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David Hall Nov 2012
I glimpse it now and then.  
Most times only in passing.

There are days.  
Bright sunny days,
when the warmth of the summer sun
permeates through my whole body.
It feels like the light on those days
brightens my entire existence.
I feel it then.

Rainy days
when the gloom from the cloudy sky
matches the sweet melancholy of my soul.
The peaceful sound of raindrops
the warm rumble of thunder
brilliant flashes of lightning.  
I feel it then.

I’ve felt in passing memories.
Memories of the joy of childhood.
Memories of my family and friends.  
Memories of the dreams I think I am loosing as I get older.

Sometimes I can smell it.
It’s the scent of my favorite food cooking
The smell of the perfume she wore when we first met.  
Or that electric smell that fills the air right after a spring storm.

It’s in the sound of a mothers voice.
The touch of the warm breeze on a starry night.
The sound of the ocean when I really need to relax.

I feel it when I notice natures beauty.
I see it pass between two lovers holding hands

It’s in a warm embrace,
a passionate kiss.
or just a knowing look
from someone who for an instant
sees the world exactly as I do.
David Hall Nov 2012
Is it really Happily Ever After
If it's when the story ends
Was it worth the stories heartbreak
Because in the end it mends

How many parts we play
Just to hide our hearts desire
How many sad farewells
Until our story will expire

When the last star falls
and the rainbows start to fade
whats left to give us hope
and grant the wishes that we've made
David Hall Nov 2012
I thought I saw you at the bus stop
It was my very first day of school
She ended up simply being the first person
I had met that reminded me of you

She kissed me in the backseat
As she whispered close your eyes
And I realized that they weren't your lips
It wasn't you in this little girls disguise

As the years passed I caught
what I thought
Were glimpses of you
around almost every corner

The girl who passed me my first love note
Sweet questions check yes or no
The angel singing on the choir stage
I thought I saw you in her glow

The first girl to see me cry
When she said she wasn't you
And I prayed it was a lie

Staring out at the starlight reflecting on the ocean
As she danced with another man
I realized it wasn't you
whom I had given my devotion

She was as close to you
as I was yet to find
But illusions will easily fool you
When you decide willingly to be blind

I know your out there somewhere, how much longer must I wait
How much longer till the loneliness can forever more abate

I grow weary of this journey without you by my side
How much longer till I see your smile
How much longer will you hide

How I long to see my soul reflected in your eyes
How many more heartaches
Will I have to suffer wrapped in your disguise

For now I'll continue searching and I'll harbor no regrets

I'll be here waiting for you
Where wishes made on falling stars
Are waiting to come true
David Hall Nov 2012
Standing still
at the speed of light
Reality goes rushing by.
Hold just one thought
with all your might.

A quiet mind
on a wave of sound.
Reality comes crashing down.
Hold your breath
til peace is found.

A restless dream
when your wide awake.
Reality has given way.
Hold your place in
the world you make.

Standing still
at the speed of light.
Reality is your frame of mind.
Free your thoughts
And enjoy the ride.
David Hall Jun 2012
Childhoods end
Around the bend
In fields of innocence
We may no longer tarry

Summers eve
Takes its leave
Of grownup burdens
We grow weary

Sweethearts kiss
A simple bliss
As adolescence wanes
We start to let it go

Breaking heart
As memories part
The hardest goodbye
We may ever know

Setting sun
Were almost done
From childhoods dream
I depart alone

Closest friend
We’ll walk again
In fields of innocence
When I get home
David Hall May 2012
A picture is just a picture
An instant memory of light
One thousand words find their worth
In our imagination of the sight

A memory is just a memory
A vague retelling of our life
Each memory stripped and shaped
By the hesitation of our knife

A life is just a life
A passing reality of mind
One thousand pictures slowly fade
As we leave the past behind

A sunset is just a sunset
A daily dying of the light
All we have is just a simple picture
As day surrenders to the night
David Hall May 2012
I need to write poetry
Even if it doesn’t rhyme
I want to sing the words
out loud Off key
And at the top of my lungs

I need to dance
Caught up in the moment
Lost in the music
Not a single thought
To what anyone might say

I need to run
With reckless abandon
Wide open down the sidewalk
Until my legs grow tired
and I’ve lost my breath

I need to dream
Like yesterday never happened
Like tomorrows already here
With the audacity of youth
Without the slightest hint of any fear

I need to live
Totally devoted to each moment
With every ounce of will within me
So that when the curtain closes
I’ll have harbored no regrets
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