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 Apr 2015 david badgerow
 Apr 2015 david badgerow
Wonder if when constellations do align
And universe would finally see.
Would it be presumptious of me
To claim that then, finally you'd be mine.

Wonder if my sense would triumph over
So that my heart would be muted.
With all its contents looted...
Would I only seem sillier?

Wonder if I walked away
In due course.
You'd then take my hand in yours
So that a minute longer I'd stay...

Wonder if you'd understand
When if these feet
Should choose to retreat...
That they had to... It wasn't planned.

Wonder if it'd make a difference
If I said that I had to...
Not for me but more for you.
Would we still be able to love in silence?

Wonder if you'd wish that you made it all clear.
Before the gravity of reality would crush us,
Before the vastness of uncertainty swallows us,
Before my presence would diminish and inevitably disappear.

Wonder if you find my pessimism exhausting.
The volatile nature of my moods...
Especially when I dive deep in solitude
And resurface with a trove of words that are no less than exasperating.

Wonder if you loved me enough
In a day...
To stop me from walking away...
Or loved me too much to plainly say


Future's days would see us apart...
Future's moon would glow but not for us...
Future's stars would sing but not of us...
Future's sun would dry out the passion in our hearts.
Even among a thousand wild plants and blooming trees
I could never be more at home
Than between the dying flowers in your window
And your collection of foreign coins
Taped to the wall like distant memories.
“They’re silly” you said
But when you told me
I saw more stars in your eyes
Than I’ve ever seen in the sky.
When I noticed your lips shake, you simply told me:
“I want your thoughts in my hands
So I can mould them and shape them like sunflowers”.
I wanted you to know everything about me.
The shape of my tongue.
The feel of my elbow.
The taste of my smile.
So I held you for hours while you tickled my past
with your presence and promised me
that the eternal sunshine in my eyes
Would never die.
In the morning I ate eggs and carrots
While watching cartoons.
You were naked in the kitchen
Trying to spare me the harm of watching you smile
You know that your smile
Would create a burning fire in my chest.
We danced to the sound of your kitchen radio.
I wanted to feel every molecule in your body
And every frequency in your voice.

I longed for your skin
Because it felt so warm the night before.
You smelled like oceanwater
But that’s because you shower in cold water.
I know that.
I know you.
I gave you my heart and soul
The day I met your lips beneath the icecold winter moon.
“One day you’ll fly and leave me” you said.
You knew I had searched years
For wings to carry the weight of my heavy thoughts
Your wings had carried all my hopes
And all my fears and all my knowledge
I had sewn them into the feathers
To make room for unfinished poems in my head.
You know that.
You know me.

My unforgivable love for your mind
For your fingers between my ribs and in my hair
Made it possible for you to lift me
And make me soar without any wings of my own.
“That’s okay” I said.
“My feet on the ground are what give me reason
to love someone who already soars”.
You then kissed me aggressively.
Wore my entire life story on your skin
And carried me to bed

My eyes were as vivid as your lips
And we were heavy and sweaty
And utterly exposed with naked feelings
Entirely and unnecessarily obsessed with each other.
Combined in endless kisses and moans
And that morning we created a world
Were you were the only truth I could have ever known.
You flowers died that morning
And so did your love of my missing wings
And my ribs and my hair
You only heard the sound of my thoughts cracking
With images of what would have happened
If you had lent me your wings.
Luis drives around the block once more;
his car zipping, ripping,
as his thoughts
are surely racing.

We don't know,
but Monica keeps his keys in her back pocket.
She waggles her peaches when he drives by.

"Juicy fruit", Luis murmurs, then
shifts it into high gear,
spins out,
comes again;
his gravel strikes her hard
between the knees. Monica spreads

her branches, two twigs waving.
She shouts,
"Hey old man, why don't you come perch on these?"

It's a dance of disaster, and no plaster cast protects
those alabaster bones she bares so well.
NaPo 4/4
Iamb, iamb, iamb, I plod along
in verse predicting I could write a song.
To call upon the muse of higher power
pour some wine, kick off your shoes and glower.

While putting best foot forward, don't forget:
cliches are lines that surely **** your wit.
Reality, you say, bears greener grass?
Abstraction always steps across as crass.

It's true you could walk on like this for days.
Your meter's tight, it rarely ever strays.
But what of clever feet and sounds succinct?
If images are dull, your verse will stink,

As blossoms dance upon the redbud tree
and oceans fill your squid with ink of glee,
remember what your mama always said:
mixed metaphors fill readership with dread!

Say: sonics surely sock a swelling swale,
Entwined, the twisted tongues tell not your tale.
Less is always more, the teachers say.
If tricks you train, then please just walk away!

I never knew how hard it really was
to write a poem that might parade a buzz.
I thank you moderators and big brass
for sticking yours so fully up my ***!
NaPo 4/7  Exhausted already, and muse has gone into hiding.
 Apr 2015 david badgerow
there are pocket s
of time  we use
to crawl inside one another, sleep like we would
have never known the difference, before       /after

& our excuse is
the skin of our hands meeting that of our thighs and
we are all at once a giant        sigh, together

we come, beautiful,
in the moment s like this,

we shift,

like this
like this
 Apr 2015 david badgerow
I can re-focus my eyes a million times
and still see only the smile that spreads like butter on hot

you seem a combination of
all the love poems I've ever written      the various parts
of those I have loved, and the parts which
I have not

and you are in every morning, every morning
you have in you; the only reason        for which  
                                                         ­             I wake
 Apr 2015 david badgerow
haze    lifted,

lipped oh's, pink
hope and

I wish sometimes
and sometimes I
forget I have the ability to

I hope sometimes and
sometimes the idea gets caught
on the way up my
at the moment, though
I do wish you weren't caught in the net of stars in my peripheral vision.
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