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All are under God; the one's of our
Faith but no less so those that are
Not.  Does God play favorites.  He
Has told us He does not. Those that
Believe in His universal love shall be
Confirmed.  Those that do not shall
Be surprised but not disappointed
But shall believe with greater joy as
The prodigal  son tells us.Such it is
To be reborn like St. Paul.  If this be
Our faith should we not ever seek to
Be benevolent never to be undone by
A discordant disbelief even to the
Misguided hatred of others.  There
Are many nation- all are made up of
People under God.  In this respect the
People are equal and all have the same
Inalienable rights and every stranger
Is deserving of our benevolence.  If a
Nation practice this it will be a light
To all people.  But this cannot be pro-
Claimed while rejecting the stranger
Without hypocrisy.  The proud call on
Cruelty and say they are godly but we
Know it is not so.  If we are fearful-
Let us humbly admit it that we may
Be given the strength and courage
To Love.  To those who do not ask
It will not be given and even if given
Will not be taken.  It is well said that:
Pride goeth before a fall.  As Soloman
Has said there is this after all:  Fear the
Lord and Keep His commandments.
From Christ we know this means to
Love one another-We may not yet
Know how nor yet have the strength
Then let us pray for it.  Lord not my
Will but thy will be done.  Amen .
At the end of the road from
Where I look: it is not great
Writing just where I've been
That makes all the difference
I have been looking for you-
I want us to go on together in-
To the sunset; into the morning
Just us together again.  It is you
That i am looking for in the time
Before and in the time after-
You have to have a dream to ...
I know you know that is true.

For Barbara
Baby oh babies mine
My heart goes out  to you
You were not loved as you
Should have been.  A world
Of fears respects itself to no
End.  Heaven still must wait
Do we yet not understand?
What could have been  must
Be.  It is now too late for lies
Believed unconceived by the
Children of Genesis who from
Eden fled; barred themselves
By their own deceit that Love
Is not Love but chose instead
A wall  There upon it are the little
Cherubim we were afraid to love
Guarding  it.  There where the desires
Of every heart are still are pure is
Our Paradise We can see it burning
Quench it with your tears It is but
A conceit  When you claim to know
It is but your  conceit you  know

Repent. I say still our God hears
May hear us yet: Let the little children  
Come unto me  thus.saith the Lord
Say what you will-vow to the almighty
Your faithfulness.  Will you keep to the
Narrow path when the whirlwind spins
You into the air-when the roiling seas
Turn you about like the merest flotsam
To be caste upon the strand fighting to
Hold the shore against swiftly retreating
Sands.  Pray do not say what you will
Do when passion comes upon you.  Did
David not know when he took his servant's
Wife and sent him away to die so he could
Have her.  Indeed it is a greater lesson than
Morality that is being told here.  It is belief
That you will always act righteously; that
Nothing can over rule your good intentions-
Make you fall into the stinking gutter where
The unworthy lie in their deserved place.
Greater indeed than the morality of plaster
Saints indeed is the lesson that there is  none
Good.  No not one.  Not one who may not
Be wracked by passion and so became
Anathema to all.  Indeed I am such a one
And wait still upon the lord for my salvation.
Find perfect patience now
What more is their to seek
To gild the lily or not?  What
Is it worth to praise humble
Virtue-The placid lake is all
That needs be..  Peace is its
Own reward but then all the
Quieted wishes answered.the
Promised Child is born but as
All Knows there is trouble in the
Beginning and so once again
Patience, the sea of calm is the
Answer that can wait forever
But never needs to.  War, pain
Plague and famine will be forgot. 
 For they teach that Patience-
Perfect Patience is all that's ever
Needed and the lesson learned is worth
The pain.  The brides maid is satisfied
With her role needs nothing more
Seeks not the groom for herself
But to such a one Love will come.
Patience is always with us and there
Is in all of us a place for her to come
We need only ask that she be with us
Patience is the happiness equal to  any
Reward  Overcomes any sorrow
Peace is not as gaudy as a parrot
Not as baudy as a peacock...Not
As free as a happy child.  Not as
Beautiful as a rainbow in a clear
Blue sky.  Not as fierce as a storm
With the of flashes of lightening-
Booming bursts of thunder.  But
It is like Avalon seen through the
Mist and it is enough to wish for
For a long long time and when it
Is wished for it is always there.
We must explain the inexplicable
To cease being troubled: Puzzled
Rebury the evidence the only true
Evidence that there is Another Real
Another Place. Our only basis for hope
We deny  Another Place if it exists.  
We do this s that there be Peace in our
Time.  Let it be we say.  We do not
Know- Why let it trouble us now?
This other world if it truly is will be
Revealed , all in good time  What can
I do to hurry it up and if it's not so what!
Is the perfect the enemy of the good?
Better to let the evidence lie for now-
Let there be Peace in our time.

Peace in our time,,,But there comes  to
All a time when the fierce urgency of
Now takes precedence and we remember
That the sign we denieds were everywhere  
It then we cry out: " Oh Lord come, Come

Quickly Lord; We need you  now for the
End is near and what we made an idol real
Is can not sustain us now   Come Oh Lord
What ever is made of  loss
It is not the equal thereof-
Who would not excahange
Even immortal words to Un-
Know the broken heart that
Insired them. The shattered
Dreams that were as bread
That do not mend but break
Again to ptoclaim their cost
As waves do break upon the
Shore saying forget  me not

Still there comes a time when
All stands in ghostly equipose
The empty stage late at night
Tells the oldest tale of all that
There is a peace that abideth in
The soul.  As one lying upon the
Earth looking up sees in the night
Sky that it is good- that in the starry
Heavens there is a place where the
Heart can rest after all's been done
That I sleep and do not know
Where I go but there am beguiled
Hoping for ever fairer dreams   go
Beyond all waking constraints to
Another place that I do not de-
Liberate- where some terror may
Wait where I may do wrong or
Have wrong done to me-it is the
Price of dreams that is godlike
To let be...forsaking if need be
The rational.  But awake is it
Any different  do not desires
****** freshly minted by
Opportunity to lure us on
Perhaps suffer in consequence to
Great woe yet who can
Say this I will do not again?
Plausible is every dream and
Knows not right or wrong so
Is man's fate to go along by-
Passing the question of evil till
The deed is done.  It is this
That is innate that leads us to
Know that such a one is not
Wise but may fall prey to
Judgements just and unjust
Yet still in the savage grip we
Seek the One that is above
Again and yet again like
The wayward child that I am
Perfection ever eludes me but
Yet in my weeping still I claim
The protection of His Love.
The crying child knows ever
To His Father he may plead
For mercy.  Just or Unjust as
His cause may be it is not re-
Levant to to one who seeks
Remedy.  For Love is greater
Than bookish law to the Giver
And He who  knows His child''s
Thirst to drink of the everlasting
Waters- will not deny him drink.
The gift of love is life in full.He
Forget our sin. Who remember
Him are His beloved children.
Everything perfect is ever so lonely
When it is real.  We know this and
Instinctively that
is why we so rarely
Stop to see it, let it be, let it get to
Us.  This Now.  Better to let it go.
Should we wait upon art for love,
A friend from long ago and gone
To share it with? They are not here.
Heaven is everywhere;  Shines
Brighter in the darkest places
Where much has been lost there
Is hidden treasure.  Knowledge
Comes that loss is not a crime-
Nor a punishment  for one but
Holly sacrifice to save one' soul
There are gifts that come with that:
Charity springs as if from the ground
That the more favored know not of -
Thinking that all is the result of a lack
Of merit  Oh-the shame; the degradation
But there is another explanation.  These
Are a brave people on a pilgrimage to
Beyond the settled places-to the frontiers
Of  civilization to another and geater truth
Many are called but few are ready to be
Begar -travelers to the unknown  They are
Seekers of the other side in the company of
The sick, the very old and the dying.  They
Known more than most that God will not
Desert them at the cross.  Know this from
Experience others have not yet had-that to
Us seems great courage or foolishness-The
Foolishness of God is better than the wisdom
Of man so it says in  Proverbs,  Even when
Christ cried  out Father! Father why hast thou
Forsaken me?  I believe even there there is
Hidden charity-the pain of being born and
Crying at first light is all our story.  Amen
Would you move away
Saying I have sojourned
Heere too long.  This swamp
This desert  Yet there is this
It takes to get away whats is
Sticking you is that you do not
Really want to leave with what
You've left undone  Something?
What?  You have hidden from
Your eyes and heart that it is a
Place you Love Confess to your
Selt that it is true and you will
Get your pass  Say Adieu adieu
I go but something of my heart
I leave with you in this place

Who was it that said Bless Me Bless me
And I will let you go When Jacob with
the angel wrestled here on earth......

For Royal Manor and Memories
Of My Mother here
I am not a leader and not a follower
All are like me none before or after
We all ypay our parts .I hear us in the
Afternoon of the day and on into the
Evening it is a most beautiful memory
We are not poor fools heard  but once
But we are children treasured forever
Always changing parts in that place
Where there is no real guru, swami to
Tell us how to be but all are at play in
The fields of the Lord; and when we
Weary of play we sleep in the Pastures
Of  heaven to wake again not knowing
Where we've been and who we really
Are.  But we are friends who love one
Another though there are no words nor
Is it part in our play but it all that matters
To  the o the One that knows our hearts
For God has said we are His children.
What is poetry?   It is a mystery
It is a desire to live forever; to Love
Forever; To write Forever.  It is accessible
For who can say what it i and what it is not
Aspire to be something  you can be a poet
A poet is somebody with possibilities for
That alone ****** deserves to be respected
Poets are ever threatened to be called out
As charlatans but the greatest danher comes
From within their .own  Jealous,paranoia are
Ever on the horizon and all they to counter it
With is their poetry a tenuous thing hanging
Upon inspiration which is given and and then
No  one knows when or if it shall come back
The complex must be made simple without a
Vital truth being lost But then what is truth as
A judge once said of ******* I may not
Be able to define it but I know it when I see it
Might he not have been wiser and just said I do
Not know.  But that peace prevail we must have
Arbiters and we pay them well very well then
Change our minds that we have put in chains-
The poet is eminently human flawed and in
Need of  love and forgiveness to go on Love
Divine and human and to give it back in all
Ways but poetry is his chosen way the gift that
Is asked for To know God's mind and work out
Words thaat can be understood by all who  have
Ears to hear as Jesus said of His parables ; and
That some would hear and remember and only
Later understand.  Are their amongsts us some
Pretenders it not mine to say but to have a wish
To be is enough and God may is His wisdom or
Foolishness grant it-Let us love one another even
Unto folly and the lord thy God as One. Amen

For Brendan
turally imperiled
The most ancient and intransigent of
Sins-it doubles down on itself-is un-
Relenting in its perverseness deter-
Mined to prevail; gains its greatest
Strength from its opposition; in its
Persecution it is the defiant martyr
As Christ upon the cross  proclaims
Injustice is and in this world abides.
Indeed there is more  here more
Than a verisimilitude but an injustice
That it is and does prevail where Love
Has not.  Who are you who say it is not
I but thou who has transgressed.  Look
How your Love has saved me.  Love is
Not of this world.  Hated am I because
I have not conformed - Do you love the
Sinner but hate the sin.  I am one and
Both.  Let Love not be intimidated by
My inconsistency for then it is in vain
Nor tremble between right and wrong
What is love if cannot save a man like
Me.  Is it not pride that makes you say
Even Love cannot this do-See we are
A a lot alike  I and thou -who know it
Seems at times that Love has failed us
Love does- must comprehend this too
Then shall we know the end of our tears .
Now I like all kinds of rain but
One the best when o a fair day
Clear  and the Sun bright in the
Heavens is like a maiden that is
Veiled letting her tears fall for
The beauty of it all that soon will
Begone  Nnoto long but only for a
Moment but long enough that you
Know that it was real and can not
Doubt it was true that she felt it as
A gentle child without meaness or  
Pose but only the poignant passing
Of a time of beauty -joy and sorrow
Comingled in one time-It is her time
Her childhood passing that is meant
Passing before her eyes.  God's Grace
You were given notice it was raining
Now I like all rain but one the best
When upon a fair day the sun's face
Is hid behind a paltry veil and for a
Moment lets it be known she also
Weeps for the beauty of all that is
Lets fall for a moment with her  veil
Her tears so little just enough to let it
Be known that what she feels is  real
As a child feels no harm is  meant
But with the passing of this time are
Both joy and sorrow co mingled.  It
Is her childhood passing before your
Eyes.  God's grace you were given
Notice, The small rain down can rain
....God"s promises kept with a memory
Wrapped in a bow.   this love will be now
and Forever the times we were together

"Westenr Wynde" 16th century poem

Western Wynde
When wilt thou blow
The small raine down. can raine
Cryste that my love were in my arms
And I in my bed again


A c
...and of all of life the most enduring
Is that I dared not love but could have
Loved had I seized the passing time.
Yet there is this Love has it's seasons.
The Spring that promises it's sweetest
Treasure is to come; Summer the bud
In bloom; Autumn when the harvest
Is Gathered while the rose and golden
Leaves flutter down; Winter the end
Time come with it's simple hope pure
As snow that another time will come
In sleep, a dream of all born again in
Innocence to love in the coming of the
Light; our youth still more glorious
We will wake up in our dreams and
Be fearless in our love then for that
Better time to come I will regret not
The Sweet sorrows of these partings
For without such there would be no
Youth nor any youth to return to.

For My Mother who would have me remember old blue eyes
His and hers and mine
For My Mother wo would
Seems like only yesterday
In his dad's apartment near
the old hat factory in Norwalk
Where his dad  had worked with

My grand mother  on opposite
Sides of the Union.  There he
Was Playing belting out Long
Tally Sally with more spirit than
Little Richard surrounded by his
Buddies all a little drunk as He
Clanged on the guitar like it was
The end of the world.  He died not
long after-complication of too much
Drinking and diabetes not yet thirty-
A vibrant life- my best friend it was
Another evening and I wasn't there
I was told it was another celebration
That he started laughing and could not
Stop until he passed out and went over to
The other side.  I went to the funerlal at
St Thomes's  His wife Sharoln was very
Beautiful a teenager in black veil. They
Had separated but not before they had a
Little boy -Tommy.  I cried I never knew
He was leaving though he had been telling
The Long long goodbye of our youth that I
Thought would not end even as it flamed out

For Little Richard and Little Tommy
Like a baby crying in a storm
Not in fear but because it wants
To hear but it is falling asleep
It is a losing battle but we must
Try our best before we rest. Love
Is almost alone I cry To remember
The best that will be no more I must
Relinquish Tomorrow to sleep.  I am
Not afraid to sleep.  Que sera sera
To travel with angel wings though my
Love is gone and there are no yesterdays
What has been will be again in the end
Have you lost the one you love?
Does it seem she is not there and
Will not be where you are waiting
Then you are dreaming  Dreaming
Years So Many years it seems it is
Unreal.  Where was it that you lost
Her before the dream began.  It is
There you will find her waiting still
As she was.  Time has not  taken a
jot from her beauty She still waits
For your love.  Take now your Ship
Of dreams cross over thru the seas-
Pass again into the darkest night of-
Of despair till you reach the farther
Shore that was once your Fatherland
Where Love Lives and never dies. Raise
Up your heart like a flag on the fated ship
Let the winds of time take you back to
Land from which you came away- where
Love is real and Truth  is beauty and as the
Poet said: That is all ye needwonderful to know but
Yet know this too you will arrive home again
In this life.  Have So soon the journey,s over
In the blink of an eye you will know it all
Has been a dream that  your love was gone
And night is as good as day til the morning

Remembering Now
"An Occurrence  at Owl Creek" by
Ambrose Bierce
What could account for the problem
Of making life so complex that an
Average man   is not able with a normal
Amount of diligence to  successfully be
Able to navigate the routine challenges
Of life.  Is it not perversity; ignorance
Some combination of the above- to drive
A man mad with needless complexities
That serve no purpose except the vain
Glory of the riddler who would not
Have us discover  that he is  naked.
Beneath his imagined cleverness -is a
Fool  who will not enter the House of
Lord till he will be led by a little child.
I read them as a child.  Sentimental for a far off time
Softened by the long passage  areseen thru the mists
Longing for a lost innocence.  Now that time of my
Youth is as far a way as the time of Riley's old farm
Tales was from him-and it kind of seems they rest in
A place where we are forever young that we loved-
But never quite knew how much until they are gone
Calling forth tears to make glisten all our memories

A tribute to James Whitcomb Riley, The "Indiana Bard"
Love is always first awake
Always fresh.  First to know
From the early bud to full
Bloom. from Spring to Fall
The sadness that is its going
Dying then and shorn of it's
Beauty only thorns upon
The still green stem.  The
Whole is greater than the
Sum.  Love writes  our
History; closes the book
And says with it's last
Words that it is  to love
The final victory's given:
The meaning of all the  
Rest. As it was in the
Beginning a rose is for
Forever to me with love

For Grandma Rose
For my Father
It is an easy enough thing
To prove: a man is not here
When he is gone: Whither
The wind.  The same may
Well be said of all points
Along his passage.  So brief
Now and here is its kin and
Equally likely to wander.  
Tight or loose tautologies do
Not stay the ship our departure
But there is more for we would
Linger yet captain still of every
Crossing seeking what will be
No matter what the whether-
It too shall pass as a certainty
Between now and then i am.

While Reading Conrad's "The
Mirror of the Sea"
I was one who loved you
However imperfectly and
Was always hoping for you
To love me back like when
You were little.  Hear me:
Harden not your heart-the
Time we have left is short
Comes quickly the end.  Lord
Let something of us be saved
Coming a new heaven and a
New earth with no remembrance
Of things past yet let our love
Not be lost but begin again
Say not in this have we failed
Sometimes it seems like I have spent much
Of life searching for the meaning of life-My
Life in particular.  It is somewhat the same as
As digging a grave into the heart of darkness-
Of consciousness as if it were- a well to the Ever-
Lasting Spring-the water of life that is the Love
That was in me that I have for you.  I have never
Found the substance such that I am satisfied. No
Words have I to make you know.  I have nothing
To give you.  I have been foolish and wasted my
Time; confused what should  have been simple-
Trying to understand and failing to just be to be:
Charitable.  I ask God's Grace to climb out of the
Hole and to become whole.  To know it is ever the
Gift not strived for  unearned that you give  So
I plead wretched man that I am that you forgive
As God be as you are let me believe as I receive

For Elizabeth
If a man really knew the good
He would be good if he could
If a man knew love actually he
would always love if he could.
To know better is to be better
Ever increasing in knowledge
Of the good. To lose this is to
Sorrow.  But who among us
Knows how to always know
The good; even knows once
If he knows it not now.  the
Light is a gift.  Without the
Light one does not know the
Light nor where to go.  Do
We not equally vainly say to
Ourselves we are to blame as
As those who claim merit that
They are better off.  The gift of
The light is needful to us; when
It is known it will be sought by
Us because it is good for us. So
We are told to wait upon the
Lord for He will light our way.
The adventure of a Life Time
Where are all our Treasunownres?
Whence we travel Heavenward
Where their worth is now known

And all  our yesterdays Shall begin
.....I pra place the Lord my Soul to take.  Not knowing evil
The victory won.  Peace aplenty Great our Love Is now
And Forever.  I am  happy child in my Father's Place
I have spoken of the Dreamer
As if we are one but though
This be true and I believe it is
He is also the many.  He is the
One and I am the one and the
Many are one-But I know this
As seen thru a glass darkly.
By my dreams sometimes I
Am aggrieved.  I have then
Only one remedy, one access
To the Dreamer I call it prayer
To offer up my pain, perplexity
Anxiety and need to Him who
Is able to give me better dreams
For myself and for everyone/
Sepia is that burnt orange color of old
Postcards;  Of things remembered and
Still treasures of memories fading and
Almost forgotten that once were in a
Now exhuberant, that could not imagine
That it was was passing.passing before
Our eyes.  Even nowing into darkness
Where all of our treasures are buried
But I do  not think all our yesterdays light the way to dusty death
But rather so great is the scroll of life that we are in great awe So
Many memories like as there are stars in the night sky of all God
Has done
Done for us  0h such a mighty work . How great Thou art
to have forgiven
Given us so many treasured memories. It is but a..
  A glimpse of a measureless Love.   In eternity
we  now live and believe and...that this should be

Our hearts overflowing with tears of joy and songs of praise

For Barbara
We were walking in a an enchanted place
A great Cathedral like Notre Dame in its midst a
A Renaissance fair played all about us.  Crafts
People were making beautiful artizan glassware
I wanted show her all the beauty of this world but
She kept disappearing and I feared I would not
Be able to finder her but then she would reappear
Again I would try to get her to take an interest in the
Magnificent creations.  But when she looked they all
Would turne to dross.  Then she would go again I knew
Not where and my heart ached so terrible was it to lose
Her.  Then she returned the final time and I pressed  her
Beneath me and breathlessly said I Love You-  It Was
Said without aforethought from the depths of my soul.
tt was thus  I understood that My Love,is the Lord my
God  was a jealous God who was saying show Me: Your
Love.  Put no treasures before m eand I will be yours -
But lest you misunderstand it was sweet and playful to
                               The End
Oh bland and beautiful afternoon sun
Of  days  gone by it seems I see your beauty
Now for the first time  Everything at peace
In the populated village no one is around You
Are the same but I yearn more than ever to
Draw close  To know you better-this time
In silence all do hear your eternal presence
All language is articulate- because of you is
Manifest.  When there was only time and
Silence one listened to the other and both
Were one and varied and all was always
Beginning and without memory still heard

When other songs are done it is to your voice
Alone rhat I will listen to:  to know eternity
Beauty is the timeless
Eternity called Love
Who is born again the
Angel or the sinner?
Why is history an aged
Crone?  Because it tells
Us to forget and we are
Always trying to keep
What it told us.   It is
Only for the ages and
The moment to be a
Singularity if God gives
Us to know that we are
His children always.

And that is why Boca
Raton is in Palm Beach;
And I can never get too
Big for my briches.
Like an animated picture the long
Blond afternoon stretches far out.
The signs of humanity are all about
But there is no one around-all is still
Then a lone car passes then nothing
Again.  The tableau is lonely as it is
Lovely.  I do not want to change it
I cannot.  I am alone and must be ...
Grateful; and Sad.  Slow change like
A picture is all I have  No more to
Hope for so I must save all I  have
While now whispers with long agos
And everything slowly turns golden

For Bren
From left right and center there
Is a conspiracy of silence or is it
That silence is the way God tells
Us something big is wrong.  I do
not favor conspiracy theories-I
Believe that the truth is too big.
Too grand for scoundrels to win.
So why the silence, why are not
The people's spokesmen raising
A clamor?  Think of the those in
New England, the Abolitionists
Roaring against slavery till the
Great Liberator came forth and
led the country to a second birth.
Now again it is time for a rebirth
Of democracy-Why instead do
We go on worshiping Founding
Fathers as if their thoughts were
Blessed. A ****** Civil War left
Us witness that they were not
Infallible.  When George Bush
Was given the election ignoring
A loss of the popular vote we got
911 and the Iraque War. Now
We have Don Trump who lost
The popular vote by almost 3
Million votes and no one calls it
A disgrace to our democracy-I
Hear no one talking about a
Reform to a system that refuses
To acknowledge that at it's heart
There is something rotten' that
Makes a farce of our holy ideals,
Remember  the last time we did
Not listen to the people.  Now
We have a more flagrant abuse.
What will the punishment be?
Even recognizing that we are
Legally bound to our folly it is
Not an excuse for not making
A start. It took Lincoln 4 years.
We must begin the dismantling
Of the electoral college.  It is an
An anathema to the ideals of our
Country and shows the world
That we are hypocrites who would
Rather parade our ideals than live
Them-God Sees and His silence is
Ominous.  The Emperor has no
Clothes and no shame ...
I think we keep each other alive with
just the hope that we will be together
Again-Something to live for; and if it is...
Without resolution that we cannot die
Before we say  hello good bye again
I pray you do not go away; and that I
May live that you may live-  we may
Live that our love may live 'n if only
In that rippling silence of forever. You
Knowing I love you I knowing you love
Me If only that be true it is enough if it
Be Our Father's will Thy will be done
Believe me
I have known
I have known grief
I have been joyful
I have been at peace
Amidst tribulations
I have shed tears by
The bucketful and
God let me go on
Without any answer
to my sadness.
What are words about
Love?  Are they ever,
Can they ever be more
Than symbols uf things
More real?  More treasured?
Oh Poets be not proud.
A child's laughter is more
Profound.  But that too is
But a symbol of something
Inward, of the Spirit.
I realize now that God is
Polite.  He does not ever
Interrupt our petitions
Our woeful prayers but
Waits until their end
Before He answers
Then is wait   upon our
Notice  He has Answered
.  Let us  now Sing
His Praises for He Is
Good as those who know
Believe. Know  Believe    
Hallelujah  hallelujah

For Aretha
So much wasteful -tedious
Much meaningless busyness
It's taking the peace I seek
Why not let it all go? You
Know you will in the end
Why wait?  It's not so easy
To say Adieu to all, that' is
Getting swamped going on

Slouching towards Bethleham
Or Jerusalem...I forget which
The morning and the evening
Star they are one.  Birth- Death
One.  Time is rhe mother of all
Change.  In time every healing
Comes and it is a wonder that
Cannot be remembered to  know
God's saving grace has blessed
Us again . All His promises:As in
Heaven we see His goodness here

For Time and Love
For my Mother and Father
What sparkles at night is not seen
In the full light of day- the knowing
Of mystery is more wonder ever than
Solution.  How can two mutually ex-
Simultaneously occur yet this is the
Comm0n substance of reality-this
This...This is the wisdom i seek knowing
That with much wisdom comes much
Sorrow.  But in it is an honest work
Even the contemplation of God; and
One does not so much abandon the
Quest for knowledge but falls at last
Into the sleep of the just even unto the
Peace of acceptance of the unknowing
To awake again in the morning to that
to that new heaven and new earth
that makes glad the heart of the child
History is ever a relocation of all we
Knew before- know now then felt we
Must demonstrate-that we do know
What we always knew-Of such are
Civilizations.  But there is a riddle in
That knowing itself that it contains a
Paradox-that embraces its antithesis
That we do not know; cannot know
Ever.  For we are the nothing of the
Universe-less than dust that is every
Where.  Tell me this ye wise men does
The horizon fall below or rise above the
Sphere of your line of sight.  There must
Be another place as my friend the dream
Librarian said to me in honest puzzlement

For Eddy-you were right
It is simple if you are young you
Will make mistakes some will seem
To you very bad and burden you if
You do not believe you are forgiven
Youth is not wise and seeks wisdom
That it may keep from erring again
But this is not to be for we are to
God always children.  Think on this
He was already before the beginning.
He asked Job: Where you when I did
Create the leviathan?  Love forgives
His children  If we  arenot believe
We are forgiven we cannot be His
Children and not being His children
We will not be able to accept the gift
Of our eternal youth that comes to all
Believe God's has  a boundless Love
For His children because as long as
They live they will  always need it and
To who asks believing it shall be given

The only wisdom that is without conceit is
Knowing you are not wise but loved;
Have no conceit of knowing why but
Instead be kind as God is kind to you
In the wondrous ocean of the
Universe so little is known let
Us not be limited in Truth so-
Spacious and that a Metaphor
For anything. at all for anything may
Be-the good; the bad;or  the merely
Different.  As a man's years mount
His reason tells him his time grows
Nigh but is it a reason confined to a
Time gone  by that was not so tried
By time that as it must needs now take
Wonder into  account or embrace the
Grave.  Well with so little left to  gain-
To lose- it is no big thing I think to take
A chance and seek a grander Truth.  To
Take a chance in the mind's.e and  land
Upon foreign shores never  hither been
Explored.  Why do you twinkle little star
All alone in the night the last before I wake...
Know This:
Whatever your present circumstances are
Know this: You will get Better.  Better and
Better Spiritually, Physically.  There may
Seem to be set backs but all in this world
Is merely a stage as  the Bard has said:
Signifying nothing.  A prelude fortelling
A more perfect time to come.  This is true
For all beings always and never more than
At death' door.  Defects morall and physical
Mental and spiritual are but temporary
Platforms before our Rising -All worldly
Judgements are voided.  The judge, the
Hangman and all the worldly cohort are
Confounded.  Know this then at thy core.
Believe then at the darkest hour that you
Are Saved.  All the misbegotten, the lost
The slave. the thief, the lame, the  blind
The ***** all those judged unequal and
Unworthy shall be made whole-Come
Into the light sing and dance and Glorify
God in Heaven that they were saved by
Grace; Nothing defeats the God of Love
Perfecting Perfection still we become ever
Closer to the One who is able to Love
This Is Who You Are...
Once there was a war
No one won a nightmare
From which I am still
Waking up and when I do
It will be forgotten but still
I seek to sleep perchance to
Dream a better dream.

Xmas Morning 1919
I Love You  Oh
Light in darkness
Beauty glimmers
Interior while all
About is shadow
Booming bursting
Hidden the girl I
Love.  This is but
The announcing
Fan fare of the child
Coming golden and
Pristine Promising
Out of Mourning
Stormy I love you
Promise of better
Days to come from
The loss in that city
By the Bay where
One must leave his
Heart to love again.
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