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if marriage is the                              fulcrum  

of your existence,

all i have for you is desperate disinterest.

what is there to talk about?
how you clean your kitchen and have submissive, dull *** once in a while?

here's a secret: he probably asked you so that he could get down your pants legally. you said yes thinking of a pretty white dress and that feeling you get watching Disney movies.

i asked a suburban woman this question:

                                                      ­   who are you living for?

hollow eyes as she laundry listed Jesus, God and every one of her family members.

no concept of self.

are you satisfied?

                                                     ­    yes. she said. i am satisfied.

how can you look at the state of the world and feel complacency? the longer i  live the more i realize

                                                        ­ that static is not an option.

girls, ladies, women

                                                            you don't need the validation.
Can I trust the eyes seeking mine?
I want to
Because they look like home
Through sepia tones
A bittersweet nostalgia before
We learned how easily people break

I want to trust your arms
They look just big enough to hold me
When I know the only way I feel safe
Is in the shape of a ball

And if you were any more beautiful
I’d be *******
Much like the ten beers I should’a
Said no to
Before you
And they
Had me sycophantic and stumbling
And already
just a little bit

I want the smell of you to linger on my clothes
The same way fire does
After a book burning
Just a little bit shameful

I want you to stop my stammering
With a kiss
To preoccupy my mouth
Long enough to subdue my stupid

I want to let go
Of the fever that makes my back sweat
When I see you
And the worry
That your eyes might lose their shine someday

I want you
In all the ways that
I am probably not supposed to want you
But I do

I want our wrinkles to one day fit
Like ****** up Ziploc bags
It’s that bad
So kiss me
Before I tell you that

And maybe
keep your eyes closed
Until I can trust them
Because I want to
First line donated by Neva Flores. I hope you like it, and thank you so much for playing.
Crusty *****
           scuttle through
                        the tide pools.

Fish dart among
                         sea-**** forests.

Salted breezes
             push waves
                       on to shore.

         surf the ocean

Tides rise and fall.
                 Waves roll in.
                               Peace abides.
The cloud is expectant and heavy
I am one of its children being born in the sky
Then, my mother is ready- she releases me
And I descend to the earth from on high.

I fall in time with the other children,
We travel downward, faster and faster we go
Toward our destination.
We feed the earth, waiting below.

We soak the ground, giving it life.
We fill streams, rivers, and seas with their share.
We wait patiently to arise again,
To gather again in the air.

We wait inside another cloud,
As we pass once again through the sky.
Our mother is ready and releases us,
We are born once again in the sky.
 Nov 2011 david badgerow
this is not a poem.
this is not a senten--

sometimes i ponder like
a young girl swathed in grey film,
earnest eyes bent to world's phrase.

sometimes i write like
a peering boy, letters of letters
and paper cut fingers
waiting to cause her lips to
crease while she waits at her locker

once i dreamed i was
suffocating in my cherry wood coffin,
preacher's voice scribbling
psalms on to his note cards,
even though my Bible died
by hiccoughing moths.

i will imagine my eyes
tracing the back of midnight afternoon,
a word scrawled, fractions of
letters gathering like sickened ants
anticipating pools of honey.

this is not a poem,
i told myself

this was not a poem,
and will never be;

unless everything is
a poem.
Better to die on my feet...

         than on my knees.
© 2011
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