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Wonder of wonders the first man arrives
The great explorer the first man to enter
The New Land Paradise only to discover
He is the last one there; that all the people
He thought were following are there already
Friends family strangers passed on the street
Are already there before he arrived.  How
Can this be?  That Christ rose to the Father
The unblemished son and there does meet all
Those he was sent to save and they have the
Gall to say we told you so.I guess heaven is not
Meant to be an empty place without friends or
Kin nor alien streets of gold but rather full of
Old familiar places lest old acquaintance  be
Forgot  All were forgiven so it seems before He
Rose.  The last shall be first and the first last.
In our youth we seek to learn; to
Learn from our experience how to
Live ,  live longer, live happier and
With all that we learn we move step
By step closer to old age and our own
Mortality-then the only thing we seek
Is how we may restore our youth and
To do that we must learn to forget. As
One overloaded with survival gear who
Cannot flee he the lion unless he drop
His heavy load; all his hard won gain
To know with an innocent mind that
He will never die alone  is the antidote
That can restore the body to its spirit.
Oh Sweet bird of youth we never knew
You were our last and greatest treasure
Bird you never were but my soul alone
Where untutored still I freely believed
Soared in my heart to the truth of love
I wish to say something about the nothing
That I know when nothing is all I know
Still I want to say it right -so I can let it
Go  I Call it good.  God be with you I
Say that I may sleep the  dreamless
Sleep of the blessed .Till  I may wake
Again  My very breath   full of desire
I will whisper to  you sweet nothings
About where I have been with you and
Where you went my love I  followed
Harden not  your heart
You cannot harden it when
You are crying.  Cry a little
For yourself and for me too
It is better we care enough
For Love that  it should not
Die.  The love we had before
Can be ours again -the liquor
Aged is sweeter still. from our
Time apart.  Arise my chi  Drink
The aqua vit. the living waters
We shall drink to our love  that is
Sweeter than wine as life is to  one
Who is newly risen from the grave
Thanks be to God my child lives
He is the risen Lord the Christ who
Did this. I will joyful sing his praises
Forever more and for all who ask  Him  
In Prayer from to let  their love live
Forever He will say: Arise my child. And
it shall be done to all who call upon Him
Come to me all ye broken hearted.  Fly
To me bird with broken wing He say:
Sing to me with Faith and Hope and with
Your tears I will hear your song who cannot
Sing and it shall be done unto you as you
Have done unto me  It is I who in you lives.
Perhaps some thought I never cared
But my tears were always there. Cry!
Cry them out!  ...and I did.  Long ago.
Now they are mostly gone and with
Them most those I loved most. Gone
To Him who is everywhere but is never
Seen.  My love and tears he keeps them
There where they are still.  Keeps them
My memories green like a velvet moss
That grows in the heart where all that's
Dear on earth graces the halls of heaven.
When all our tears are shed we will all be
Together with those we have loved again.
The accuser gets snuffed out in death
For he had no roots in life is not one in
Our birth but appears unbidden from
Nothingness rejected and then abhorred.
How canst thou repent of  thy innocence
Tell me is it for vain glory we seek to know
When unknowing is the counterpoint of all
The sheltering caress that cradles our youth
To which we  must return to renew our life
You are on a short board that does not span the deep canyon
A mad crowd a murdererous horde is close -is chasing you.
You run to the
End of the board .
The pitiless mob are screaming
For your blood- are closing in
You see in the void  before
An angel beckoning you to
Come!  Leap into the empty
Space  You have never believed in
Angels.  Will  you  now?
What do you have to lose?  To gain?
But there  is no weigh things
For prudent measure You must act
Know  now with your whole heart
You choose!

"The Winter of Despair The Spring of Hope*
Charles Dickens "A Tale of Two Cities"
The other night I met Mark Twain
I passed the invisible frontier into  a
Large area like a deserted fairgrounds
In the darkness of the coming night.  
There were others  there, not many as
Dark figures passing when I came up
To him, as to an old acquaintance not
Seen for a while.  I said this place quivers
As between day and night- like any moment
It will change and we will not be here at all.
Just at the end of twilight it was.that He said:
Yes' but where else could we meet-That did
Seem to answer all my questions; and I woke
Knowing I had been somewhere else, a place
Between where something more and some-
Thing less can coexist in a fragile balance.
Like the attic of all beloved memories -not too
Far away to travel to when we must know still
They are, a place where they live and are real.
In general I have found that it is best
To make the best of things until the
Best of things is made for you too

Have faith and let the truth always be
With you...It is a gift from our Creator
The boy who cried fire too many times
When there was no fire got the reputation
Of a Liar so when he cried :No firre ! No
Fire! there was a terrible hysteria that in
Fact there was a Fire consuming the land
Panic everywhere as the fear spread.
It is really quite simple.  If Pavlov called
Out ; Chow! Chow! and there was never
Food the dogs would soon the Word  food

Believe was a lie and  would stop believing the
Man even when he told the Truth.  What is the
Truth in the liar' s .mouth?  The understanding of
Trtuth Is always  the hallowed breath of reputation.

The Bull in the china shop pleaded he was really
Only an elephant.  They would not listen and
cried curses down as he was forced to leave the
shambles.  Shame Shame They called!  Go!  Go!

But  to the pedestrians and street urchins it was
Glorious show and so it was long remembered.
Even revered as a great masquerade of  this life
Wherein all the world is a stage and the play is
The thing.  All that's left to us though it be the
Of Rome we are glad we were there Now to tell the
Tale  about the way we were in our youth.
Are we not all but poor players who strut and
Fret our hour upon the stage and then are heard
No More....So knave or king take your bow. All
We can  now say   say to you is you made the show
We  who loved the show   must love you too at the
End of time...

With Love to my son and daughter
The bull i  the China shop
Do I love the sun?
I scarcely know
Do I love the rain?
I scarcely know
The moon and stars the
Quiet night.  I scarcely
Know.  My burden is lite
The longest wait the greatest
Weight is now.  I  now
Scarcely know  that it.  It  is
Quickly passes  a thing of light
Now    Do  I Love
You my Son I scarcely know-
The truth I know is light and
Shadow and the wait is  and is
not.  So lite a burden Love?
I traveled through a wooded land
To a high suspension bridge that
Was only wide enough for one to
Pass.  the canyon at great depth
Above the river far below.  It was
almost freezingly cold.  I could
See a great range of misty peaks
Before me.  Then my feet seemed
No longer to completely touch the
Wood but as if being placed on a
Cushion of air compressed not
Completely down.  Then my
Aged companion said: It is the
Rising air that protect the child
Still in the womb.  Then I knew
The Truth, I should not take  the
Crown for it belonged to one not
Yet born but it was art to know.
And was for peace not for grief.
It is not what you think
It is a new dance,  It happens
In another place.  You see
Something you want but you
Are hurried on.  The song is
Mute, of memories made
No rhyme or reason.  Free.
It cannot be remembered
Grace and perfection are lost
Sought again.  I see a pouting
Face oh so cute-she is calling
Me - says  come you can-
Come and dance with me
Is Always the Presence for which there is no need of proof
The past and future are speculative.  What can we know of
Unremembered times-surely we shall not find proof there--
Theories theories why should we place in any of these rather
God is or is not known to be by our experience of Him Now.

Have you ever lost someone you loved who was  such a constant
Like water likedair that you took them for granted,  What a loss
It is.  The heart cries out this cannot be but there it is great grief.

Think on this now -this constant now this always now this all now.
We take for granted that we will always wake up to it and so can
Accept the gift of sleep that it will be there for us upon awakening.

Is this now so humble not our experience  and proof of God.
Is not other and it is the beginning and the end all our knowing.

Watch a silver dolphin leap from the sea like the first word
The it plunges back into the water with barely splash The
Alpa and the Omega.  Duration  Time and Space are now in
The One  A pod surfaces leaps and reveals a language  that
Is music and  ist he song  that bridges time and place making
One a diversity that is present - is again dissolved again into ...

NOW The N is silent ..The O is silent ...the W is silent...
Goeth my friend to that Place
Where there is no sorrow-Go
Yonder to Nepenthe for it is a
Real place where in the midst
A Sea of trouble you are within
A Love  in that bubble of  Wonder
There is forgetfulness that teaches a
Truth beyond knowing   in forgiving
Beyond forggiving in forgetting: God Is

How long oh Lord will it be till I
Know Sweet Nepenthe again. Know
Deligtht of your Love that I remember
That cannot be remembered.

For Elizabth & Brendan
For Elizabeth & Brendan
In so much as I can objectify myself I am the dreamed.  In so much as I cannot objectify myself I am the dreamer. How great is my love?  Greater than I can know-How great is the universe this too I cannot know.  What is the smallest this is beyond mme.  From the least to the greatest I am surrounded by the unknown; so much is the dreamer greater than the dreamed.  I know little so the dreamer's love for the dream is greater than than the love that is known as the  love of the child  by its parents is the greater; as the creation by the creator but this that we cannot is love.
Just in case you feel envious of the famous
Remember this when you or I die it will not
Be int he news or on the the telly Why?  you
Know  why because there will be no news at
The end of the world if my love not rise again
One must be on the outside to
See the whole.  Seeing there
The beauty that is compassion
That is love.  Who is this viewer
Sublime?  Die go to Him.  See
Then benevolently even your
Still small self that is struggling
To be right with the unknown.
Beauty truth they oft seem other.
One is all worthiness but if it not
Embodied in being be it is less
Than vagary.  But to be is to be
Is to be within but how to feel
The right is to know the truth
From the outside that it is good
That I am true and beautiful
That is the love in the eye of the
Beholder.  It is eye of heaven
That sees but to know you are
Loved is to see and be seen.  
How then can the poet be so
Blind?  I know not my tears.
Look down upon me Jesus
Let me feel your love again.
Know that you see me that
Truth is beauty is love and
That is all there is to know.
The eye of God is upon us
Behind the eyes of God there are
Many Sovereign Dreamers; and no
Common vision would we know but
Love restrain wild excess; for in other
Sovereign worlds live those we love
More than our liberty and thus it is by
Compromise we come to live in this
Our oft jaded reality. Oft rebelling till
Reminded that God is Love and One
Sovereign yet understands all reasonable
Dissatisfaction with the mundane world
We are compelled to live with. So shows
Us mercy and kind understanding toward
Our rebellion remind us that the bonds of
Love shall free as is promised in the end
Oh to lose the one you love - a flash of light asof the great bomb
A loss so great , a sorrow unfathomable my eyes release a torrent
of tears and I knew you were gone forever.
Behind the eyes of God there are
Many Sovereign Dreamers; and no
Common vision would we know but
Love restrain wild excess for in other
Sovereign worlds live those we love
More than our liberty and thus it is by
Compromise we come to live in this
Our oft jaded reality. Oft rebelling till
Reminded that God is Love and One
Sovereign yet understands our reasonable
Dissatisfaction with this mundane world
We are compelled to live in So shews us
Great mercy- kind understanding toward
Our rebellion reminds us that the bonds of
Love shall free as is promised in the end

(So we wake to yet slog on for yet a while)
Oh to lose the one you love - a flash of light as of the great bomb
A loss so great, a sorrow unfathomable my eyes release a torrent
of tears   Knowing you were gone forever All I' ve lost  All that I am
Born a dying the sights and
Sounds of our youth. They
Seem but the tell tale tats
Of another former age.  Yet
they are like the night of the
Falling stars or when the dark
Sound went phosphorescent
With every movement of its
Waters are ever remembered.
Penny candy dreams of old
Yesterdays, old even then like
The Memorial Day Parades
The rifle shots of the village
Green.  Left over they seem
When first seen never new
Almost gone, the very few.
I burn what is and is not
It is the mighty fuel of
Creation.  Thus the fool
Becomes wise; the ugly
Beautiful and evil turned
To Good.   You see the
Wood.  You see the fire.
You feel the warmth and
You see the ash.  You are
Puzzled .  This two shall
Pass.  I burn and burn
Like the Son that truth
And the Greater Truth is
A little child lead us still .
All the iron clad wisdom of man---
All the lessons learned out of sorrows
Unredeemable by time and history yet
Never by youth are learned  Still God
Laughs with them at their foolishness
Knowing all the while that He will be
Needed .  For Who  else is able  to make
Whole our 'brokenness of life's lessons
Oh ancient grief who can we turn to-
Sage advice cannot help; science does
Not have the remedy; natures laws are
Just but without their Master's words
Show not their  charity.  Ah it is the
God of all your yesterdays who knew
You  when and laughed with you then .
He is not their's  of this world  without
Love, who would hypocritically be judge
But ah again they too are still too young  
To know they are only playing the fool
Soon the game will be over and the
Lord shall hear his tears too  Oh most
Foolish God we will need you as long
As we live. Only you can understand; and  
Restore our lives to us from deepest sorrow
As Job was so shall we be for we also are innocent.
And must be made so again knowing ever more
How great iyour Love  so  is our joy magnified---
help?t help
Is it that thou should be considered great; famous; rich ;powerful?
Here on earth?  In Heaven?  Become as little children for theirs is
The supreme gift. Life eternal in the Kingdom belonging to all of
The children of God.  At the end of this mortal life  who would not
Forsake all earthly glory to know that that child'd place had been
Given.   To play forever  happy  content at the feet of  the Lord..
Remember this My brothers and sisters that Day of the Lord is ,,,
Therefore be as you will be knowing from God Our Father we are
It is that something extra that preserves the
Ordinary-that loses nothing of the common
Place but adds adds to it the magic that is
Inherent in it.  That it is wonderful, that it
Is the most great wonderfulness there is
Because it is a greatness that gives itself
Not to a small select few but to every
Experience that we have.  It is an over-
Flowing fountain spilling glory on all in
The recognition of God in all and all in
God.  Such was the coming of the Holy
Spirit to the disciples-The Gift of knowing
The all encompassing Truth that filled
Them with such glory it seemed that they
Were possessed by a drunken madness.
Before Mark Twain knew he would
Always love Becky Thatcher the boy
Sam Clemens  knew her as a just a
girl in the neighborhood  Saw her as
A fellow child jumping rope giggling
To her friends Not his  It was the same
With me when I was small- there was
A girl Pauline with pigtails and very
Shy.  We never spoke but I just knew
She very nice and proper too much so
To notice  a mutt like me Such like was
The girlhood of my wife All she gave
Me was a sketch of a girl I never met I
did not know I loved her back then but
I know it now.  I know it now.

My Dad he not  long before  he died
Made her a bright tangerine colored kind
Of hassock that when you zipped it open
Four tangerine cushions were stuffed in it
It was carefully crafted something I
Could never make and She loved it
.  It was leatherette and a a little gaudy
where has gone to I  do not know
but I think .ll find it with  her in
Heaven where  Father  took her When I
Was faraway I loved her then and I love her
Now She  was the  girl for me; now  she.s gone
  l loved when I saw her skipping rope
n my mind
So long ago
I loved her then
I love her still

For Barbara
The instant you know God
You will realize that all-
Every one else even the
Creatures know as if they
Were only waiting for you.
The last shall be first and
The first shall be last.  The
Shepherd is behind the
Sheep.  Consider this: to
Be in the kingdom is to
Be with all that you love
Even all that you have
Been charged to love.
The kingdom will always
Be completed with you
In our sleep we dream
Of coming home, to
Wake here where we
Have lost no sheep.
I have known this place
But still I ask why does
The eternal moment not
Last but ecstasy seems to
Be born dying, now almost
Forgot like the night of the
Shooting stars in Canaan
We knew not that dying
We were being born again.

For Barbara
I heard my love cry back to me what she
Could not on  this earth from heavenward
These fading words I heard:" I love you I
Love you always have and always will"
And as she passed beyond the surly bonds
Broke free from chains with which the the
The world claims the right to rule over all
Our earth.  I called to her my voice rising
On the summer air; I am coming.  Coming
Quickly, L   will not be left behind.  Sweeter
Is death than life without your love I said.
And faintly ever so faintly came her reply:
"Now you understand why I had to leave."
My lord I cried I am ready.  Where she goes
I will follow wherever my love leads me.
      Where thou got I will go

Yet Lord there is a better way and while there
Is still time I will still put my my trust in thee
That It  still can be on earth as it is in heaven
Let it be soon Lord I feel a bitter end is near
Is now not the time for your saving grace?  For
Your Charity to be poured out on our suffering?
To let your Salvation to cleanse us of our sins?

One door closes
Another door opens
You go in but you but
Can't get out

I've been there
I am still here
So is my daughter
So is Mark Twain
So are all I have loved
All whom have loved me
With God all things are\
One door closes
Another door opens
Though you may tell me otherwise
I still do not know Do not know
Otherwise.  The universe I do not
Know is very  large. How large it is
I really do not know.  I really do not
know at all. and i can live with this;
That's just the way I am; and what is
Just Let it be...
Just let it be Your will for me till
We meet face to face and do know
Love's reality
And though I would not Thy judge-
Ment fall on me even that I will not
I will not doubt it be Thy will for me
That I may rise again
Through dark clouds the sun's rays wink
As if to say peek a boo; now you see me
Now you don't..  But I am always here.
Just so it is when we pray: Thy Kingdom
Come Thy will be done.  It is in our Faith
That it is already and has always been so.
But ever the Glory is magnified and our
Heat beats quicken that the consciousness
Of Love not be diminished by it's constancy
That Love be precious as it is common still.
A whiff of of something desired
That cannot be cannot be  mine
Of desired realized in some other
Clime that       i can only observe
As one apart looking upon a fae-
Land.  It is so quaint and beloved
Of my heart-I say oh why o not me
I would be one with you children so
Wild and free-so beautiful to me-yet
I cannot and still be me.  So  as I must
I travel on but I  will not forget thee.

For the chilrdren  en of Cornwall Bridge who
Danced in the sunny fields for me in the early

Morning of my departure..Are they no more
Yet there is a bridge between then and now.
If the fabric of my semi pleasant semi-
Bland reality were suddenly to be ripped
Open who would be there beckoning me
A demon or a friend most likely a jester and
Would I go with him?  I do not know but if
Not would I regret it to my dying day? For
This I am certain he will not come back to
Invite me again and dear heart already I am
Torn that I a child must part my with love of
Folly.  Go knowing the folly of God is better
Than the wisdom of men and  I am growing old
What is the advantage of staying here if you are
Still young and fair and foolish elsewhere?
I had just begun reading the preface of  William Makepeace Thackeray's "Vanity Fair"  when it came upon me to write this poem.  I now shall read further and see if  he also felt perplexed and whether he chose to accept the jester invitation.
Where is the Kingdom?  When is the Kingdom?
Sometimes it seem it is not here; not now and we
We just do not know and maybe never shall.  This
Is the dark night of the soul when it seems God does
Not hear our prayers and we left with only our own
Will to survive or not. Resigned or not we endure to
The end. Imagine the Lord on the Cross.  Is not this
Will to survive God  Himself in ours Self? Or not?

Yet there are moments when we realize the Kingdom
Here and now is ever with us .  We believe it is Eternal
That we are Immortal.  When this knowing passes we are
Left with Faith and hope waiting to know Love again.
We do not alway see clearly but as the Apostle said: "but as
Thru a glass darkly"  So much of what we learn of in our
Life : history,  the daily news, and even science  does seem
Antithetical to our belief.  Tells us there is another truth that
Refutes and denies all that we would believe about  Our's
Only the blissfully ignorant are unaffected but even our
Children soon suffer from the their parent's acculturation
To a prideful knowing. Remember it has been said: that the
Foolishness of God is better than the wisdom of man- But
We are not wholly lost to the Kingdom.  We know joy.  We
Know love.  We  are awed by the beauty of the Creation.  
Still we Know what we Know.  Ours spirit, our soul does not
Ever totally abandon its roots in all that's holy.  There are holes
In the dark glass-moments when we see and know the truth
The other more glorious Truth,  The Kingdom is here now on
Mother Earth not to come but always was  is and always shall be
Revealing itself in so many ways.  There is a riddle here an enigma  
There is somethings prevent our constant joyful knowing; that keeps
Strangers, mere visitors to the Kingdom.  Imperfect beings
. A paradox.  Yes and no.  One We are the children of God ever
On the way.  Between zero and One there is nothing.  God has
Forgotten all our misdeeds in the Kingdom.  He who makes all
Things new means that the Divine must constantly be  be discovered.
Perpetually wonderful requires a constant rebirth from the womb
Of darkness.  The time between the darkness and the Light is no time
Thus we are given the Forever.  We are Forever on the Way and
The Way is a constant Revelation  there is no difference between
The way and the Destination are One.  God is Love and our  Father
In us.  Who ever reads this message will be heavily burdened until
He passes it on.  Soon, even now my burden is lite  because I do
This.  Christ said: "It is finished..."  So be it done unto you.  All of
You, my friends  - Each in your own Way.  It is finished.

Happy Easter
He says he knows me-
But I do not know him
Imagine this he says grabbing
My hand planning to teach me
Something about myself that I
Do not know.  I do not know my
Self-It is a considered choice and
As best I know who should know
The Truth.   What an impertinence!
What a bore.  Yet I'll give him a bit
Of my time hoping for amusement
Such as can be gotten of a child.
Claims he is a poet  I know not but
He may be who only thinks he is
So much hss been lost.  But I am  
Surprized I am still whole-Behind
What certainly must be that final
Barrier: after which I will not
I am. Without a defense what am I
Nothing?  But for now I am still me
Quiet now but every ready to defend
If I can against the beyond knowing
One who would not be atomized into
The universe of particles than know:
No God.  No Self.  No Saving Grace
It is not faith I tam talking of but Life
Itself that must go on:  For Love' sake.

But then what do we know? They say:
The good die young.  Could it not be
That the good die old as well- taking
A bit longer to make the journey? If it
Be  the Will of God it must be obeyed.
Love will have its Way anyway.  Why do
I fear death.  If it be the end  and Gods
Will for Love sake why then  not let it be?
Give the molecules of the universe all that
Is their due.  A sleep profound from which
We may awaken to embrace again our life
Thy will Be done.  I go in peace.  Amen

Still  into the night Seeking the Morning light
When the Truth is for sale
It is very chere and well guarded
So what choice does the honest man
Have but to steal it back.  Therefore
It is well said that none is righteous
Jack said Game Over
I am. and  Your Dead
Lonely and all Alone
He said what is the use
This games a ruse that
leaves me without a friend
He looked around ghosts
All about.  So one by one
He bid them rise All the ones
He had known as friends now
Gone  Again with him to live
Another day; He said never
Again shall I play a game where
To win means saying no to love
The more the light of hope dims the closer the rebirth
Of the bright morning sun.....Greetings...
The longest  race is not won by
Those who want to win it but
By those who love to run it,by
Those who love to walk it and
Those who love to stand still.
How great then are those who
Love and do not look back but
To encourage all who seek Him
For I speak of the human race;
The glory of God and of man
Even unto life everlasting to all
Who come one by one to love
Seeking the Way that leads each
To the narrow door and passing
Thru he like one before and the
One to come  is the Savior Son,
Returning to his eternal home.
Our Father You who are at all times everywhere
The only true reality.  Your Kingdom is now and
Always was and forever will be.  You give us our
Daily bread.You forgive us.  We too forgive all.
Boundlessly are we are loved so boundless is
Our love.  You do not lead us astray but Keep
Us safe.  We see you now as in a vanishing mist
Ever more clearly that our love may grown
But in our heart of hearts you are truly one.
People who have thought deeply
Often conclude that at the root
Reality is a paradox an absurdity
This can lead to a liberating sense
Of Freedom to be foolish that our
Children an extent that
Laughs at at our ponderous dignity
It is enough to make one almost
Take offense that our hard earned
Wisdom seems to be their birth
Right.  Its enough to make you
Love them-this brashness that is
So much more wonderful to you
That it makes you crazy in Love
I love you. I love you. I love you
Starting from the beginning there
Where we knew not with every step
We do make the map; and of these
Many maps do our story tell.  What
What then should we make of it?
Something mythic and beautiful-
Universal but particular-the legend.
Disguised in the every today. From
The unknowing to the Unknown-
Something wonderful to behold.
If your purpose is to seek to disprove
The bad news go not into the darkness
Yet seek the twinkling star that comes
In your darkest hour-the truth does not
Needs proof but only to be itself known
The unknown declared is but our vanity
Discover humility and bless the darkness
That you may love the earth our mother
We are like two climbers  on the side of a
Mountain trying separately to reach the
Summit.  We shout back and forth but do
Not really hear.  She says You are not good
I shout back you are not kind.  Failing the love.
That calls us to be together. The kind and the
Good.  Dear Lord show us the  Way that we may
Help each other - that our two broken hearts yet
Be joined with Thine to rise again on the
Mountain that Your will be done on earth as in
Heaven Thy Kingdom where our love now is

For Elizabeth
The philosophers have told us
Know thy self.. But how.? Always you
Have known Knowing and not Knowing
Ask yourself what is the difference. Can
It  too  be known  now you are approaching
The Heart of the mystery-where you will find
The Way that is the Mystery of knowing your
Self. and is the Mystery that exists but cannot
Be solved but lives on without denying death but
Is their coincidence each an affirmation of the
Other. The Mystery lives and it is the Love of
Truth and the Truth of Love and it is always
One  and iis both known and not known.  On
Earth as it is n heaven.  But how can that Be?
Back when I was young and The Village
Was new there was an old and broken apple
Tree just over a little hill  
Less than a hundred yards or so from my
Backdoor.  It was small, a crab apple I think
But I do not ever seeing any apples.  It was squat
Almost split down the middle of its short trunk.
Probably struck by lightening.
Still in the Spring every year it produced the most
Beautiful white blossoms.  No one seemed to notice
Its been more than 70 years since we moved in there and
Almost as many since I left.  I understand that the Village
Goes on but it seems impossible that the old apple tree
Still lives but in my memory it will always be part of me.
After my time there my life changed 'n when I I came back
I was married.  Now I too am broken but still I try to live
Putting out little blossoms from time to time and though
There are few I know who take notice some will think
Back on their youth and  will remember I was part of it

For my sister Sue; and for all my and her old friends,
some remembered some gone but still remembered from
The Village.
Years ago when I was sa boy I used to
Visit an old hosrse on a farm near my
home that is no more.  Whenever I came
He would amble up to the fence and greet
Me.  I never brought him anything to eat
Boys are careless and do not think ahead-
Still I wish I had.  He always came to greet
Me .  Either he forgot or forgave me.  Does
It make any difference He knew I remembered
Him.and tha't ts how I feed him now by recalling
Him , the farm  and my child soul of long ago.
What could be more real
Than the old real..;  than
Dying Old...A rear guard
Action.  Who's only Raison
De etre is to delay the advance;
To allow the Retreating a bit
Of time to escape from the
Inevitable,  Between the now
And then...  A  time to live
Where now is the ancient volcano that
Towered above the land belching fire?
Ir is an atoll with a lagoon wreathed in
Coral Its depths the inverted mountain

The past is still with us changed  Time
A wonder that cannot be remembered
Freed by its dying to be reborn again
Everything has its season and when it
Comes anew its character is gilded in
The aura of before that is its splendor
e reborn
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