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A for apple B for ball
You're cute baby beautifully small
C for cat D for doll
You baby is the sweetest of all
E for egg F for fish
Baby you're my fulfilled wish
G for goose H for hen
I look at you baby forget all pain
I for ink J for jar
You're baby my brightest star
K for kite L for leaf
Baby you're my strongest belief
M for milk N for nose
You're baby more fragrant than rose
O for owl P for pea
Baby your smile makes me happy
Q for queen R for rain
You're baby my richest gain
S for sun T for toy
Baby you're precious be girl or boy
U for umbrella V for van
Loving you baby is all I can
W for wool X for xylophone
With you baby I feel never alone
Y for yak Z for zoo
Rule my heart baby only you
A childish poem, for Lady RF, prompted by my comment on her poem Tree House.
I am not a woman
No, not a man either
No flesh so keep shush
Crossing borderlines
Of love and hate

Through letters
Perfectly distorted
By motion of emotions
Spilling ink through papers
I am born free to wander

My body is a story
Of pain and pleasure
Slipping through time
Yet keep sailing away
From oblivion*

-I am a poem.
Lately I have this strange feeling of not being a human anymore.
I feel like my biological composition is fleeing and what's left are pure emotions.
And it's actually good, I can be anywhere, be anyone, genderless but still has an identity..
-Equality and Freedom-
Silver bells in miracle laden available sky , the aliens are aware of our plight tonight , they continuously bathe our physical shells in love which we're unable to recognize , they gently coax and relax Earthly creatures with nurturing color on celestial nights , if we could only open our minds to the calm of twilight* ....
Copyright June 9 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Nocturnal , cool June ravishing in the flickers of gas lamplights
Quiet country lanes with familiar friends , Southern engines
tumble over the tracks bound for New Orleans
Barn Owls sing to Apricot horizons , the audible strain of methodic hardwood Rockers
Cicadas , Field Crickets and Katydids stir romantic hearts
Piedmont , Fall line hamlets lie at rest till morning*  ....
Copyright June 10 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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