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Bias over basis.
Look at we've done.
We've unraveled every inch of the thread that we have spun.

Errors over trials.
This is how we play.
So much for analysis and so much for how it weighs.

Ears were made to listen.
Look at what they do.
They've become a man-made highway for logic to pass through.

Eyes were made to see.
Look where we begin.
Judgment at the sign of growth: this is the world that we are in.
 Oct 2011 david badgerow
I woke up feeling like a Rock Critic today

Looked at myself in the mirror unsteadily
Not sure who's reflection stared back at me

I scratched my *****

Drank some cough syrup
the hallucinogenic fun kind

Drank some whiskey

Drank some more cough syrup

Went back to bed
And closed my eyes

Better luck tomorrow
dedicated to the old-school rock critics
who were complete *******
but knew a thing or two about good music...
 Oct 2011 david badgerow
v V v
Tonight I'm thinking about how much
I love HP and all the people I've met here
and even though it isn’t perfect neither
are any of us but its pretty **** close
and funny how we're all getting along right now
there doesn’t seem to be any chaos
or drama just a lot of love flying around
and I started to compare it to my life and how
my life has always been chaotic
kinda like HP used to be
and if you’re like me
you get used to the chaos
and when things are perfect
you kinda wish they weren’t
cuz perfection doesn’t ever feel
quite right
A dysfunctional childhood makes
for great poetry a wounded heart the same
but most of us are here as survivors of sorts
finding ways to overcome the ****
but sometimes I miss the ****
even though I'm too old for it
the **** has always been there for me
and now its not and
I worry I can’t feel without it
I know what to expect from the ****
the tingle at the tip of my nose
the rumble in my gut that brings up *****
I know where these feelings come from
from infidelity and feigning sobriety
from the blistering hiss of steaming words
******* ******* and kiss my *** *****

I once threw a baseball through a sheetrock wall four feet from her head
and it made her doubt me just a little bit just enough
to give me that little boost a little bump you know
I've never struck a woman in her case I probably should have
but you don't need to hear that **** she’s long gone
and thankfully you're asleep  
my **** never needs to be your ****
or even our **** for that matter
you don't deserve it
and could never understand it
I would never expect you too

Its late and I'm tired but all is well
and somehow deep I know
it always will be well with you and me
wrapped up in all this peacefulness
but sometimes I miss the ****
One day my breath will catch
in my throat, forever
and my blood will run cold
and although I will feel
slipping through my fingers
I will be paralysed, powerless,
left to watch it unfold
until there is nothing left of me.

One day the ground will swallow me up
I'll be nothing but dust
no trace of my existence
except unsent letters
addressed to you
that I'll have forgotten to burn.

One day, I will cease to exist,
spontaneously perish,
the universe will shift and I will be gone
Nobody will remember who I was
because anybody who is anybody
is you.

One day, somebody will look into your eyes
and you won't want them to look away.

That will be the end of me.
 Oct 2011 david badgerow
Say you want a cat. A dog's too easy,
would wag when wag is inappropriate,
and slobber on the guests. You'll take the cat,
so different and strange, it drives you crazy,

its shiftlessness, its ins-and-outs, its chi.
You call. It does not come. Is this a pet,
this Dharma ***? You say you can't accept
its vacant gaze, its scorn, who yearned to be

at home with feral grace, with all you're not.
But you're a Body safely locked from Mind,
that Problem no Mind solves. This point's defined
for you by ****, who's not the pet you thought

but Otherness, one owned by God, or none.
Cat sleeps for hours, wants out. A job well done.
I don't know if you can do it
I don't know if you will last
I don't know quite how you feel
And I'm too afraid to ask

You can't see what I see                      
You can't tell these lies                        
You can't just ignore me                    
And then say your goodbye              

      I still hear your heartbeat                                    
         And I still feel your touch                                    
          I can still remember you                                      
    Sometimes it's just too much                              

                   I wonder what you're thinking
         I wonder how you know
                        And wonder when you look away
      How long until you go?

I don't think that I can keep you                           
I don't think you want to stay                          
I don't think we quite understand                       
But we can't go our separate ways                        

       Something always brings us back
Something keeps us here        
    Something which we hide inside
Gets rid of all the fear              

I don't know if I can trust you                      
But I know I want to try                              
I don't love you like I used to                      
It's so different this time                                

I don't know if we can do it
I don't know if this can last
All I know is how I feel
And it's nothing like the past
This is a requested elaboration on a themed poem 'You', which is also available to the public on this profile.  Any comments, suggestions, and ideas are always more than welcome!  Thank you for viewing!
So what am I
             expected to do
I guess for now I'll
pumpout poems
          chockfull of cliches

and other ****

      Because honestly,

                It doesn't feel
           right to do anything


          So call me cliche

          But know that I'm-

          feeling more
                   than you

                             have ever felt.
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