Before Mark Twain knew he would
Always love Becky Thatcher the boy
Sam Clemens knew her as a just a
girl in the neighborhood Saw her as
A fellow child jumping rope giggling
To her friends Not his It was the same
With me when I was small- there was
A girl Pauline with pigtails and very
Shy. We never spoke but I just knew
She very nice and proper too much so
To notice a mutt like me Such like was
The girlhood of my wife All she gave
Me was a sketch of a girl I never met I
did not know I loved her back then but
I know it now. I know it now.
My Dad he not long before he died
Made her a bright tangerine colored kind
Of hassock that when you zipped it open
Four tangerine cushions were stuffed in it
It was carefully crafted something I
Could never make and She loved it
. It was leatherette and a a little gaudy
where has gone to I do not know
but I think .ll find it with her in
Heaven where Father took her When I
Was faraway I loved her then and I love her
Now She was the girl for me; now she.s gone
l loved when I saw her skipping rope
n my mind
So long ago
I loved her then
I love her still
For Barbara