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To know what love"s worth
Letl ove it go and though
It ibe but a  moment it will
Seem you travel thru time
Go from youth to old age
In slow time thru a land
Of grief and tears seeing
What love is not while in
Sharp relief knowing what
Love is.  Love is Forever
This moment shall pass in
The twinkling of an eye
What then shall be? All that
We thought was lost forever
God will restore to us again
Jack said Game Over
I am. and  Your Dead
Lonely and all Alone
He said what is the use
This games a ruse that
leaves me without a friend
He looked around ghosts
All about.  So one by one
He bid them rise All the ones
He had known as friends now
Gone  Again with him to live
Another day; He said never
Again shall I play a game where
To win means saying no to love
Once there was a garden It is
Still there very near here We
Can smell its fragrance sometimes
Of honey suckle  mixed with roses as it
Comes to us upon the summer breezes
But without innocence we cannot
Enter in    Romulus and Remus suckled
Upon the she wolf teats They were babes
Knew no better than  that she was kind to
Them  Are they not our brothers too in the
Long ago when we  too dwelled there in
Were naked and  unafraid  A parable is
A metaphor to dress the truth and make it
More acceptable to some ears than what
Simple innocence  would make clear.  It
Will be with tears that we douse the fiery
Cherubs "s flames that guard the gates of
Paradise where once we walked naked and
Unashamed and knew then the purest face
Of love that we would ever know the gift
that was our beginning  to be as God  made
Us as He makes us even now dressed only in
Our Innocence that no apple comes between
That I knew not the truth I spoke not the truth
With tears of sorrow and joy I know He has
Opened the gates as if they were never there
Is this not my Father  the Father that I love
From a pallet of black and white
Sketching with my mind making
A poem which you must color in
Out of the of a dimly lit consciousness
The yet unborn is given form an idea a
Meaning that needs expression to be made
Clear Important as it once was such as
Charity when first she sprang from the
Human heart as Divine love  The Child
That was forgotten returned to the womb
The seed was planted before time began is
A new creation that I but sketch in prayer
That you may know her in all her glory

For  Debbie Ann
Do not be mad that I called you mad
I am mad too  Has it not been said:
that two negatives make a positive
Yet we shall rejoice in one another
Of poetry there is no end
from out of the heart the soul the mind
It is mined by the grace of God quickened
Always there is much never heard never
written.  All the libraries of the world can
not hold it.  It is silence that casts a spell
that no word can ere express.  It is eternity
In a moment and a moment in eternity-
the light in the darkness the darkness in the
Light.  The Savior who saves us for another
Day Who is every where and no where ......
Something old some thing new
To thine own self be true is a not
A loud command but one evermore
Softly heard.  Do not crucify your
Self on the cross of authenticity
As if you heard some imperial
Command and that to die in pain
As if you never heard His burden
Is lite To all who hear His Call
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