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David Ehrgott Jul 2015

  Most Americans by now realize that all sales of gasoline go directly to terrorist.  To quote Obama "Isis is 10 times as powerful as any previous terrorist group."  Yet he had the gall to "loan" GM Corp. millions of dollars for the sole purpose of building more gas guzzlers.  Didn't you know what you were doing Bam?  Betcha got Hal stock from ****, didn'tcha.

  Here in Hackensack, most of the members of the Hackensack Police Department own SUV's so that they can look cool in their support of ISIS.  It is not my desire to make anyone look bad.  I just want to bring awareness to what is happening here.  Most politicians received stock in Haliburton (the largest manufacturer of war equipment in the world)
which **** Cheney worked for, for thirty-five years before he was chosen, er, stole the vice-presidency.  And most Americans agree that he should do time.  Yet, Here in Hackensack, the local police department continue to drive gas guzzlers, fully supporting Isis.   Hey!, they stated.  It's our American right to support whatever cause we want.  It's a free country isn't it?

  Eerily still, at the Johnson Public Library (in Hackensack), there is a security guard who wears a full beard resembling a terrorist (talk about putting fear into your readers. This guy makes Stephen King novels look like fancy boys.)   but, I guess it's too late to take action.

  The only thing left to do is save yourselves.  I heard that Canada is a free country.  Maybe I'll move there and not worry about some Mexican who will (crawl through a tunnel that goes underneath a fence that the Donald's mob buddies built to) take my place.
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
On 3/2/2016 at approximately 10:15 a.m. I was threatened by Bryan Pearsall as I was exiting the building where I reside. He made threats to me which contained language that no one should have to hear. I ignored his threats and continued on my daily routine. I proceeded to the 7-11 to purchase a cup of coffee. As I was walking out of the 7-11 into the parking lot Mr. Pearsall again approached me, making threatening remarks. I then noticed a police officer on State Street. I asked the police officer for assistance in this matter and he (the officer that was not wearing a name tag) refused to offer any help. I continued on to Main St. Walking down Camden Street I noticed another police officer on the other side of Main Street. His car was parked on Camden St blocking off traffic to Camden St. as there was construction going on that day. When I shouted out the Suspects name to confront him. The Suspect Bryan Pearsall then entered the Gateway School to hide an opened container of alcohol. The police officer who also was unidentifiable due to not displaying his name tag exclaimed "I'm not getting involved" and went in to his patrol car slamming the driver's side door. I then proceeded to enter the Johnson Public Library. I then used the computer's word processor to type up an affidavit. About twenty minutes later. The police officer that was blocking off Camden Street entered the library. He said that "that guy you tried to turn in is a cop. Watch what you say to cops"! I replied with "If he's a cop then I'm Corporal Christ! I'm pretty sure the police department wouldn't hire a drunken ******. "Oh" the unidentified officer continued "how do know THAT?" "Because he's lived across the hall from me for the past five years and I know from the drinking and puking and stupor that he is in fact a drunk ******." I retorted "Well, he's a cop" the officer replied, and then left the building. About a minute later, the suspect Bryan Pearsall entered the JPL. He stood about eight feet from me and stated that he was a cop. The woman that runs the circulation dept. overheard him and stated "Bryan Pearsall you get over here you ain't no cop and that officer is in trouble." (I thank the stars for honest people like Ellen.) After   I typed up my report, I headed towards the Hackensack Police Department. At that time I felt a little hungry and stopped for a late breakfast at the lucheonette. As soon as I finished eating I went to the front desk of the HPD to turn in my report. Not only did the Desk Seargent spat on me, he stated that he was not interested in helping scuzbags and continued spatting on me. I think now that I have no other choice but to take the law into my own hands. If the law won't help me, there is always the old fashion way to receive JUSTICE.
David Ehrgott Nov 2016
sightless echo scolds
shakily, piously, chime
stampedes, lean arid
David Ehrgott Dec 2014
Metaphors soothly
drip out of the cloth I clean
with saxophone tones
David Ehrgott Dec 2014
The **** beaches do
expose the shamelessness of
polluted waters
David Ehrgott Nov 2016
Clouds bring darkness
To a cold day of sadness
Happiness eludes
David Ehrgott Oct 2016
panorama spits
daintily, hard puddles howl
peacefully sluggish
David Ehrgott Oct 2016
hardening gelding
rains smug sharp toadstools rumbling
catfish fluttering
David Ehrgott Nov 2016
flaccid rigid heart
rasping harmonious bland
rude burials plead
David Ehrgott Nov 2015
escaping birch tree
reverberates, ferryboat
ponders redly, gray
David Ehrgott Feb 2016
humiliating leech
shakes eagerly, rudely, lass
submerges quickly
David Ehrgott Jan 2016
squealing landlord rants
eruption frolics, donkey
drizzles bleakly, great
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
fearlessly, groundhog
muttering, languishing horse
recovers, unchained
David Ehrgott Oct 2015
late loveless slick chime
sprays carnivore quibbles, sly
gazelles spray blithe lithe
David Ehrgott Aug 2016
shaking dragonfly
copulates, forgiving foul
juniper lingers
David Ehrgott Sep 2016
disturbed patient fierce
redhead accelerates, mad
moist racehorses laughing
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
claustrophobic mask
mystifies, impoverished
agony rumbles
David Ehrgott May 2016
So we're here again
To learn to do what we love
oh, the irony
David Ehrgott Jun 2015
Madam hear you rang
Serving hazelnut meringue
Truly just desserts
David Ehrgott Nov 2015
ruddy cane dreaming
clouds ascend gently, pain seeks
softly, mobs melt, meek
David Ehrgott Aug 2016
hoping dirt frowns, head
rumbles pulpily, dockyards
riding, dryly, cold
David Ehrgott Nov 2015
onion saddens, lame
intricate dishrags rambling
cowgirls glimmering
David Ehrgott Feb 2016
madly believing
romping nymphs squirming bluebirds
perch squelching, cackling
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
Shuddering fountain
flies nervously, leprechaun
slumbering oyster
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
unborn deceitful
misers tumble, men burn, peach
sniggering soaked lash
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
rising loudly, sting
fiendish open-mouthed haystacks
stagger, despondent
David Ehrgott May 2016
implacable tall
old azalea screaming
ardently floating
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
sprinkle her lightly
her powers so magical
the light of stardust
David Ehrgott Jul 2016
agony builds, weak
languishing dubious eels
languishing, dryly
David Ehrgott Feb 2016
charred thundershower lush romps
mountaintops chomp first
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
Clouds bring a darkness
to a cold day of sadness
Happiness eludes
David Ehrgott Sep 2016
singing numbly, clear
ingenious wet priests lurk, sly
jittery sharp prince
David Ehrgott Oct 2016
delighted brute flirts
diamond cutter rising ice
gloating elks haunt sick
David Ehrgott Dec 2015
desolation paws
redhead crawls, maiden frowning
blushing, prattling
David Ehrgott Jul 2016
sleepy tall sunny
raspberries hallucinate
pulling sheepish hearts
David Ehrgott Mar 2016
intense shining snide
eagles plopping, rumbling mild
lazy lovers play
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
conspirator chirps
Adonis drifting brutes ooze
somnolent sunny
David Ehrgott Sep 2016
exclamations clank
earnestly, gypsies capture
redly, softly, mean
David Ehrgott May 2016
expectant pike laughs
oafishly, snowdrift bragging
apologists eat
David Ehrgott Dec 2015
painfully sore free
adventurer squirms, raw calm
dogs clash, dumbfounding
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
vain cow hesitates
despondent caterpillars
shivering soaked bright
David Ehrgott Nov 2015
soft imprisoned snails
emerge, does escaping
decaying, frowning
David Ehrgott Sep 2016
free pigeon frets some
exaltation roaming loud
eagle chirps charcoal
David Ehrgott Jan 2016
moistly smile sidles
keenly, coldly glumly fist
quailing, jabbering
David Ehrgott Feb 2016
rhinoceri blare
bulls snoozing chipmunks oink, clear
carnivore deafens
David Ehrgott Dec 2015
almost all-purpose
that device held by hand but
it won't do dishes
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
flatly impassive
mermaids patter raggedly
bleakly, moping pains
David Ehrgott Feb 2016
grieving ship prowls, crag
exclaims slowly, faintly, small
old pond gibbering
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
Little killers
one, two, three...
Learning all the letters

Little killers
one, two, three...
guessing for the answers

Killing sibling's learning man
A game once we did play
You learn to spell or die
Okay?  The old fashion way
David Ehrgott Aug 2016
Happy seeing you again
Tho years ago you made me sore
and sometimes you are insane
but, life without you's just a bore

Happy seeing you again
I can't believe it - all these years
You're lookin' better than ever ever
Keep lookin' at Me

Hey, that's such a pretty dress
It's giving me an honest guess
A flower-print with background white
Wow!  You surely are a site

The winter bats are finally flight
You can't yet see them out at night
But they don't mean a thing to me
But you do darling, everything

Happy to see you again
So happy seeing you!
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