quickly, I am mystified by this place.
Taken in by the expanse of candy and action figurines,
I realize I have entered a new world.

A young girl scampers by,
and I feel the need to follow her,
allowing her to lead my through this childish paradise.
My hands trailing along the Princess dresses and Beanie Baby fabric.

I can sense the years peeling off me,
the further in I go.
Forgetting all about education, jobs, and politics
oblivious to the outside world and all its problems.
I am now a little girl, too.
Reaching for a Barbie and tea party set,
I settle down to play. +
Happiness has left
like the passing of seasons.
Spring has bloomed and wilted,
Summer's heat has chilled,
Even Autumn has disappeared, like leaves in the wind.
All that remains now, is the harsh loneliness of a freezing icy storm.
Winter has come to stay.
And i fear, it is going to stay for a long time.
I can feel the ice, on my hands, through my gloves,
cold slithering and scraping up my bony limbs
to my warm heart, chilling it to its core.
All is numb.
I've lost the ability to feel.
The cold has a tight and unforgiving grip on my soul.
What do I have to live for? I guess i'll have to find out.
I pull my jacket closer and shiver,
and then slowly drift and disappear into the merciless blizzard,
searching for something, anything, to melt away the ice in my core.
I sit here alone
in the pale light.

I should be happy, but you are stuck on my mind.
a heartbroken torture,
a hell of a surprise.
I knew it would end just like this.

I had let myself fall more and more in love with you.
Deeper into the oceans of love,
which I know fear.
I had hoped it had shrunk, but it grew and grew.

I remember the moonlight
and seeing the lifeless body.
I remember my blood-curling screams.

     I was one told of a sad tale,
that I heard long ago.
But now I understand that story.
Two lovers, one fate.
Their love grew and grew.
They wanted to run, to escape, to be free.
In the end though, both were dead.

I should feel sad, but all emotion has been stripped from me.

I remember standing by your grave
flowers slipping from my hands
tears washing down my cheeks,
wondering, can I live on?

The answer is no, Romeo, Romeo,
Save not your Juliet from these horrors?

I turn away from the pale light, off my porch steps,
away from the bright moon and stars.
This brilliant planet,

I shall never see again.
I'm not commiting suicide, don't worry. This poem is written in the view of Juliet from Shakespeare.
I used an allusion of their love story when talking about "a sad tale" .
i sit here now
with nothing to do,
can't stop myself from thinking,
thinking of you.
With you on my mind,
I hear music,
I hear voices,
singing in a language i'll never know.
We make our songs,
we fill in the words,
we tap our own beat,
we create our own language,
the language of the loved.
The song of the heartbroken,
the beat of a heart,
thump thumping for you.
Those shattered words,
broken apart, put together,
when will love's ache end?
I hear my friends talk about true love,
and i just want to say, to save any trouble,
it doesn't exist.
Just that steady beat, and that slow but melancholy song filled with unspoken words.
Do you see that oil spill?
that never stops and seems to fill
and tarnish the beautiful calm,
that realm of water...
the spill isn't stopping, no, no, no
How far up will the numbers go?
Nothing seems to help, the fish are slaughtered,
brought to die from human hands and their mistakes,
****** into the aquatic band
that is tainted by that reddish murky goo.
The animals hide with fear,
for they, only they, can softly hear,
the crying songs of the fallen
that tear through the deep blue.
Written for my 8th grade English class -- June 9th, 2010
i open my eyes
to all the silent flakes falling
ever so gracefully,
amung the dusty mountain peaks.
icy friends lay
on my eyes, my hair, the ground
happily melting away
into frozen nothingness.
it is cold, but i find comfort,
in natures snowy blanket
and as I gaze up
from my place on the ground,
i grow sleepy, and my eyes close.
Just as i drift off to sleep,
winters cold breeze whispers
it's mystic melody
that seeps into sleeping ears
of every living creature around.
everything is quiet, as it first was,
in the very beginning.
No time to wait, just sing.
No one to listen, just play.

And so, nature begins its song. +
the penny dropped to the bottom of my heart

I felt it.

it thumped and bounced and thumped again

it reached the impossible end.

it hasn't gotten any deeper.

I hope it just landed on a ledge

waiting for you

to make the earth *move
Equipped with a mind of its own. So intelligent, independent. How lovely could such a thing be? Any one can honestly step a foot outside of their own comfort zone and could right away, catch a pretty being out the corner of their eye. But tell me, could anyone right off the bat spot someone with a pretty soul? A mindset of the wonders, so amorous that an aura of bliss surrounds She?

Could one glance, one move or one word overwhelm the physical structure? Can it possibly defy human qualities? Can She, possibly be? One glance, can easily tense muscles.

One move can without stress, shoot these sensations down your nervous system. One word can alter brain waves and deplete your speech in ways that your tongue becomes a foreign language.

Such a thing, such an emotion could not be solved by any physicist nor chemist. No medicine or research can overthrow something so powerful. It’s as simple as can be, but yet so dangerous and no one is immune.

A crush. That’s all that’s needed; so viral and contagious. Once you pass by the She who has this in their DNA, it causes for no turning back. You’re caught. You’re done. You’re stuck with this illness ‘til death. And that’s the thing. Everyone is bound to catch this disease eventually. There is that one person out there that matches your DNA. I guarantee that the person will infest your immune system ‘till death do us part. You just need to wait, don’t rush, stay patient.

If you overjump, you’ll ultimately hurt yourself for forcing your body into this sickness because of just a pretty appearence. It’s false, and straight up lethal. You’ll just know right off the bat when you found your matching illness. Your body will initiate, then your mind will, of course, follow.
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