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So mud splattered
His armor tattered
In darkness and in shadow
Had journeyed a bit
The same old ****
In search of a Cadillac Eldorado

His beard long
This knight so wrong
His heart became a shadow
Closed his eyes
Still heard the cries
But not of a Cadillac Eldorado

And as his morals
Lost their quarrels
He came upon the wandering shadow
“Shadow” he croaks
the one with the spokes
the beautiful Cadillac Eldorado

Over the ghettos
Of Pompano
Into the field of the shadow
Ride, boldly ride
The shade replied
If you want a Cadillac Eldorado
I re-worked Poe's El Dorado after I tried several works to capture my father.  This mentally worked for me.
I wish I was more,
than a second thought,
If a thought at all.

I wish I was more,
Than a safety net,
To catch you if you fall.

I wish you'd care,
Even though,
I'm always there.

I wish you'd understand,
Take your place,
And hold my hand.

I wish I was more,
than a second thought,
If a thought at all.

I wish you'd notice me,
But instead,
I feel so small.
I am just a second thought,
If a thought at all .
 Jun 2014 David Barr
Those who lash out when the heart speaks
avoid the many mirrors reflecting themselves
For in this rippled dream,
where perfect does exist
and mistakes are long gone like a Milli Vanilli song,
they fail to see that we are all human…
errors come with the package (batteries not included)

Sidewalk footprints, back and forth
pacing past the entrance to that world
where words have no meaning,
regardless of how they are spoken (or written)
Self-absorbed deeply in the waves
of that ocean tide of fantasy
crashing in white foam feelings, disappearing by sunset

What is it that makes us who we are…
our smile, our fingers, our brand of cigarettes
shipped in plain brown envelopes,
our thoughts, our dreams, the poetry we write
when we need to get it out…good or bad
When lack of judgment drips from the skylight
illuminating courage to do what we shouldn’t (even in darkness)

Wrong, I was wrong…regret, more than I could have known
I have looked in this mirror, then I looked away quickly,
Ashamed of that face, fell three stories below my heart  
slipped on the disgust splattered at my feet (by me)
sunk up to my knees…bent, folding, scraped and bruised
but I require no sympathy, for I am not that devil Jagger sings of…
at least I hope not…please allow me to introduce myself…I am sorry
Digging, digging, digging
Where has the tide gone?
Why does it no longer,
Form a pool around my feet,
And send my aching body,
Into a fragile glass like state?

Where has the rain gone?
Why does the water,
Not fall from the parting clouds,
And crash down upon,
My broken bones?

Where has the wind gone?
Why does it no longer,
Wrap it's wrath around my core,
And wind so tightly,
Around my vacant soul?

Where has the sun gone?
Why am I left alone,
In the absolute darkness,
Unable to feel warmth,
Diffuse across my skin?

Why can't I feel pain?

Why am I so numb?
 Apr 2014 David Barr
Paula Lee

          I'M                             HEAVEN
LAYING                          TO
      A                STAIRCASE
       BRICK    MY
 Apr 2014 David Barr
Paula Lee
Come stranger Enter my Domain
Search and break the firewalls for the entrance to my life
One by one break through
and behind the last wall you will find
SOMEONE TO TALK AND LISTEN TO YOU AT ANY HOUR OF THE DAY OR NIGHT but most of all you'll find LOVE that has no bounds
that never fails when others leave you.
You'll find respect for who you are, for what you believe in.


If you ever want to leave me you'll always have the freedom to do so
But do it Gently and seal back the walls that you entered through
Then I can change the Password to my heart and the Username of my life, so then I can wait here until the next stranger comes along!
For all the strangers yet to come into my life.
 Apr 2014 David Barr
Paula Lee
My hearts held captive set me free
with all my sorrows all my sin
from ******* please release me
Lord show me the way home again,

When my path is veiled in shadow
and I wander in the shades of night
however dark the world may be
take my darkness and make it light,

Cleanse away all my sorrow
take my poor heart and let it be
when at last my will is done
come to me Lord and set me free,

Walk with me and guide my steps
until the storm of life is past
then take me in your loving arms
take me home Lord- Home at last.
 Apr 2014 David Barr
Paula Lee
You rode into my life
on your black KNIGHT
and you stormed my CASTLE
with your charm,
Then you used your PAWNS
to keep me IN CHECK
and you told me you
were my KING.
I began to hate you so I
confessed to my BISHOP
but you made a fatal mistake.
You underestimated my Queen
and I escaped
Any one else want to try Castleling?
 Apr 2014 David Barr
Paula Lee
You always loved giving me rainbows
I could always expect to get one after a fight
a couple of throws of your fists
a few kicks in the spleen every night.
They start out black add blood red
with a tinge of purple
Rainbows made by you.

A couple of days pass the bruises fade
you see ugly brown and yellow
My Rainbows made.
But now you're not happy
cause you can't find green
so you start another Rainbow
cause you're so **** mean.

Night after night you act so concerned
I can expect more Rainbows
at your every turn.

You always loved giving me Rainbows


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